Chapter 548 Fei Jin calls (53)

Jiang’s mother: “The school doesn’t want you anymore. The school doctor who spoke for you was later proven to have lied, and she was fired. The police who came this time were the ones you claimed to be innocent. I brought them to you. You cooperate with the investigation.” Well, tell yourself how that professor insulted you, and then leave after handling it."

Jiang Meng's eyes were distracted, "You don't want me anymore?"

In fact, after Jiang Meng was asked to drop out of high school, Jiang's mother's first thought was to send her to another school to at least go to college. Unfortunately, the Jiang family made things so ugly this time that she ran away for a day. None of the schools were willing to accept Jiang Meng again. On the way home, she received a call from the police and heard yet another layer of truth that made her heartbroken and disappointed.

Jiang's mother looked sad, pointed at her nose and said, "When do you still want to pretend to be innocent and play with us? Do you know that the day you were beaten was also videotaped! Do you know! That video is [-] Show the cause and effect clearly, what are you still quibbling about these days? You framed Nuan Nuan, you framed my daughter and caused our mother and daughter to separate, what are you quibbling about!"

"Did I frame Jiang Nuannuan?"

Jiang Meng staggered twice, scratched his messy hair, screamed with red eyes, and his tone was trembling and collapsed: "Didn't you give the opportunity? Didn't you connive!? You had the opportunity to investigate a long time ago. In my first You were able to investigate the first time you harmed her. Did you investigate? Didn’t you unconditionally believe me and disbelieve her, saying I framed her? It was all with your tacit approval!!"

"What you love is just your biological daughter. How much do you love Jiang Nuannuan? Now you are saying that I have caused separation between you and your daughter! How do you have the right to say that! "

She yelled like a hysterical madman, yelling at everyone present.

Mother Jiang slapped her hard, "Shut up! Shut up!"

Her chest heaved up and down several times, then she turned to the police and said, "Take her back for questioning."

When Jiang Meng was pulled away, she turned around and cried, "Mom! I am your daughter! You can't give up on me! I don't want to have nothing! I don't want to have nothing!"

In the end, the police investigation came up with the latest results and posted them online, giving Jiang Nuannuan justice and the finance professor's innocence.

Jiang Meng came out of the police station and received a notice from the Jiang family's lawyer.

They will pay her 2000 yuan a month for living expenses to support her until she finds a job. Yes, a job. She is already 19. The official high school does not want her, and the vocational school she dropped out of before cannot re-enroll because of her age.

If she wanted to go to school again, she would have to spend money to go to an adult high school, but that would be of no use. Her dream of a luxurious princess was completely shattered after only a few months of being a princess.

Jiang Meng dragged her only suitcase back to her original village, and she took the initiative to abandon her unwanted home.

She tentatively called out, "Mom? Dad?"

The door of the house was locked and empty, and she had long since lost the key to the house and could not get in. She dragged her suitcase to the field and found that there were no crops growing in the field.

A farmer riding a tricycle passing by saw her, stopped the car, looked at her curiously, and then said, "Xiao Meng? You are back again."

Jiang Meng asked blankly: "Where are my parents?"

The other party said, "Aren't your parents from a wealthy family who are in the news every day?" His tone was quite sarcastic. He also watched the news and knew how evil-minded this little girl in the village was. He said, "You mean Your adoptive parents? They have been taken by their biological daughter to live in Bishui Bay, right? They seem to have found a more leisurely cleaning job there. This house is probably going to be sold, and they will not come back." Jiang The dream shook her head, "Then, where will I live?"

The uncle said, "Go back to your own home. It's against the law for your biological parents not to care about you."

But she was already an adult and had all the compulsory education she should have. The Jiang family even hired a lawyer to clear the relationship. How could she go back?Why go back?
Looking at the dry crops in the field, Jiang Meng was at a loss.

She doesn't have a home now.

Does she really want to go out and go back to that rat's nest, work all her life, and be an ordinary person all her life?
During Jiang Nuannuan's three years at university, the Jiang family came to see her many times but to no avail. However, until she graduated and married Fei Jinzhao, the wedding ceremony was held at home in the countryside.

She completely let go of the Jiang family. She even confiscated the gifts they sent and returned them intact. And because of Fei Jinzhong's pressure, the Jiang family no longer dared to come to her.

Fei Jinzhao has returned to the Fei family in the past three years, and her private actions have not failed at all. In addition to retaining Feixin, the real estate business in Li Jingtian's hands has been almost eaten by him. No one dares to marry anyone he wants. be opposed to.

He spent hundreds of millions on this sky-high wedding, and even in the prenuptial agreement before the marriage, it was directly stated that he would not take any of the property distribution rights in the event of divorce.

How much does he love Jiang Nuannuan? People around him joke that he is the kind of person who can go bankrupt and risk his life.

And Jiang Nuannuan, who is at the center of public opinion, took advantage of the popularity of her marriage after graduation to open her first jewelry studio. The first series of lovers' series was the gold ring presented by Fei Jinzhao. As a prototype, I further designed and modified the necklace.

The ring-like pendant on the necklace was broken, and the crack was sealed with a bandage-like design, making it look like a complete ring again.

Many people didn't understand this novel design at first, until they saw the story behind it given by the designer. The prince in the previous life couldn't love her, and when the princess died, she didn't really say that she was with him. The ring was tried on on her There is always a gap missing on the finger.

Now she made it up with her own hands.

Tell him that she will love him for two lifetimes.

This very unique necklace belongs to mid-range luxury. Each necklace is priced at around [-]. It sold out within seconds of going on sale and has become a popular item at the moment.

Compared with Fei Jinzhao, Jiang Nuannuan does not earn much as a newly graduated designer, but the tens of millions are enough for her to buy a house for her family in the community next to Bishuiwan, and she can provide monthly income to her elders. With living expenses, they can go to work and travel, and they can do whatever they want with the rest of their lives, worry-free.

Of course, no matter what they are doing, there are always ready-made pickles delivered to their door every few months, which is the most honest love from mother.

"Fei Jinzhao, do you think you are okay?" Jiang Nuannuan shook the ankle chain and listened to the bell ringing softly, "I have been with you for 8 years, and you still want to lock me up. I want to go downstairs. I complained to grandma.”

(End of this chapter)

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