Chapter 550 Gu Shizhou (1)

The line lamp in the bedroom casts a warm light on the bed, and a few quiet classical music played on the Bluetooth speaker.

The sound of water gurgling in the bathroom has stopped.

The man pulled on the matching gloves of his bathrobe. The front of the dark bathrobe was open all the way to his waist, revealing his chest and flat and strong abdomen. He casually wiped away the water droplets from the ends of his hair, blew it dry a little, and smoothed his forehead. The broken hair was pulled back, revealing a pair of dark and passionate peach blossom eyes.

After walking out of the bathroom, he closed the door slightly and came to the bed.

The girl lying on one side of the bed was lying sideways, with a thin quilt covering her abdomen. The warm orange light lightly outlined her superior and delicate facial features. Her jade-white legs were folded together and folded together, and the hem of her skirt barely covered her buttocks.

Jiang Nuannuan slept in a daze, and a hot body pressed against her behind, making her feel uncomfortable all over.

"Don't cling to me, it's too hot."

She twisted randomly, Gu Shizhou held her crotch, pushed it back, and said softly, "It's hard to come back, there's no way."

He grabbed the air conditioner remote control with one hand, saw that she had turned it on at 28 degrees, and then lowered it to 16. Then he threw away the remote control, ran his hand up her thigh, and placed a delicate kiss on the back of her neck.

Even though she was sleeping soundly, Jiang Nuannuan was woken up by him. Her body suddenly trembled violently, as if an electric current had passed through her body. She grabbed the sheets with her fingers, opened her closed eyes, and turned to look at him in a hazy state, "Gu Shizhou! You are a gangster!"

She didn't expect him to just barge in.

The man's face was stained with lust, he smiled uninhibitedly and pretended to be aggrieved, "We haven't seen each other for a week. Do you miss me? Or do you miss it?"

Jiang Nuannuan let out a low cry and pushed up two inches, almost hitting the head of the bed.

She grabbed his hand and scratched it hard, "A week is not a year, you go out quickly, I have class tomorrow morning."

"Do you miss me?" He stubbornly asked her to answer this question, holding her shoulders and turning her over, leaning over and biting her jaw, "Tell me, baby."

His voice was vague and lingering, his breath rolled on her cheeks, and his arms surrounding her made her unable to hide, bullying her wantonly.

Jiang Nuannuan's eyes soon became filled with water. She hooked her hands around his waist and pinched him hard. His neck was gently locked by him and he lifted his waist.


Seeing his move to put a pillow under her waist, she immediately opened her mouth to say that she thought about it, but Gu Shizhou directly blocked her mouth and the words leaked out between his teeth.

"Don't tell me? Then let's communicate in another way first."

The girl's eyes turned red, and her palms were finally weak against his chest. Her vision wandered, and the man's exquisite facial features always occupied the center of her sight, stained with heat, bright and beautiful.

At the end of two hours of tossing, only the 16-degree air-conditioning cold wind came in handy. Jiang Nuannuan, who was completely unconscious, was pressed tightly in Gu Shizhou's arms and wrapped in a quilt. She no longer felt any warmth. .

The man held her hand with unsatisfied intentions, squeezed his fingertips in, and bit her earlobe.

Jiang Nuannuan shrank her shoulders and muttered subconsciously, "I miss you so much."

She was extremely tired and really didn't want to do it.

Gu Shizhou liked her behavior very much, so he hooked her and said, "Then tell me you like it and let me hear it."

Jiang Nuannuan closed her eyes and immediately fell asleep. Her voice was incoherent and still perfunctory, "I like you."

Gu Shizhou nudged her again, "Say you love me."

Jiang Nuannuan frowned, "I love you."

He was still not satisfied, so he tricked her and said, "Go and get the certificate tomorrow?"

The person in his arms was silent.

Usually at this time, Jiang Nuannuan could subconsciously reject him even if his brain was down.

Gu Shizhou buried his head in her neck dissatisfied, "Why do you have to wait until you finish school?"

The morning class is at 9 o'clock.Jiang Nuannuan's 8 o'clock alarm clock didn't wake her up. It wasn't until 08:30 that she felt something strange moving under her body, and she suddenly woke up.

"Gu Shizhou!"

Her voice was weak, in disbelief that he had stayed in there all night.

Knowing that he always likes to be messy with me, this is too much trouble.

The man kissed her smooth back and said in a touching voice, "I know you have a school lecture to listen to at nine o'clock. Give me another 10 minutes."

Jiang Nuannuan turned her face to the side and looked at the arms holding up beside her. After thinking about it, she hummed between her lips and said in embarrassment: "Don't tell me that the speaker is you."

A low laugh came from behind, "I fought hard for it."

The hot breath fell on the ear, coaxing, "If you are late, you will be late together, so why worry."

Jiang Nuannuan straightened her insteps, grabbed his wrist and took a deep breath, "You and I are different."

"But I haven't seen you for a fucking week, so I don't think you can feel it when you think about exploding?"

Gu Shizhou picked her up and turned her around. The light from the gaps in the curtains fell on his handsome face like spots. There were so many emotions hidden in those affectionate peach blossom eyes, which seduced Jiang Nuannuan's heart. Feeling hot.

"Give it to me, huh?"

She hooked her arms around his neck and took another deep breath. Finally, unable to resist the beauty, she gave in and said, "10 minutes."

"half an hour."

"Gu Shizhou! Don't bargain with me!"

After finally softening her temper, Gu Shizhou didn't dare to offend her, so he curled his lips and kissed her, "That fifteen is the biggest concession."

Jiang Nuannuan had no choice but to compromise.

In the end, she really had no strength, so he carried her to the bathroom to clean up briefly, and the two of them arrived at school in the last five minutes.

Jiang Nuannuan got out of his car and sneaked into the venue first.

My friend Xia Jun took away his bag and whispered to her to sit down quickly, "Why are you so late today?"

Jiang Nuannuan yawned, "I worked on the design all night yesterday."

True·Gu Shizhou·Design walked into the auditorium surrounded by a group of teacher representatives. The school Jiang Nuannuan attends now is also the prestigious school majoring in finance that the Jiang family asked her to choose before. In addition to being a star now, Gu Shizhou also He is also the eldest son of the Gu Group, and he has achieved outstanding results at a young age. It is also a great honor for the school that he can come to the school to give lectures and exchanges.

Xia Jun excitedly took several secret photos of the other party with his mobile phone, pushing Jiang Nuannuan's arm, "Damn, this is my first time seeing Gu Shizhou in person. He is really handsome! That super invincible scumbag Handsome!"

Jiang Nuannuan couldn't help but glance at her, "Super invincible scumbag?"

Xia Jun: "Just looking at it for one second can make a woman fall, don't you think?"

Jiang Nuannuan turned her head and looked at the man on the stage who looked like a dog in his clothes, and nodded, "Yes, I think so too."

She met Gu Shizhou by chance in her freshman year. At a business party, her mother took her to show off the expensive princess dresses in her closet. She went everywhere to make connections with people. She knew that this gesture was to prepare for future marriage.

As for Gu Shizhou, he was born to be the center of attention wherever he stood, and there was always a group of close friends around him. Her mother could only avoid him.

When asked about the reason, it was said that he was almost hit by a car once for no apparent reason, and even made a confusing comment.

Jiang Nuannuan once asked something.

Jiang's mother looked crazy and said that he wanted their family to maintain family harmony, otherwise he would kill them.

I heard that his tone was quite cruel at that time...
(Cavan, first update -. -, I don’t have a preference for which one is more or less, I just feel it is written accordingly.)
(End of this chapter)

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