Chapter 551 Gu Shizhou (2)

Not long afterward, a bloody family farce happened. It was discovered that Jiang Nuannuan was not the biological daughter of the Jiang family. The two children were mistakenly carried by the hospital in the town at that time.

Jiang Meng was brought back from the countryside, and the Jiang family had always claimed that she was the adopted daughter of He Yanyuan. They did not dare to challenge Jiang Nuannuan's official family status at all, nor did they allow her to return to the countryside, and they kept the matter under wraps.

In other words, Jiang Nuannuan also knew very well that she could still live well in the Jiang family and be equally favored by her parents, all because of Gu Shizhou's perhaps unintentional threat at that time.

He had a great influence on her family, so Jiang Nuannuan agreed to his advances and pursuits without much consideration. She would not suffer any loss, and she would have a backer that no one dared to touch.

But at that time she didn't think about people like him at all. They would be together for a long time.

But from their freshman year to their internship in their junior year this year, they have been struggling for three years.

In the past three years, Gu Shizhou has been very good to her and protective of her. He always responds to her requests. He provides her with houses, cars, and luxury goods every month without interruption. He will also be the first to help her when she is unhappy or needs help. He appeared, looking like a perfect lover who couldn't find any faults.

If she agreed to date him at the beginning to scare her family members not to mess around and block her future path, but the human heart is full of flesh, long-term physical lingering and mental entanglement, love will breed in lust, she does Fall in love with him.

Jiang Nuannuan looked at the people on the podium with slightly soft eyes.

Xia Jun next to him said: "Tsk, I was just about to save the photo of Best Actor Gu and post it on Weibo, but I saw the annoying hot search again."

She tilted her head and her gaze fell on Xia Jun's mobile phone. The soft light in her eyes receded and eventually became dull.

Gu Shizhou's new drama just finished filming not long ago, and now the woman's studio has launched a marketing campaign to hype up the CP. In the Reuters picture, there is a photo of the man holding an umbrella on the steps to pick up the girl, and there is a photo of the two parties having dinner together in a private room. Everything seems to be going well. Because several photos have become more ambiguous.

Xia Jun said: "Every time they have to take advantage of the heat."

Jiang Nuannuan retracted her eyes, took out the water bottle in her bag, opened it, and took a sip. The person next to her pushed her arm again, "Do you think there is a real sister-in-law here?"

Jiang Nuan warmed her hands and screwed on the bottle cap, "What do you think of me?"

Xia Jun was stunned, looked at her twice, and then shook his head, "We Jiang Jiang deserve better."

Jiang Nuannuan chuckled, "Why?"

Xia Jun touched her face and said, "As I said, there is nothing to say about the acting skills of Movie Emperor Gu, but there are too many gossips. Although so far they are all hyped up by the woman and the man's studio has clarified it, but there is no guarantee that there is a real person mixed up in it. Yes, aren’t all celebrities like this, and he is also the son of the boss of the Gu Group. To be honest, I think there are a lot of people like this."

"Lover." Jiang Nuannuan held her chin, "That's what it sounds like."

He asked himself when he would make this public, and it must have been three years since he asked.

She tilted her head and said, "My family's financial situation is so-so. If we get married, my family will take advantage and look good."

Hearing this, Xia Jun also knew about her family's situation and was not surprised that she knew Gu Shizhou through channels. He just said, "I think you still have to find someone you like to get married, otherwise this life will be too difficult."

Jiang Nuannuan looked at the person above and said calmly: "What should I do? I feel like I quite like him, and he can give me what I want."

The bed and bed are very good. Thinking about it carefully, I really can't fault it.

Xia Jun was speechless: "Okay, okay, but first, we have to establish a relationship with someone and make an appointment for dinner first."

The two of them held their heads together and whispered. During the question-and-answer session, a girl boldly asked Gu Shizhou: "What is your ideal type? What kind of person would you consider marrying in the future?" Gu Shizhou raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at her with peach blossom eyes. Jiang Nuannuan, who finally stopped talking and looked up at him, put one hand in his pocket, pondered for a moment, and smiled: "It's hard to say, because she is still in college."

The whole place was in an uproar, with red faces and heartbeats.

The girl who asked the question, who was glanced at by Gu Shizhou, was immediately aroused and covered her chest.

Xia Jun gave a thumbs up, "Look at this top publicist who has made all the college students his girlfriend, look at his ability to attract fans, look at this seductive appearance with a broken leg."

Jiang Nuannuan leaned next to her, looked at the man from afar, and curled her lower lip.

After the lecture, a message came in on her phone.

Gu Shizhou: It’s Chenxing Club tonight, it’s Bailiang’s birthday, let’s go have dinner with me.

Jiang Nuannuan: Okay, I just have an account to settle with you.

Gu Shizhou scratched his eyebrows. He didn't understand what she meant for a while, so he simply called and said, "Should I pick you up tonight?"

Jiang Nuannuan decisively refused, "I'll go by myself, I don't need to come to school."

Gu Shizhou gritted his teeth, "Am I so shameless?"

Jiang Nuannuan: "We agreed."

There was silence on the other side, and he hung up the phone aggrievedly.

Previously, Jiang Nuannuan agreed to be with Gu Shizhou, and the first condition was that the relationship should not be made public during college. On the one hand, she thought that the two would not be together for so long, and there was no need to make it known to everyone. It would be unseemly to break up in the future. On the one hand, there is the Jiang family.

Now that Jiang Meng is back, in order to make up for her years of poverty, her monthly expenditure alone is on luxury goods, which is several times more than what Jiang Nuannuan purchased.

The Jiang family has suffered losses due to Jiang's father's investments in recent years, and the internal wear and tear has continued. In order to compensate Jiang Meng, Jiang's mother did not stop her behavior at all. If she could successfully gain the conditions of the Gu family, Jiang Nuannuan knew that she would definitely be beaten by them. Don’t hesitate to launch it as a commodity.

Privately, she didn't want to face Gu Shizhou like this.

Every move he made in school today was posted online by the media. Some people said that his response about his girlfriend was a perfect response, while others speculated whether Gu Shizhou really had a girlfriend in college.

In the evening, because of an impromptu meeting in the company, Gu Shizhou still sent a car to pick up Jiang Nuannuan, but no one was with her.

The car parked in front of the school was not high-profile. It was a black five-series BMW, and it didn't look out of place with her.

Jiang Nuannuan said goodbye to Xia Jun, opened the door and got in the car and went all the way to the Morning Star Club.

The most prosperous entertainment venue in Linggang is jointly opened by Gu Shizhou and his friends. The top floor is a whole floor of private rooms specially opened for him, which covers all entertainment including swimming pools, bars, KTVs.

Jiang Nuannuan had been with him many times, and this time she was familiar with the place and asked the waiter to swipe his card and walked in slowly.

Behind the corner of one wall, there was a large living room that suddenly opened up. There were several men sitting on the circular sofa with their backs to her. They were brothers that Bai Liang and Gu Shizhou knew together.

(End of this chapter)

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