Chapter 554 Gu Shizhou (5)

Jiang Nuannuan listened quietly, and the noodles were almost swollen. She nodded, "I know this is a misunderstanding. You can send them back."

She poured vinegar into the soup bowl, and Gu Shizhou chased the people away, "Do you have mine?"

"There is still in the pot."

Gu Shizhou is very well-educated as a star. He doesn't eat high-calorie foods and definitely doesn't eat starchy sugar at night. Even these rigid rules can be put aside in front of Jiang Nuannuan. It is also a pleasure for him to eat with her. .

He filled a bowl of noodles and sat next to her. He also took a plate of pickled vegetables and pushed it to her hand. Jiang Nuannuan didn't refuse when she saw it.

Gu Shizhou thought she was no longer angry. The two finished the noodles harmoniously. He also took the initiative to put away the bowls and chopsticks and walked into the kitchen to wash them.

After he finished cleaning up and went upstairs, he turned his hand on the doorknob, and his handsome face suddenly darkened.

"Honey, open the door."

She actually locked the door!

"My pajamas are still on the bed."

Jiang Nuannuan: "I've put a guest room for you."

Then no matter what he said, there was only the sound of gurgling water in the bathroom, and there was no response.


Gu Shizhou wiped his lower lip with his thumb and stood at the door sadly for a while. He went downstairs and rummaged through the drawer at the entrance to the entrance, but couldn't find the spare key.

How could he just give up? With a sullen face, he finally took the car keys and went down to the basement, stepped on the accelerator and left the villa.

The sound of the sports car was roaring, and Jiang Nuannuan could hear it even if she turned on the shower in the bathroom. Her hands applying shower gel paused for a moment, her lowered eyes hiding her emotions.

Jiang's mother's phone calls came in at this time. If she didn't answer any of them, she called three in a row.

Jiang Nuannuan became impatient with the noise, washed herself, wrapped herself in a bath towel, and dialed back.

Jiang's mother said in a bad tone: "Why don't you answer the phone when I call you?"

Jiang Nuannuan: "I just took a shower, what's wrong, mom?"

Mother Jiang then calmed down and said, "If you are free on the weekend, come out and have a meal with the Xu family's son."

Jiang Nuannuan thought for two seconds, understood the hidden meaning, and replied simply, "Where is Jiang Meng?"

Jiang's mother didn't understand why she mentioned her other daughter, but she also said: "She is doing well recently, and I forgot to tell you the good news. She is getting married after graduating from college, and she recently brought her home to us to formally We had dinner together and the matter was almost finalized.”

Jiang Nuannuan was silent for a moment and said, "The man's family is average. Is my mother willing to bear it?"

Mother Jiang said with a smile: "Don't worry about her, just let you marry well. We have met the Xu family's sons. They are quite nice people. You should go and meet them." Jiang Nuannuan: "Yeah."

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Nuannuan stood in front of the mirror and looked at herself with an expressionless face inside.

It seemed like it was for her own good, but in fact they were still partial to each other.

But there's nothing that can be done about it. Her adoptive parents have felt that they have owed Jiang Meng for many years, and now they love her with all their hearts and dote on her.

Given the current situation of the Jiang family, marriage is indeed a good choice to bring back the dead. She had already expected that she would be pushed out. After all, she had known since she was a child that her marriage would be arranged with interests in mind.

But when Jiang Meng came back, she realized that blood relations were actually very strange things. Her parents would not regard Jiang Meng as a valuable commodity, and they would respect all her behavioral preferences.

Jiang Meng spent three years of her college career hiding under the protection of her family, and had a pretty good relationship. Now that the Jiang family is about to collapse due to financial problems, it has not affected her life in the slightest.

The seemingly harmonious family has actually changed. In other words, Jiang Nuannuan has seen a lot of things clearly and sincerely feels sad for herself.

As long as Jiang Nuannuan gets married and brings back a large amount of property, she can still provide her sister with a happy life in the future. She is like a worm living in a rice vat, and the happiness in the rest of her life is within reach.

But why would she, Jiang Nuannuan, do this?It's not her problem to have the wrong baby, but to become a victim of a marriage to help this family, it sounds so disgusting.

Walking out of the bathroom, she lit the scented candles in the room, put on her nightgown and lay down.

All along, she actually had to be prepared.

In the best outcome and the worst outcome, she would get something from Gu Shizhou.

Either she will have a rich family and a good harvest of love, or she will abide by self-discipline and not let her heart get involved, and simply amass wealth and power. In short, regardless of whether the Jiang family is involved or not, she will take a shortcut in life.

But when it came to getting along with Gu Shizhou, she felt that she had actually been attracted to him, and it was difficult for her to be alone.

If he really regards her as a so-called substitute in his heart, and the relationship and relationship he has had for many years is just seeing someone else's shadow through her, then marrying him in the future can be considered a kind of torture.

But they all have to get married. Will they be able to live with a man for a lifetime just for power and property?

Xia Jun's words echoed in his ears again.

Can this really be done?
Jiang Nuannuan couldn't think clearly for a while and tossed and turned. She didn't know how she finally fell asleep.

Gu Shizhou, who didn't know that his relationship was about to turn red, stepped on the gas and found a lock shop.

Since he didn't know the specific model of the keyhole in his bedroom, he bought the locksmith's toolbox directly. The two large keychains inside were filled with common keyhole models on the market.

He went to the guest room to take a shower first, jingled with two sets of keys and tried them one by one. It only took 5 minutes, but he only tried a few keys, and he was lucky enough to open the bedroom door successfully. He immediately took the photo. Model, people went back to order a few more spare ones, then threw away the tool box and entered the house quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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