Chapter 564 Gu Shizhou (15)

Fu Shiliu's face also darkened, and the girl beside her who had been speaking to her carefully asked her: "Sister Fu, does Gu Yingdi not know that you are here today?"

Fu Shiliu touched the top of her hair and said, "There's no need to tell him everything."

Jiang Nuannuan's footsteps stopped again, turned around and asked, "Senior Fu, do you still have Gu Shizhou's number?"

Fu Shiliu stiffened his hands and said gently: "Yes, but don't worry, we are just friends."

"Really?" She smiled, "That's good, otherwise I would have thought you only had Fan Jiang's number."

As soon as these words came out, others may not understand them very well, but Fu Shiliu's face turned pale, as he was humiliated by the counter-provocation.

She didn't have Gu Shizhou's number at all. When she got off the plane, he told her to contact his assistant to make an appointment. Later she realized that he didn't give her his assistant's number at all. Maybe he forgot because of his busy schedule. Fu Shiliu spent a lot of effort to get it. I got the assistant Fan Jiang's number from an artist friend, and called Fan Jiang over the weekend, asking him to help contact Gu Shizhou so that they could meet.

Combined with the marks on Jiang Nuannuan's neck, it was no surprise that when she made an appointment with Fan Jiang to meet Gu Shizhou, Jiang Nuannuan was having sex with him.

This wave of provocation succeeded in causing Fu Shiliu to cut off half of his little finger nail.

She said nothing, but her eyes were a little red, "Miss Jiang, there is no need to specifically target me."

Jiang Nuannuan took a step back, her almond-shaped eyes curled up, and she said with a smile: "How could it be possible? In terms of age, you and Gu Shizhou are of the same generation. You are several years older than me. I will not be rude to my elders either emotionally or rationally."

Xia Jun was very proud of her friend's behavior. It was really hard to see it before, but she actually had such a roundabout mouth to curse people.

The two turned around and went to the toilet hand in hand. When they were outside, Xia Jun asked her why she suddenly had so much fighting power.

Jiang Nuannuan: "Learned from Gu Shizhou, he has a stupid mouth."

Xia Jun clicked his tongue twice, "Why do I feel that you slept with Movie Emperor Gu for two days and you suddenly gained confidence?"

Jiang Nuannuan said: "Maybe I just realized that he is not just greedy for my body."

Xia Jun: "Jiang Jiang, you are a bad student."

"I'm fascinated by it."

Later, in the rehearsal room, no one dared to look for Jiang Nuannuan's displeasure. It was time to rehearse and go home. No one paid attention to Fu Shiliu's expression. She sat back in the corner and opened her tablet.

However, she was still very curious about Fu Shiliu's sudden return to China. Jiang Nuannuan used a ladder to go to Twitter and found her overseas account, which had more than 500 million overseas fans.

A Chinese with this number of fans is already a very famous Internet celebrity to foreign countries. All the photos or videos show Fu Shiliu wearing a cheongsam traveling through various cultures, promoting culture or taking photos with various celebrities.

Her life is rich and colorful, but she has rarely updated her news in the past three months.

Jiang Nuannuan tapped the tablet with her finger, then cut it out and searched the Fu family's company. She found that they were in the railway business, and she raised her eyebrows slightly.

She already believed that the relationship between Gu Shizhou and Fu Shiliu was not deep, so no one would think that she was the Bai Yueguang that the star had hidden in his heart for many years when they saw that the girlfriend of a celebrity in the scandal was very similar to her.

That's not much different from being mentally retarded.

There must be other reasons that made Fu Shiliu want to get close to Gu Shizhou because of this slim "white moonlight" image.Until 9:[-] in the evening, after all the stages had been completed twice, Jiang Nuannuan received Gu Shizhou's WeChat message. He was already waiting to pick her up at the door.

Xia Jun happened to ask her: "What are your plans for the evening?"

Jiang Nuannuan packed her things and said, "You should go home directly."

Xia Jun: "Okay, then I'll go back to the dormitory later."

Xia Jun watched Jiang Nuannuan leave the rehearsal room, and also went to the locker room to change out of her training clothes. Unfortunately, the place was only so big. Everyone was taking a shower and changing clothes here, and Fu Shiliu inevitably came in again.

As soon as she opened the curtain, she saw Fu Shiliu talking on the phone with someone, and responded softly with a gentle voice, "Gu Shizhou is going too? Well, I will be there later."

Their eyes met, Fu Shiliu hung up the phone first and said to her, "Did Nuannuan get home safely?"

Xia Jun: "Her boyfriend should come pick her up."

Fu Shiliu made a surprised expression, and quickly said clearly: "Okay, then I'm relieved. I'll pack my things and leave with my friends as soon as possible."

The girl who had been following her today and talking to her got several video shots. After getting along with her for one night, she even walked closer to her. Hearing this, she said again: "It was Gu Yingdi who came to pick her up, right? I just heard Jiang Nuan Nuan said she wanted to go home. Sure enough, she had done the afternoon tea on purpose. According to how rich her family was, it was not impossible to spend hundreds of thousands to buy afternoon tea. People always want to save face and suffer. "

Fu Shiliu just smiled and did not refute again.

Xia Jun received the provocative looks from his classmates and knew that it was useless to be angry for Jiang Nuannuan. He picked up his clothes bag and only stopped when passing Fu Shiliu and said: "Indeed, but what about the return of Bai Yueguang, after all, he wants the old love Is the prerequisite for rekindling knowing what you are doing? Is this something worthy of your vigorous promotion and admiration?"

"If Miss Fu comes to our school to be a speaker, she is actually returning to China to work as a junior high school student. What's the difference between a plaque hanging high in the school and being demolished?"

She also imitated Jiang Nuannuan's calm demeanor, and said harsh words that were completely devoid of face. The metaphor at the end not only trampled Fu Shiliu into the mud, but also made many people present laugh.

Xia Jun looked around and said, "Everyone in this profession knows to some extent what the entertainment industry is like, but don't let yourself get into trouble. You won't be able to clean yourself up in the future."

Her words resonated with many people.

It's good to lick an Internet celebrity to increase your exposure, but the consequences of betrayal if you overturn in the future will definitely be devastating.

At this time, everyone consciously stayed away from Fu Shiliu, and went back to their respective homes, not daring to join in the fun anymore.

With his heart blocked for a day, Fu Shiliu sat in the car. He couldn't control his temper. He slapped his palms on the steering wheel and let out an angry scream. His eyes hidden in the darkness were a little more ferocious.

Jiang Nuannuan still didn't know what happened after she left the school. Tonight, several people in the circle organized a pool party at a suburban villa and invited Gu Shizhou. The two planned to go over for dinner.

She leaned lazily in the car, "Aren't you going to go back and get your swimsuit?"

Gu Shizhou: "You can change it directly there."

Jiang Nuannuan turned to him and asked: "How many beauties did they call?"

When the car stopped at a red light, Gu Shizhou grabbed the back of her neck, pressed her towards him, leaned over and kissed her, "Who dares to shout? You don't want your life."

(End of this chapter)

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