Chapter 556 Gu Shizhou (7)

Those curious and surprised glances were coming in like a tide. Before long, a group of people would probably surround Gu Shizhou.

When Gu Shizhou saw her retreating into the school, he pushed up the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose to cover his charming peach blossom eyes. His lips that had been rising fell down at this moment, and his delicate face was extremely cold. .

At noon, several young men gathered together at the club and said that Gu Shizhou wanted to have a meal with them after an event.

The few of them didn't think much and just chatted and laughed while holding their wine glasses.

What happened to Bai Liang also spread in the circle. He was also unlucky. He was jumped by a fairy. His lover who had been with him for many years decided to break up with him. This made him feel gloomy. Sitting on the sofa, he looked like he wouldn't let strangers in.

A young master laughed at him, "Are you really in love with Hang Panxia?"

Bai Liang glanced at him, but he didn't deny it, "I've been sleeping with the same person for so many years, and my second brother recognizes him."

There were several laughs from the other end, and the young master said again: "You are the same as Brother Gu. We both like this type, but you can just play with people like this. It's not like you don't know the current situation of the Jiang family. Brother Gu Why would you rush to lick someone when you are so spermed?"

This young master was also the one who mentioned Fu Shiliu last time. He didn't seem to have much memory at all. He seemed to think that he knew Gu Shizhou very well and didn't know what to call stupid.

Bai Liang stared at him with a look that was a little frightening. After a while, he picked up the wine glass and took a sip of wine. "Tell me this, I won't beat you to death, but Gu Shizhou may not."

As soon as he talked about his role, the door to the box was pushed open by the waiter. Gu Shizhou loosened his tie and walked in. He looked around and asked lazily: "On Bai Liang's birthday, who mentioned Fu Shiliu?"

As soon as he arrived, he got straight to the point and looked like he was going to start an attack. Several people sitting in the box froze at the same time, knowing that this was a Hongmen Banquet.

A few quick scapegoats had already set their sights on the young master.

He knew he couldn't hide, so he held the wine glass in his hand. When he met Gu Shizhou's gaze, he felt panic in his heart. However, he put on enough courage on his face and said innocently, "Did my sister-in-law complain? Brother, we were just joking."

Gu Shizhou first took off his suit and threw it on the empty sofa on one side, then rolled up his shirt sleeves two inches, then walked towards him, speaking in a tone that made people unable to hear his emotions, "Really?" ? Are you calling me sister-in-law now? Was she still that kind of woman just now? "

The soundproofing of the box was not good. Standing at the door, he happened to overhear the conversation inside, and he was already angry in his heart.

The young master stood up and poured a full glass of red wine. He was very good at showing off. He first handed a half-full glass to Gu Shizhou, then clinked his full glass with him and said with a smile: "Don't be angry, brother. You also know that I have different opinions, and I must admit my sister-in-law in my heart. In this way, I will punish myself and make amends to you and my sister-in-law."

The young master raised his head and drank a glass of wine in one breath. Seeing that the glass in Gu Shizhou's hand had not moved at all, he suppressed his smile and said, "Brother, please give me some face. I just said this when I was drunk. I really can't. I will go and apologize to my sister-in-law in person."

Gu Shizhou raised one corner of his lips, then threw a glass of wine directly at the young master, kicked his leg, and kicked him to the ground. "Asking you to apologize to her? Why don't I crush her with your mouth now? What a piece of shit."

He directly knocked the man over and stepped on the other man's mouth with his leather shoe. The young master was so frightened that he wanted to get up. He kept struggling to pat Gu Shizhou's leg. As a result, there was a crash on the side of his head and one of his legs was broken. wine bottle.

He was so frightened that he didn't dare to move for fear that the broken glass would kill him.

Gu Shizhou held half of the broken bottle of wine and looked down at him, his peach blossom eyes slightly narrowed, and even the coquettish tear mole under the corner of his eye was tainted with a bit of ferocity.

"I bumped into a dog on the way here, and accidentally stepped on feces with the sole of my shoe. Isn't it a good time to feed your dog? "

Bai Liang looked at Gu Shizhou's feet and felt like shit in his heart.

Damn it, you really came here with dog poop attached to it!This madman!

The few friends next to him were so arrogant that they didn't dare to breathe. Everyone knew that Gu Shizhou looked like a loose and easy-going fox on the outside, but in private, he was completely insane.


The young master was about to burst into tears. He had already smelled the stench coming from the soles of the shoes, and something was squeezed into his mouth. His face was suddenly purple, and his stomach was churning.

Seeing that his mouth was swollen and he was about to vomit, Gu Shizhou stopped his feet and watched him roll away quickly, vomiting crazily in a corner of the floor.

Gu Shizhou casually threw the glass bottle and smashed it next to the remaining people. He turned around and motioned to Bai Liang, who threw a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. He smoked less now and only smoked one like this once in a while when he got annoyed.

The sparks from the cigarette butt lit up. He held it between his two fingers, took a puff with his thin lips and exhaled the smoke. He looked at a group of men who did not dare to say anything and looked ugly.

"You have to pay a price for arbitrarily arranging people, do you see?"

"Jiang Nuannuan is my wife who I have decided on a long time ago. It's not because I don't want to make it public, it's because she doesn't want to. If she is willing to nod, I will give her my heart. If she breaks up with me because of rumors and false accusations, , none of you can even think of running away."

Gu Shizhou felt annoyed when he thought about Fu Shiliu's sudden appearance. He had never had any relationship with her in high school, and he was abroad now and never came back. He was inexplicably accused of being criticized, and he was almost locked out of the house. one night.

(End of this chapter)

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