Chapter 559 Gu Shizhou (10)

The sound was not loud, and everyone in the living room heard it. In an instant, the whole family looked up with stiff expressions.

Gu Shizhou put one hand in his pocket and held a gift box from Nan Fu Ji in the other hand, with a smile of unknown meaning on his lips, "If you want to know if I am sincere or not, auntie can just ask me in person, why bother her. "

She didn't expect him to come, and the fear of being dominated by him made Mother Jiang reflexively stand up. Her originally complaining voice now sounded a little trembling.

"Mr. Gu, you didn't even say a word in advance when you came."

"You don't need to be so polite. Auntie should call me Shizhou if you are sentimental or rational."

Jiang Meng had never met Gu Shizhou in person, but now that she had seen him, she was even more jealous that her adopted daughter living at home was really lucky.

Gu Shizhou came straight to Jiang Nuannuan. She understood and stepped aside. When he sat down, she asked in a low voice, "Why are you here."

"Can't you drop by to see your girlfriend?" He took her hand and held it firmly on his knee. His delicate eyes were slightly narrowed. When he looked at her, he didn't have much smile, but mostly annoyance. .

Jiang Nuannuan guessed that he must have deliberately made the servant hold back what he said, and she heard a lot while standing outside the living room.

Seeing how close these two people were, the Jiang family was completely stunned.

After all, the other party was considered a junior here. Father Jiang thought about his words for a while and then changed his words: "You didn't say anything in advance when you came. I asked someone to cook two more dishes and stayed for dinner? "

Gu Shizhou hooked Jiang Nuannuan's fingers, "What do you think? Do you want me to stay for dinner?"

Jiang Nuannuan shook her head, "No need."

He didn't expect that she would be so disrespectful to the family. The atmosphere was a little stagnant for a while. Jiang Meng couldn't hold it in anymore and said with a tentative smile: "Nuan Nuan and Young Master Gu are together. It seems that we will be a family from now on."

"Not necessarily." Jiang Nuannuan blurted out without even thinking too much.

Gu Shizhou's eyes darkened slightly, and the smile hanging on the corners of his lips remained unchanged, already showing a coldness.

"I brought some pastries, can you eat some before leaving?"

He still endured it as much as possible. Jiang Nuannuan would give him face. He opened the gift box and found crispy mung bean cake that was freshly baked and still warm. She liked it very much. Gu Shizhou always knew about it and bought it often.

Jiang Nuannuan took a piece and put it to her mouth. One hand was still tightly clenched by Gu Shizhou, unable to pick up the crumbs. When she thought about this issue, the person next to her had already stretched out her hand and put it on She lowered her jaw, and the voice in her ear was lazy and soft, "You eat, and I'll take it for you."

Jiang Nuannuan was suffocated from the sip of tea just now. Now that the meeting place has been restored, the people around her are suppressing their anger, which makes them even more suffocated.

She lowered her head and ate the mung bean cake bite by bite, and the crumbs fell into Gu Shizhou's palm. In the eyes of the Jiang family, it had another meaning.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like the leader of the Gu family is rushing to get close to their adopted daughter.

Gu Shizhou seemed to have just remembered to answer them, "Nuan Nuan has the final say on the marriage, and I will listen to her at home."

Jiang Nuannuan almost bit her tongue in the fragrant mung bean cake. After hearing this, she raised her eyes and glared at him. "Did I make a mistake?" He shook off the crumbs from his palm in the trash can, then wiped it on her lips with his fingertips, staring at her with extremely dark eyes, "Is it possible that you can still marry someone else? Mr. Xu? I’ve also heard of this man. He’s useless and as ugly as a frog. How about me?”

He leaned close to her ear again, and in a voice that only the two of them could hear, he said jealously: "Can I still do it?"

Jiang Nuannuan's ears immediately felt hot, she turned her head and scratched his palm hard with her fingertips.

Gu Shizhou then moved slightly away from her. Jiang's father, who was sitting opposite, heard that his underlying intention was to marry Jiang Nuannuan. He saw a savior and should not change his words too quickly.

"Nuan Nuan has never told us that the matter with you has been kept secret. If we knew that you were talking, we would not consider the Xu family's matter from the beginning. Now that she has also rejected the young master, we will come to visit her again. If I explain the reason, this matter will be over, Shizhou, don’t mind."

Gu Shizhou stuffed the person next to him with another piece of rose cake, blocking her mouth when she wanted to speak. He glanced at Jiang Meng, who was sitting there and always looking at his face, and raised his eyebrows lazily, "I don't mind. Even if I slap someone in the face, I can't explain it. I think Miss Jiang Er is a good match for the Xu family, but have you ever thought about setting up a match between the two of them?"

Jiang Meng's face turned pale for a moment. Just now he said that Young Master Xu was as ugly as a frog!Now he says that he is matched with the Xu family, so doesn’t he become one too?
If she had a handkerchief, she would have torn it into pieces.

Jiang's mother also looked ugly, which was no different from calling them ugly, "Xiaomeng will get married this year, and she has no chance to meet the Xu family's young master."

Gu Shizhou: "So early? Who will you marry?"

Now that she had to reveal her boyfriend's identity in front of him, Jiang Meng felt a little embarrassed to say it. In the end, Jiang's father said: "They are ordinary people like us, and their family is a civil servant. They have a clean background and are in love with Xiao Meng."

Gu Shizhou's eyes suddenly contained a hint of sarcasm.

Jiang Nuannuan swallowed the large piece of rose cake in time, took a sip of tea, and said, "I'm full, let's go back."

She took the lead in carrying her bag and stood up. Gu Shizhou followed her and put his hands on her waist to push her into his arms. He looked down at the Jiang family on the sofa opposite, which was quite condescending.

He specifically said something about Mother Jiang's lack of thinking, "Have I told you earlier, Aunt Jiang, that the family must be harmonious? It's a bit too much to just carry my baby out to pay off the debt."

Their family's marriage, no matter how ugly it sounds, is just a marriage business in a backward village.

Jiang's mother's heart was beating wildly. She met an arrogant man like Gu Shizhou who didn't care about etiquette and dignity at all. He hit her with his car before like a lunatic, but now he was not sure what tricks he would use.
She looked at Jiang Nuannuan hastily, and was overwhelmed by his sudden attack. She just said subconsciously: "In our family, I always have a bowl of water."

Gu Shizhou chuckled and said, "Then let Miss Jiang Er marry first. Anyway, it's still a turtle who has come back to the company and found a job where he can wait until death. The mud can't support the wall. It would be a pity to marry early."

His mouth is really poisonous.

Jiang Nuannuan couldn't help but glance at him, and Jiang Meng was forced to cry.

She spoke at the right time, "I'm going back first."

She came with her own car, so naturally she didn't know how to sit in it now. Fan Jianghe and the driver who brought him wisely changed seats, leaving an empty car for Gu Shizhou to take her home.

There were lollipops in the box in the car. He glanced at them and pulled off his tie with one hand impatiently, "Peel one for me."

(End of this chapter)

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