Chapter 547 Li Jinzhao (52)

To make matters worse, the finance professor who was detained in the police station was extremely well-connected. While he was still under investigation in the detention center, he contacted a lawyer to sue Jiang Meng for defamation. At the same time, he heard about Jiang Meng's good deeds and took the initiative to contact the media for an interview. , proving innocence.

The principal of No. [-] Middle School heard about what happened at the school next door and looked at the students he had recruited this year. He smiled from ear to ear.

Their number of students has doubled this year, snatching many good students from next door. Fei Jinzhao has recently donated a lot of money in his own name, and plans to return to his alma mater to give a lecture to increase the school's reputation.

The principal of No. [-] Middle School knew that he was right to ensure that Jiang Nuannuan came to his school. He just didn't know what the old man from the school next door was thinking. He probably wanted to vomit blood.

In the end, Jiang Meng didn't even attend the entrance ceremony. She ran out of the school in embarrassment, stepping on papers that were all evidence of her crimes.

Those flying papers also floated into the hands of the school nurse in the infirmary. Her face was pale, her mind was filled with thoughts, and a voice told her that she was going to die.

Jiang Meng didn't go home after leaving school. He climbed straight to the top of one of the busiest commercial buildings, pretending to jump off the building, causing onlookers who didn't know the truth to call the police.

When the Jiang family learned that they had been deceived by Jiang Meng, they didn't even have time to get angry. They received a call from the police, saying that Jiang Meng was going to jump off the building, which made Jiang's mother leave her work in the company and rush over.

Jiang's father, who was left alone in the company, also sighed heavily and was in a very bad mood.

The partner next to me asked: "What's going on at home lately?"

Father Jiang paused and nodded.

The man said: "I actually wanted to say it a long time ago. I really can't understand what you and your wife are thinking. You are so cruel that you don't want Jiang Nuannuan. After all, you have raised Jiang Nuannuan by your side for 18 years. You really said that if you change your daughter, just change it." Forget it, okay, but this is what I got back."

He didn't say the second half clearly, but there was a hint of mockery in his eyes when he looked at Father Jiang.

Wealthy families attach great importance to marriage, and both parties must be equally matched. A person who comes out of a vocational school and does bad things is too cruel and has bad conduct, and no one will take notice of him.

He said: "It will be difficult for your daughter to marry in the future. If you want to replace her with Jiang Nuannuan, even if her identity is fake, as long as you admit that it is true, others will still be able to show off for you, and you will be able to compete with other families in the future." Join forces."

The only response he received was Father Jiang's silence.

When Jiang's mother rushed to the place, she saw Jiang Meng sitting on the rooftop. For a moment, she felt exhausted both physically and mentally, and her face was full of fatigue.

There have been so many things caused by this daughter these days, so many that she can't even feel distressed now, only tired.

"Come down and tell me what you have to say."

Jiang Meng cried: "I'm sorry, mom, I didn't mean it. I didn't mean to drive her away."

"You come down first."

Mother Jiang took a deep breath, held her forehead, and looked at her daughter on the rooftop, almost double her image.

She couldn't help but think about how there would be so many things happening if Jiang Nuannuan was the only one and her daughter hadn't found Jiang Meng. Although the girl was so arrogant, she didn't make them feel uncomfortable other than that. In this place, Jiang Nuannuan has always been self-reliant and well-behaved since she was a child. How could she forget?

Looking at Jiang Meng's yellowish skin and the conspicuous mean look on her ugly face from crying, she finally came into Jiang's mother's eyes for the first time.

She thought that she regretted it a little.Finally, Jiang's mother said that she would pursue this matter to the end, arrest those who spread the rumors, and said that she believed her. Jiang Meng, who had not wanted to commit suicide, was rescued by firefighters.

Before the mother and daughter got on the bus, people gathered around them on three levels inside and three outside.

As the matter continued to ferment, some voices appeared on the Internet to speak for Jiang Meng, believing that she would be innocent even if she jumped off a building, indicating that she was indeed wronged.

Unfortunately, such voices did not last for a few days. An exclusive interview with an authoritative professor in the financial world was published in the newspapers, and a lawyer's letter from him was posted on Weibo with a two-sentence catchy title.

[A devil is used to deceiving the masses, relying on capturing the kindness of people who don’t know the truth, and using public opinion to say that he is innocent. 】

[Regarding this matter, no matter how many tricks this true daughter of the Jiang family, who doesn’t even know junior high school subjects, has to resort to, I firmly believe that justice will come, and I will fight to the end. 】

At the same time, Jiang Meng's grades for all four subjects during summer tutoring were red-lined, and all were posted online by her teachers. They all said that she was a helpless Adou, and that she was just lying because she was afraid of being scolded by her mother because of her grades.

The daughter that the Jiang family finally recognized has been proven by the entire Internet to be a scheming idiot who can't even compare to Jiang Nuannuan's toes. The Jiang family is so clueless as to be led by Jiang Meng. It's hard not to doubt their character.

The stocks of Jiang's company also plummeted at this moment, and the newly negotiated cooperation collapsed due to various reasons.

In just one week, their stocks plummeted, with a direct loss of more than one billion. Shareholders began to jump on their feet and asked them to calm down the matter immediately.

Jiang's father came home full of grievances and anger. Hearing that Jiang Meng had been locked in the house all day long and refused to go out, he directly took the key and opened the door. He saw his daughter who was still sleeping in the bed until the afternoon. And the bedside table is full of snack bags.

He was so angry that he dragged the person awake and slapped him, "Look what you are doing!"

Miserable cries came from upstairs.

"Dad! I was wrong, Dad! I'm sorry!"

"Get out!" Father Jiang dragged her to the floor, threw her to the door, and shouted at the servant, "Pack her clothes and send her back!"

Jiang Meng's soul was shattered, "No! Dad! Dad! It's not me! It's really not me! I was wronged! You believe me, you believe me!"

Jiang's father didn't want to pay attention to her at all. He, who already had a bad temper, became even more angry. The two of them pulled each other to the edge of the stairs. He held the railing and shook his hand violently. Jiang Meng stumbled and rolled down the stairs.

There was a platform below. She fell on it and her head was bleeding. She turned over and slowly got up. She asked with tears in her eyes: "Why are you doing this to me? It's really not me."

Seeing her like this, Jiang's father clenched his fists. Just when that little bit of trust was about to emerge again, Jiang's mother came back, holding an envelope in her hand, followed by several policemen and lawyers.

When Jiang Meng saw her, it was as if he had seen a savior. He ran up and down to hug her, but a letter was shoved into her first.

The first thing Jiang's mother said was: "Go back and give my daughter back."

Jiang Meng froze on the spot, ".What?"

(End of this chapter)

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