Chapter 558 Gu Shizhou (9)

Fu Shiliu's smile froze slightly, "Really?"

There were not just the three of them in a business class class. She was too sensible to reminisce about the past. In fact, she was in the same class as Gu Shizhou in high school. It was indeed just her unrequited love. But because of their similar wealthy status, she always She's a little more prominent than other women, isn't she?At least he remembered her name, and more.

He has never acknowledged any actress in the entertainment industry for many years, and even if there is a scandal, it will be clarified quickly. Only this time, he drove the girl who was photographed to school, and that face made her blood start to flow. Boiling.

When they got off the plane, Gu Shizhou took the first step to join the crowd. Fu Shiliu seemed to have remembered something and hurriedly ran forward and entered his circle of bodyguards.

Knowing that her boss knew her, Fan Jiang thought for a moment and decided that it would be a bad idea to stop someone on her own, so she took the opportunity to let the girl wearing a cheongsam and a dangling fringed hairpin run over.

She tried to pull Gu Shizhou's sleeve, but her voice softened, "Shizhou, I actually have something to ask you for help when I come back this time."

Gu Shizhou avoided quickly, his sleeves brushed against her fingertips, he turned slightly sideways, his eyes fell on her hands, and he frowned, "I'm very busy. If you have anything to do, please contact my assistant to make an appointment."

Fu Shiliu's body stiffened slightly, but then relaxed quickly, "Okay."

She followed him for a while and saw the student holding a sign looking for her, and said to him: "Why don't you leave your contact information? After all, we haven't seen him for a long time."

Gu Shizhou didn't turn around to answer her. He answered the phone in his hand and looked very busy. Fu Shiliu bit her lip and finally withdrew from his circle of bodyguards. When she walked towards the group of students, she smiled again and said, "Hello. .”

The students who came to pick her up looked at each other in confusion, and all called out to "Senior Sister," and sent people to her assistant to help her with her luggage.

After a few movements, many people looked at that beautiful face and thought it looked familiar.

Someone quietly poked the friend next to him with his arm and whispered, "It looks familiar, don't you think? It looks a bit like our Senior Jiang."

Recently, there has been a lot of gossip on the school forum about the incident between Jiang Nuannuan and Gu Shizhou. She is a beautiful person at the level of a college goddess, so she naturally attracted much attention. Now, Fu Shi suddenly came, and several students really looked at her carefully. After looking at it again and again, I found that it does look a bit similar.

"A mature and classic version of Senior Jiang? But Senior Jiang's beauty looks more aggressive. Most beauties have similar bones."

"But, Senior Sister Fu seems to be very familiar with Movie Emperor Gu?"

As soon as this was mentioned, everyone looked at Fu Shiliu with bright eyes, the fire of gossip was blazing, and some people really had the courage to ask this question.

Fu Shiliu smiled slightly and said gently: "Shi Zhou and I were in the same high school class before. Our two families are family friends and grew up together."

For a moment, the whole car was in an uproar.

What she said was too ambiguous, and it was easy for people to have endless reveries.

Grew up together?Are they childhood sweethearts?The name Gu Shizhou was a soft word of endearment, and considering that they got off the same plane, it was a big deal.

As we all know, their Senior Sister Jiang is somewhat similar to Senior Sister Fu, this...
For a while, everyone brainstormed and came up with a sadomasochistic stand-in literature.

Jiang Nuannuan received a call from Gu Shizhou as soon as she arrived at her door.

She glanced at it, then thought that there would be trouble at home tonight, so she didn't answer the call. After hanging up, she sent him a WeChat message.

Jiang Nuannuan: I'm going home. It's not convenient.

Gu Shizhou's eyes narrowed and he lost his cell phone. He wanted to touch the pack of cigarettes impatiently. He paused and looked at Fan Jiang again.

Stared by his gloomy eyes, Fan Jiang trembled, "What's wrong?" "Why did you let her come here just now? We know each other very well?"

Fan Jiang felt for a second that he was taking the anger he received from others out on him, so he quickly said: "You were a classmate in high school, I thought you two knew each other quite well."

"Do you look familiar?" Gu Shizhou crossed his legs.

"It's not like that." Fan Jiang accidentally glanced at his mobile phone that was thrown aside and was still alive. Jiang Nuannuan's name was at the top of the message box. He reacted and said, "Will Miss Jiang come back tonight? Do you want to go?" Buy her some gifts?"

"Who knows." Gu Shizhou snorted coldly and looked out the window, "She wants to make it public. She doesn't even dare to answer my phone calls at home."

Fan Jiang: "How about you go directly to Miss Jiang's house? Just like meeting your father-in-law and mother-in-law in advance? Anyway, she told you that it was public, so it seems like nothing will happen if you do this."

I have to say, his bad idea is really good.

Gu Shizhou looked at him, his lips slightly raised, "Okay, I'll tell you your idea later."

Fan Jiang: "." If you wanted to go so early, just say yes.

From the moment Jiang Nuannuan entered the house, the low pressure inside lingered above her head.

Because she rejected Mr. Xu's blind date, Jiang's mother looked at her with a disgusted face and was very disappointed.

After sitting for more than half an hour, Jiang Nuannuan was thirsty and wanted to drink tea. Jiang's father slapped his hand on the armrest of the sofa, "Are you still in the mood for tea?"

Jiang Nuannuan: "."

She took two sips as usual and put down the tea cup, "We are not a good match."

Mother Jiang: "Is it your decision whether it's suitable or not? Nuannuan, you don't know the situation of our family, why are you disobedient!"

Jiang Meng was also advising her with a worried expression, "Yes, Nuan Nuan, Mr. Xu is a very nice person, and you will be a happy rich wife when you marry him. You will not suffer any loss."

Jiang Nuannuan was silent and looked at her, "Then you are going to get married?"

Jiang Meng's expression froze, and Jiang's mother immediately added: "What are you talking about! Xiao Meng is getting married soon, and now I am worrying about you."

Jiang Nuannuan said calmly: "I don't plan to get married and have children to continue the family line before I finish school. I have further goals."

To Jiang Meng's ears, these words sounded like a mockery that she had no academic qualifications and was only qualified to follow others to carry on the family line.

She pursed her lips and said softly: "But if you don't marry the Xu family now, you may not be able to find a good man willing to marry you in the future. The matter between you and Gu Shizhou has been spread now, and everyone knows People like him can only play with you."

Jiang's mother was frightened when she heard the name Gu Shizhou. She immediately said to Jiang Nuannuan: "I have known about this for a long time. With our current situation, you can help us by following him, but early on He didn't like me back then, and he almost killed me with his car. How could he help us? How can he be good to you if he's a prodigal son with constant scandals? He definitely doesn't mean it. Don't get too close to him. His reputation Get married as soon as possible before things go bad."

All the words that seemed to be good for Jiang Nuannuan were actually mixed with interests.

She lowered her eyes and rubbed the tea cup with her fingertips, her expression getting colder and colder.

At the door, the servant suddenly came in hurriedly, accompanied by a soft call, "Master Gu."

(End of this chapter)

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