Chapter 565 Gu Shizhou (16)

"They are all my friends." He rubbed the tip of her nose again, "You look at me like this? Do you love me very much?"

Jiang Nuannuan: "As long as I have a little bit of your cheekiness, I can go to heaven and earth."

"Does it look good?"


"Go upstairs first."

"Now? This is someone else's house!"

No one answered the other end, and after calling the third one in a row, Gu Shizhou picked up the phone, hugged the trembling person with one hand, and said in a deep and sexy voice, "Who?"

When Xia Jun heard this voice, he was stunned for a moment, "Nuan Nuan?"

There was a strange sound of the quilt being rubbed at the other end, and she immediately understood, "It's okay! I'll tell you tomorrow!"

Jiang Nuannuan was confused, her fingers hurt from pinching him, "Who is it?"

She nodded, buried her face in the quilt and said, "Take more pictures."

Gu Shizhou's face hardened and his tone became darker, "Like him so much? Why didn't I know about it before?"

"That's Jun Xia's idol." Jiang Nuannuan whispered: "She has helped me a lot recently, I have to give her some gifts back."

After saying that, her brain, which was almost mushy, came to its senses. She opened her eyes and looked at him, "You're not jealous just because of this, are you?"


After eating a jar of vinegar in vain, the dark clouds in Gu Shizhou's heart suddenly cleared away and he saw the sun. A smile appeared on his lips and softly touched her pink ears, "I'll ask him to get you some photo albums later."

Jiang Nuannuan was speechless.

"Shizhou, we meet again."

The atmosphere was getting lively. Gu Shizhou turned around and frowned slightly.

Li Xiang hooked his shoulder and explained, "It's Fu Shiliu. Do you remember that we were in the same class before? At that time, she asked me to send you love letters every day. As soon as she heard that you were coming, she came too."

Gu Shizhou swung his wine glass with no expression on his face, "Did you ask her to come?"

Li thought: "Well, we have always been in contact."

Gu Shizhou stood up, pulled his arm, and pushed him to his previous position, just one person away from Fu Shiliu. "You are responsible for accompanying your female companion. My baby will see her later, and I won't be able to coax her."

As soon as these words came out, the whole place was silent for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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