Chapter 552 Gu Shizhou (3)

They all grew up in the same compound, and everyone is familiar with each other.

The young master holding a beautiful woman happened to be chatting with Gu Shizhou, "Did you watch Young Master Gu's interview today? Is he finally planning to make an official announcement?"

Another person replied: "Official announcement? Who made the official announcement?"

Bo Liang laughed loosely, "Of course it's Jiang Nuannuan, who else could it be besides her? Gu Shizhou just had to tie up his belt."

"That's not necessarily true." The first young master laughed playfully, "Didn't Fu Shiliu go abroad after graduating from high school? He will also be going to college now. Don't say you were not surprised when you first saw Mr. Gu bringing Jiang Nuannuan here. The person looks not only 78 points, but also [-] or [-] points similar. When I look at things, I miss people."

Bai Liang was confused. Speaking of which, he and Gu Shizhou grew up wearing crotchless pants. How come he didn't know that he was also having an affair with Fu Shiliu?We didn’t see any spark between these two in high school?
"Fu Shiliu? What does it have to do with her?" Before he could finish asking, Hang Panxia's voice came to mind from behind, "Miss Jiang, you are here too."

The conversation came to an abrupt end.

Several people turned their heads with slightly horrified eyes.

Jiang Nuannuan stood there calmly, holding a glass of wine in his hand, and smiled, "Oh, I just arrived."

When Bai Liang saw her smile, his heart skipped a beat and he felt like he was going to die.

He stood up immediately, "Shizhou didn't come with you."

"We're not done yet." Jiang Nuannuan and Hang Panxia walked over and each found a sofa to sit down.

Several men looked at each other with subtle glances at each other.

Jiang Nuannuan smiled lightly and raised her glass, "What are you doing? Don't you welcome me?"

Seeing that she acted as if nothing was wrong, just like usual, several people relaxed and clinked their glasses with her.

Hang Panxia took another look at Jiang Nuannuan, knowing that she had actually been standing there for a long time. He also knew that she and Gu Shizhou were no different from her and Bai Liang.

She looked away, finished a glass of wine, stood up and gave the gift to Bai Liang, "Here you go."

Bai Liang wanted to pull her into his arms, but Hang Panxia moved his hand without leaving a trace, and said lightly: "It's a breakup gift."

The man's smile froze, "What did you say?"

Hang Panxia took two steps back and said, "Don't get angry in a hurry. Can you take it apart and take a look first?"

Jiang Nuannuan crossed her legs, held her chin, and watched with interest as Bai Liang opened the gift with a cold face, and then took out a pregnancy test stick.

He frowned, suddenly raised his eyes and asked Hang Panxia, ​​"Are you pregnant?"

I couldn't tell what I was feeling, but for the first time, there seemed to be a secret excitement in my heart.

The woman with gentle temperament shook her head, "It wasn't me, it was you who got my colleague pregnant and brought her to my place. I came here to hand it over to you today just to let you know that it's you who wants to solve the problem for Mr. Bai." thing, but I feel so disgusting to be in the middle of it.”

"Bai Liang, please change your lover."

She turned around and picked up her bag to leave. Passing by Jiang Nuannuan, she paused again and looked down, "Miss Jiang, can I buy you a cup of coffee?"

There was a need for help in her eyes. Jiang Nuannuan stood up and stood in front of Bai Liang who was walking over. He held Hang Panxia's arm and said with a smile: "Okay, we won't attend the man's birthday party. You guys Did you have fun?"

Bai Liang looked ugly, "Jiang Nuannuan."

Jiang Nuannuan just looked at him, turned around and left.She knew that with Gu Shizhou supporting her, no one dared to touch her, and she had to hold it in no matter how unhappy she was.

The two girls had just come out of the elevator on the first floor, and Gu Shizhou happened to step into the elevator, just in time.

Jiang Nuannuan arrived at the front desk and took out Gu Shizhou's VIP card. "The swimming pool on the top floor is empty. Young Master Bailiang and Young Master Gu are both here today. Let's send some beauties up there."

"Good Miss Jiang."

Hang Panxia was a little surprised to hear what she said.

Seeing her eyes, Jiang Nuannuan knew what she was thinking, "I care about Gu Shizhou very much. I have always trusted him in the past three years. Today, my trust accidentally collapsed."

Hang Panxia couldn't figure out her state of mind for a while, whether she was indifferent or sad.

Upstairs, Gu Shizhou threw off his suit and entered the glass door. He started looking for Jiang Nuannuan. He just sent her a WeChat message and she said she was already there. After searching around, she didn't see anyone.

He frowned, "Where's my baby?"

Among the men sitting on the sofa, one of them answered him while suppressing a smile, "Bai Liang's lover was kidnapped, and he got his girl's companion pregnant."

Bai Liang said with a cold face, "Who knows what's wrong? I don't touch anyone randomly."

Gu Shizhou was relieved that he was not running away with a man. However, he knew that in his previous life, this brother would still be a single like him when he was 50 years old. In this life, he was kind enough to persuade him to turn around.

Now that Hang Panxia has broken up with him, Gu Shizhou silently lit a candle for him in his heart, and then said dissatisfiedly: "Hang Panxia is making trouble with you, why are you dragging me along? No one is stopping you?"

Bai Liang took a sip of wine with his head down. There was still a broken glass at his feet. He raised his head and said in a deep voice: "Who does she think she is? I gave her the resources and bought the things. How can she break up with me?"

Several friends nearby said: "It's true, these things are gone, sooner or later people will come back crying and begging you."

At this time, the glass door opened for the second time. Several people looked back and saw a group of beauties in bikinis filing in.

Gu Shizhou frowned suddenly, with a trace of anger in his eyes. The girl wanted to come up and sit on his lap, but when she was stared at by his ferocious eyes, she immediately turned around and jumped into the swimming pool.

He turned back and looked at the group of men with a sinister expression, his expression lost, "Have I ever said that when Jiang Nuannuan comes, you are not allowed to order these things and make trouble in front of her?"

They immediately shouted that they were wronged, "No, Master Gu! It's not the point! It's really not the point! It's not us!"

When there was Jiang Nuannuan's game, they didn't bring their own female companions. Who would dare to play with women here?

The waiter at the back was called up for questioning, and immediately lowered her head and said in a panic: "Miss Jiang ordered it. She said she wanted Master Bai to celebrate his birthday tonight and have a good time with Master Gu and others. She paid for it. Hua Gu Fewer cards pay the bill.”

Gu Shizhou's face turned dark.

He quickly stood up and dialed Jiang Nuannuan. He hung up the phone mercilessly before it rang for three seconds. He called two more times and then dialed out. The other party was annoyed and turned off the phone. .


Gu Shizhou couldn't stay still at all. He grabbed the suit he had just taken off and hurriedly walked out. The evil aura around him directly lowered the atmosphere of the club to freezing point.

After everyone left, one of the young masters dared to speak, "Isn't he too serious like this?"

When Bai Liang heard this, he looked at him and whispered, "You can't see it after three years?"

Just now they were talking about Fu Shiliu
(End of this chapter)

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