Chapter 553 Gu Shizhou (4)

Several people's expressions were a little horrified, hoping that Lord Jiang Nuannuan would have a lot of food, go in and out of the left ear, and just treat this as a joke.

The club's wonderful birthday party was ruined. Jiang Nuannuan and Hang Panxia went to a nearby coffee shop.

Ordered two regular black coffees.

Hang Panxia pursed her lips and held the cup, "Thank you for helping me just now." Otherwise, she might not be able to leave today because Bai Liang was holding her back.

Jiang Nuannuan put two candies into the cup, "You're welcome, I also want to ask you a question."

Hang Panxia: "Fu Shiliu?"

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, "I have never known this person, do you know?"

Hang Pan took out his mobile phone, searched it, and handed it to her, "I know, she went to the same high school as Bai Liang and Gu Shao before, and she went abroad after graduating from high school."

The smiling girl in school uniform standing under the shade of the campus trees made Jiang Nuannuan feel in a trance for a moment.

She took the phone and looked at it carefully, "They are right, it is indeed similar."

But just looking at the photo, this Miss Fu has a very gentle temperament, similar to Hang Panxia in front of her.

Jiang Nuannuan returned the phone to her and rubbed her fingertips on the table with an incomprehensible expression.

Hang Panxia took back her mobile phone, thought about it, and said comfortingly: "I don't think those words are too true. After all, we were in high school and several years have passed."

Jiang Nuannuan stopped her fingers, held the coffee cup and took a sip, "That's what you said."

"But..." Hang Panxia hesitated, and finally said helplessly: "I don't know how much fun these young men have. The woman Bailiang got pregnant with was just rumored to have an affair with Gu Shizhou today. We ate together, held umbrellas on the set and so on.”

Jiang Nuannuan smiled, and the glass window next to her seat was suddenly knocked lightly. The conversation stopped here. She turned her head and saw Gu Shizhou standing at the door, his face full of anger and grievance.

When he wanted to come in, Jiang Nuannuan stood up first and nodded to Hang Panxia. The two left each other's contact information. As soon as she walked out of the store and stepped down the steps, the man held her waist and held her tightly. People pressed him into his arms on the street.

"You ordered a woman specifically for me?" he asked through gritted teeth, "Isn't it too bad that you guys are trying to make people angry and lead them on me?"

Jiang Nuannuan raised her head and tugged at the hem of his clothes with her fingertips, "Don't stay here, get in the car first."

Now that she understood that she didn't want to be photographed and make news, Gu Shizhou felt even more unhappy, but he had no choice but to ask someone to drive the car to the door, pull out the passenger seat for her and let someone get in.

Arriving at the underground parking lot of his villa, Gu Shizhou parked the car. As soon as Jiang Nuannuan got out of the car and closed the door to go upstairs, he grabbed her around the waist and pushed her into the wine cellar next to her.

"You can't hold the blame for Bai Liang on me." He whispered.

The breath fell on her face, ready to move against her lips.

Jiang Nuannuan pressed against his collar, "Are you sure? How come I heard that someone who cheated on a pregnant woman also had an affair with you? Do you share it?"

"Do I deserve to do such a disgusting thing?"

Gu Shizhou frowned, grabbed her wrist bone with his fingers, pulled it off from the collar, and pressed it directly onto his metal belt buckle. He said in a slightly irritable tone: "Chastity belt, your fingerprint can unlock it with one click."

His words were so unclear that Jiang Nuannuan was speechless for a moment. She wanted to pull her hand away, but the back of her hand was pressed tightly by the big palm and she moved down two inches.

"Gu Shizhou!" She was a little angry.

"I really haven't touched anyone." His tone softened, and he lowered his head to kiss her temples, then went back and licked her earlobe, "After so many years, I can only be tougher with you."

After so many years, Gu Shizhou also had a clear grasp of Jiang Nuannuan's body. He rubbed her waist and the soft earlobes for a while, and the body softened and he could easily pick her up. , placed a half-height wine barrel.

