Chapter 549: Fei Jin’s Call (End)
"Fei Jinzhao, do you think you are okay?" Jiang Nuannuan shook the ankle chain and listened to the bell ringing softly, "I have been with you for 8 years, and you still want to lock me up. I want to call you." I complained to grandma.”

The man was wearing an apron and cooking in the kitchen. After hearing this, he walked out to the living room and said calmly: "You went to see Ying Hao for the third time this month."

Jiang Nuannuan: "."

"She's getting married too, and she just asked me to order a diamond ring."

"You lied to me." Fei Jin brought the sweet and sour pork tenderloin she liked to eat recently to the table and said in a deep voice: "He doesn't even have a girlfriend."

Jiang Nuannuan was stunned, "Huh? I didn't know he didn't have a girlfriend. Have you checked him out?"

Fei Jinzhao nodded. He thought he was tolerant and didn't take action directly, leaving the other party half-dead.

Jiang Nuannuan really didn't know that Ying Hao was deceiving her. They hadn't seen each other for 8 years, so how could such a childhood sweetheart have such a deep love for her?

She thought it was no wonder that no matter how she explained it these past few days, he had been in a bad mood and locked her away. This misunderstanding was no wonder for him who was sensitive.

"Then I'll tell him tomorrow that I won't make the ring anymore, and you let go of me."

Fei Jinzhao was silent, "I'll have a meal with their family tomorrow."

Jiang Nuannuan: "Ah?"

He looked over and said, "Send him out of the country."

Jiang Nuannuan: "."

She sighed helplessly, "I'm going to use the toilet first."

As soon as she entered the toilet, Jiang Nuannuan sat down, glanced at the drawer next to her, turned her eyes away and then back, raised her hand to open the drawer, and inside lay a box of reagents that she had bought last month.

Last month, Fei Jin took half a month's annual leave to accompany her, and she was very cruel. Thinking that the whole family was their battlefield, she felt a little ashamed.

Moreover, her aunt didn't come at the beginning of this month, and there were a few times when they were so crazy that they didn't even have enough condoms, so she asked him to come over a few times. Her job is stable now, and if she can have a baby early and recover quickly, she will I feel like I just let it take its course.

She tore open a strip of reagent and tried it.

After a few minutes, Fei Jin didn't see Jiang Nuannuan coming out. She thought she was angry, so she walked over and knocked on the door with a serious face, "I don't believe you. Wife, come out and let's talk."

Still no response inside.

Fei Jin approached the crack of the door, lowered her voice, and her Adam's apple rolled, "I'm the wrong wife, please open the door."

Jiang Nuannuan opened the door with a bang and threw the things into his arms, "See for yourself."


Fei Jin was caught off guard by the call. He finally held it and lowered his head to see the two red bars clearly. His whole body froze, including Qing Jun's face.

Jiang Nuannuan patted his arm, "Fei Jinzhao, you said I'm pregnant, who else can spy on a pregnant woman? Can you put your guard down?"

She had cooperated with him in bondage games for so many days, and her body couldn't bear it.It's okay now, I'm really pregnant this time.

No matter what life, this is a novel experience for Fei Jinzhao, "Are you pregnant? Am I going to be a father?"

It was rare to see him showing a hint of panicked stupidity.

Jiang Nuannuan was so soft-hearted that she got into his arms and said, "Fei Jinzhao, there will be someone in the family to love you from now on."

He hugged her tightly, his eyes red.

"Let's go check it out, go to the hospital now."

Jiang Nuannuan: "Why are you in such a hurry?"

His eyes were slightly melancholy, "I've been careless these past few days, he should be fine."

Jiang Nuannuan blushed and hit him on the chest, "Then how do I know? Why don't you let me have dinner first? What was wasted on that table of dishes you made?"

Fei Jinzhao kissed her on the lips and said, "Eat first."

She held his hand that was shaking with excitement and squeezed it hard, "I love you, you know?"

When he looked at her, his eyes turned red.


Jiang Nuannuan smiled, "We will always be happy."

However, a week after Jiang Nuannuan's prenatal check-up, Fei Jinzhao was still unhappy that Ying Hao approached Jiang Nuannuan in the name of making rings, and quietly sent her out of the country again.

He is like an evil dragon who loves treasure. He will eradicate all knights who come to protect it forever and ever.

On the day when the baby was born with great expectation, Fei Jinzhao escorted Jiang Nuannuan out of the delivery room. Seeing her wife's weak appearance, her heart was filled with ups and downs.

Jiang Nuannuan raised her hand to touch his moist face with great effort, smiling with crooked eyes, "I love you, and my child will love you in the future. Why are you crying when you are surrounded by love?"

Fei Jinzhao leaned over and kissed her chapped lips, "I will always love you and the child."

In this life, he came to heaven, had everything, and finally lived a happy life without any regrets.

Later, I heard rumors from a certain hospital that Mr. Fei Jiafei had undergone a sterilization surgery. Everyone lamented that he really loved his wife to the core.

As for the Jiang family, due to business problems, they have withdrawn from the circle of top wealthy families over time. They have no children. Jiang's mother gave birth to another son at the age of over 50, and her body was completely ruined.

As for Jiang Meng, when Jiang Nuannuan was hosting a multi-million-dollar birthday party for her children under the name of a genius designer and a wealthy lady, Jiang Meng was still giving gifts to a fat man in his 40s with a family because he was extremely short of money. The boss was his mistress, and even if someone caught her and tore her hair, she would still smile and lean into her boss's arms while wearing scantily clad clothes.

How can a person who has seen the prosperity of a wealthy family go back to his former poverty-stricken life?

(End of this chapter)

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