Chapter 555 Gu Shizhou (6)

Until the next day, Jiang Nuannuan's weak body fell on the bed and couldn't get up at all. Gu Shizhou also had an event to run to this morning, so he simply picked her up and went to the bathroom together.

"Open your mouth."

Jiang Nuannuan's eyes were sleepy, she opened her mouth, a toothbrush got into her mouth, and the mint-scented toothpaste spread in her mouth.

Jiang Nuannuan, who was still in a fugue, now looked like an exquisite doll at her mercy, with a loose vest on her body and hickeys everywhere on her exposed skin.

"I'm going to turn my back on you after it's over?" Gu Shizhou snorted softly and sucked her lips hard one last time before retreating.

Jiang Nuannuan looked at him without speaking.

Gu Shizhou was stared at by her, and he leaned forward slightly, placing his hands on the table to circle the person, "You're still angry."

Jiang Nuannuan snorted softly, "How did you get in yesterday?"

Gu Shizhou confessed directly: "I asked the locksmith to buy a tool box."

Jiang Nuannuan was not surprised at all. It was really something he could do. Of course, she was still very angry. She pursed her lips last night and couldn't remember whether she stayed in it or not.

"last night."

"No." Gu Shizhou knew what she wanted to ask by looking at her red face. In order to ensure that there would be a bed to sleep in in the future, he leaned into her ear and whispered: "I really don't believe it. The servant is changing the sheets now. You should still be able to see it if you go over and take a look.”

Jiang Nuannuan's heart suddenly dropped, but her relaxed expression made Gu Shizhou very unhappy.

He turned her face and asked unhappily: "You always thought I was inflatable? Just use it according to your mood, right? Throw it away if you don't want it anymore?"

This is simply a slap in the face.

Jiang Nuannuan was speechless, "Who lost it?"

Gu Shizhou: "Then why don't you make it public? You don't even want to give me your identity?"

This problem has been dragging on for so long, and now Fu Shiliu's matter suddenly popped up again. Jiang Nuannuan thought it really needed to be solved, otherwise she would be in a very bad mood.

"Let's talk tonight."

Gu Shizhou: "I have activities in the morning and I have to catch a flight to the airport in the afternoon. Let's talk about it now."

He was in a hurry and couldn't wait for a moment. He wished he could tie her to his belt at all times and take her with him wherever he went.

Jiang Nuannuan slipped under his arms and hummed, "Then let's make it public first."

Gu Shizhou was startled, almost thinking that he was hallucinating, happiness came so quickly.

"What did you say?"

Jiang Nuannuan turned her head and said, "Let's make it public. Tell everyone that Movie Emperor Gu has had an underground girlfriend for three years." If Gu Shizhou fell in love, the Internet would probably collapse.

But he really had no worries at all. While Jiang Nuannuan was still thinking about how he would arrange this matter to minimize the damage to his own interests, he directly took his mobile phone to edit Weibo.
Jiang Nuannuan glanced out of the corner of her eye, her heart trembled twice, and she pressed his wrist, "Gu Shizhou."

The man lowered his eyes and looked at her, "Want to regret it?"

"No, let's have a good talk when you come back from your business trip." Jiang Nuannuan pressed down on his screen and looked at his face that switched from joy to gloom in a second. She couldn't help but laugh, and stood up on tiptoes to kiss him on the cheek.

"I'm telling you my concerns, will you listen to me?"

At least at this moment, his behavior made her want to believe that he didn't like anyone else.

His possessive desire for her was too obvious.

Gu Shizhou touched the face she kissed and tutted, "Am I so easy to coax in your eyes?"

Jiang Nuannuan hesitated for a moment and nodded.

He suddenly laughed angrily and nodded on the other side of his face, "Then give me a kiss here too."

Jiang Nuannuan: "."

She was still on tiptoe, and when she was kissing the other side of his face, Gu Shizhou suddenly turned his head, kissed her lips precisely, and gave her mouth a predatory sweep. Only then did he feel better.

Jiang Nuannuan was panting, but she was used to his extravagance.

After breakfast, Gu Shizhou took her bag and asked, "Shall I take you to school?"

His eyes were fixed, and whenever Jiang Nuannuan showed any hesitation, it meant that her words were all coaxing and deceiving.

Then he would probably give up on the activity in the morning and just tie the person to the bed and do it for the whole day.

"it is good."

Jiang Nuannuan nodded.

Gu Shizhou went directly to the underground garage, found the coolest blue convertible, and deliberately opened the roof before driving out.

Along the way, he didn't put on any disguise on his face. He sent her to school, and he didn't forget to put his hand on the car door and ask, "Don't you want to kiss me before leaving?"

Jiang Nuannuan sighed, picked up the sunglasses he placed on his knees, and put them on his face, "If you don't want to be looked at like a monkey right away, just leave quickly."

Those curious and surprised glances were coming in like a tide. Before long, a group of people would probably surround Gu Shizhou.

(End of this chapter)

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