Jiang Nuannuan was lost for a moment. When her fingers penetrated along the hem of her clothes, the buttons of her underwear were skillfully unbuttoned. Her chest felt cold. She came back to her senses instantly and directly blocked Gu Shizhou's chin. "Take it back."

She looked at him, her almond-shaped eyes calm.

Gu Shizhou's body stiffened slightly, and he didn't dare to get angry with her. He fastened it for her slowly, but in the end he bent over unwillingly and buried his head in her neck, "Don't you believe that I only have you?"

Jiang Nuannuan was silent for a moment and calmed down. As a public figure, it was human nature for him to have scandals. Most of the time, a publicist would come forward to resolve the matter. She really didn't take this kind of thing to heart.

Only, the young lady from the Fu family who looked similar to her gave her an unspeakable feeling of nausea.

"Why did you pursue me in the first place?"

"love at first sight."

Under the premise of love at first sight, is it because she has a face similar to his childhood sweetheart?

She did consider marrying Gu Shizhou.

The reason why he hasn't let go or told his family about himself and Gu Shizhou is that he doesn't want the relationship to be snobbished by the family, and he also doesn't want Gu Shizhou to be a burden.

The Jiang family is now in danger.

She was thinking about him as well as her own future.

There is really nothing wrong with marrying Gu Shizhou. You can have someone to support you when the Jiang family collapses. What's more, you may have a good love.

Now this love has been put into question. If there is no love in the marriage, then there is only one profit left.

But Xia Jun hopes that she will not regret it after she finds someone she likes and gets married. Now she is in a dilemma.

Jiang Nuannuan pushed him away, "I haven't eaten yet tonight, so I'm a little hungry. I'm going to make some noodles."

Gu Shizhou took two steps back and followed her. He scratched his eyebrows and didn't know what he was thinking. He felt strangely happy.

She was jealous and angry. I saw so many expressions on her face one night. Wasn't it because she cared about him?
Gu Shizhou resisted the urge to go to the kitchen to hug her, walked to the small balcony and immediately called Fan Jiang.

Within half an hour, Jiang Nuannuan cooked a portion of noodles and put them on the table, and the door to the house opened.

As soon as she came out of the kitchen with a bottle of vinegar, she saw a few more people in the living room.

Apart from Bai Liang and Fan Jiang, who had one hand in their pockets and looked dull, there was the woman sitting on the ground with disheveled clothes and tears on her face, the initiator of this scandal.

"What are you doing?" Jiang Nuannuan put down her jealousy.

Bai Liang touched the woman's arm with his leg, "Master Gu told me that his baby is angry because of me. I will bring him to you now to explain clearly."

He sneered, "Now tell me what happened?"

The actress does have some relationship with Bai Liang, but that's not all. She often hangs out among these powerful people, and sleeping with them is just a matter of hooking up with others.

At a pool party, she was drunk too much. She staggered and lost her balance, and accidentally broke into the bedroom where Bai Liang was resting.

At that time, she had some courage and climbed into his bed, but the alcohol was so high that she couldn't remember who she was having sex with. She just woke up and the bed was messy, her lower body was sticky, and she had serious marks after having sex. She thought she really had sex with Bai Liang until two months after the incident, she found out she was pregnant.

However, she had no way to contact Bai Liang at this time, so while she had some cooperation with Gu Shizhou in the past two days, she stayed at the point where he would appear every day and had someone take her to Gu Shizhou's dinner, just to explain. Let Bai Liang be responsible for this matter. A mother is worth a son.

The scandal with Gu Shizhou was really unexpected. It wasn't her fault. Her goal from the beginning to the end was to find Bai Liang through him. But Gu Shizhou didn't interfere in this matter and didn't even bother to say anything. Hear her out.

In desperation, she heard about the relationship between Hang Panxia and Bai Liang, and turned around to find Hang Panxia, ​​which led to today's scene.
(There is another update in the group, Xi Fei’s solo extra.)
(End of this chapter)

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