Chapter 557 Gu Shizhou (8)

Jiang Nuannuan got out of Gu Shizhou's car and attracted a lot of people's attention. Naturally, a story about the movie star Gu sending his girlfriend to school quickly became a hot topic. He once preached in the school that his girlfriend was in school. The university also appeared on the headlines along with this news.

Many people were in an uproar for a while.

At that time, everyone thought it was Gu Shizhou's public relations ploy. Looking at it now, it was clearly telling the truth.

It's been a week, and the heat hasn't gone away.

Xia Jun looked at the rumored heroine in front of him and was a little speechless, "So before, when Movie Emperor Gu came to our place for a presentation, it was still true that you said you wanted to marry him."

Jiang Nuannuan took a sip of milk tea, looked down at the music score in her hand, and shook her head, "I haven't decided yet."

"Can his family agree?"

"No way." She was very honest, "It's not like you don't know the current state of my family. The Gu family can only agree to it."

It was precisely because of this that she needed to talk to Gu Shizhou again. Unfortunately, his schedule was very busy this week, so he would call her every day to check on her whereabouts.

The phone on the table rang back and forth several times.

Xia Jun asked her: "Don't answer?"

Jiang Nuannuan: "I refused to meet my blind date. My mother is bombarded with phone calls."

Xia Jun understood and couldn't help but say, "You and Gu Shizhou's suspected girlfriend have been having trouble for a few days. Your mother can't help but know about it."

Jiang Nuannuan smiled and said, "I must know."

Xia Jun clicked her tongue softly, changed the topic wisely, and pointed at her piano score, "You will go up to play the piano again on the school anniversary in a few days. It is like this every year. There is really nothing new."

The daughter of a wealthy family is more or less proficient in some musical instruments, which has become a facade for the school to ask her to perform every year.

Jiang Nuannuan collected her things and put them in her bag, got up and left, "Let's go shopping."

Buying luxury goods is one of her hobbies. Recently, her family has been saving money, and most of her expenses have been on Jiang Meng's side. Jiang Nuannuan doesn't have much money in her hands, and all she uses is Gu Shizhou's card.

He was a regular customer in several stores. She went in and picked out two pieces of clothing for him. The young master who happened to be here saw her. When the two of them looked at each other, he immediately shivered.

Jiang Nuannuan nodded casually to say hello, and the other party came over quickly, snatched the things in her hand and asked to pay, "It's not easy to meet my sister-in-law. These things are all bought for Brother Gu, right? I'll pay for them. That's it." A moment of thought.”

He was too attentive, and there was a faint green tint at the corner of his mouth, and he looked like he had been beaten.

"No need." Jiang Nuannuan didn't like him very much, so she handed the card to the cashier. As a result, the young master grabbed her clothes bag, tears filled her eyes, and she was about to cry.

"Sister, you are my real sister-in-law. I am young and ignorant. In fact, I only heard about Fu Shiliu's story. Who knows if it is true or false? Don't be as knowledgeable as me, because the last time I talked nonsense, I was almost beaten to death by Brother Gu. .”

Jiang Nuannuan suddenly realized, let go and let the other party spend the card.

"Hearsay, what do you think?"

The young master froze for a moment, swiping his card and running away without daring to say anything. It looked very much like the two of them were really having an affair behind each other.After carrying her clothes bag and going out, she wanted to send a WeChat message to Gu Shizhou to ask him what time he would arrive, but Xia Jun next to her patted her arm first and said to her: "Hey, your rumored boyfriend is back."

Jiang Nuannuan turned her head, "How do you know?"

Xia Jun handed her the phone to look at, "I forgot to tell you, for our school anniversary, the principal also invited Sister Fu from the school next door to be the host. It can be regarded as giving a lecture at the school anniversary party. She seems to be studying abroad. She is famous for wearing a cheongsam every day and promoting the culture of the motherland. She returned to China today, and our school specially organized students to pick her up at the airport. You see, I happened to meet Gu Yingdi. They said that the two of them would come back on the same flight. of."

Jiang Nuannuan looked at the photo and was stunned for a moment.

It's quite a coincidence.

She had just finished losing her temper with Gu Shizhou and wanted to have a calm talk. However, only a week and a half later, she saw him and his brother talking about his white moonlight coming out of an airport.

The angle of the video shooting is good. Gu Shizhou is wearing a decent suit. His face is delicate and outstanding, and the smile that always raises the corners of his lips is charming. Fu Shiliu is only two or three steps behind. He is wearing a light blue cheongsam and has a long hair. The crystal tassel hairpin was fixed and swayed beautifully when she walked. The classical beauty's eyes kept falling on the man. Her eyes were gentle and affectionate. Jiang Nuannuan knew exactly what this meant.

This scene was really dazzling, and the thorn that had just been pulled out pierced my heart again.

Jiang Nuannuan glanced at the men's clothes in her hand, "Xia Xia, I'll go back and take the clothes back, and with the money I get back, I'll treat you to dinner."

She would indeed give him trust, but the clothes could not be given away.

Xia Jun watched her walk back to the store, and then looked at the short video on her phone that only lasted a few seconds. She reacted belatedly, her heart tightened, and she followed Jiang Nuannuan and said, "Jiang Jiang, I'll be back on a flight. Movie Emperor Gu probably doesn't even know her, so don't be jealous."

Jiang Nuannuan's eyes dimmed, "Am I jealous?"

Xia Jun: "It's so obvious, your face turns dark. You seem to really like him. I didn't even notice it before."

Jiang Nuannuan took a deep breath, "Well, so if this matter is not resolved well, I will kick him."

Xia Jun thought he was hallucinating, "What did you say?"

"Kick him." Jiang Nuannuan resolutely told her: "Before, I had no expectations for my marriage. The marriage was not related to anyone. I don't have extravagant expectations about love or not. As long as I have money and power, that's fine. But if the person is It’s Gu Shizhou who has been with me for three years.”

Xia Jun was dumbfounded and focused on the important point, "Fuck, three years?"

She was only a freshman then, right?Xia Jun instantly thought that Gu Shizhou was unwilling to make it public, and immediately labeled him as a scumbag.

Jiang Nuannuan looked at the amount of money returned on her phone, "But if the target is Gu Shizhou, I find that I can't do it."

On Gu Shizhou's return flight, he took Fan Jiang in a row. Fu Shiliu was in front of him. When she saw him, she turned around and smiled, "Gu Shizhou? What a coincidence. I haven't seen him for many years." "

The man glanced at her and didn't expect to meet her here. He nodded perfunctorily, took the eye mask and put it on to catch some sleep.

Fu Shiliu had seen him for three years when she was in high school and didn't mind. She said, "I heard that you have found a girlfriend? The news has become a hot topic on the Internet, and you are still a little girl in college." , are you finally willing to search seriously? "

Gu Shizhou crossed his legs and raised his eye patch with his fingertips. Hearing this, he looked at her again, his eyebrows raised slightly, and he smiled, "What do you mean finally? I've only found one in my life. "

Fan Jiang also knew that Gu Shizhou's backyard almost caught fire because of this Miss Fu family who had not returned to China for many years, so he wisely helped, "Miss Fu, you two friends have not been in contact for many years and you still don't know. Zhou is also a lover, he loves her very much."

(End of this chapter)

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