Chapter 569 Gu Shizhou (20)

As expected, Jiang Nuannuan is also a scheming woman who also has to support her family.

There is not much difference between her and him in essence. Fu Shiliu picked up a bag and walked towards the two of them with a smile on his lips.

On the morning of the school anniversary party, students still had to complete their homework on time.

Not long after Jiang Nuannuan chose a seat by the window and sat down, there was a commotion in the corridor at the door of the classroom.

She didn't look up and just took out her tablet and stylus to open the unfinished project.

Gu Shizhou wore a tight hat and mask and entered the teaching building carrying a shoulder bag.

The brim of his hat was pulled down to cover his iconic peach blossom eyes. He was wearing a set of high-end black casual clothes from the show. He was tall and had long legs. His modified and concealed temperament looked like a high-end model catwalk in the student corridor. , causing people passing by to watch frequently.

Even though he couldn't see his face clearly, the edges and figure printed by the mask showed that he must be very handsome.

Several girls followed him and saw him walking directly into their classroom. They quickened their pace and wanted to go over and see who this boy was looking for.

At a glance, Gu Shizhou saw the girl sitting by the window in the last row of the classroom. Her long black hair was covered with a light golden light in the morning light. She put a hand on her chin and wrote intently.

He stood by the door and paused for a few seconds, his eyes flashing softly, and he walked calmly to sit next to her.

Jiang Nuannuan had been concentrating on doing her own thing, and was selectively deaf to all sounds from the outside world, until Xia Jun, who was sitting in front, couldn't help but slap her hand on her table.

"Jiang Jiang, your friend is here."

She stopped and her thoughts were separated from the design. The bell rang again and she turned her head.

Gu Shizhou bent his arms and leaned his head on the table. His hat was raised quite a bit when he faced her. From her angle, he could reveal a complete pair of eyes. There was a special tear mole under his left eye. Sexy with changes in expression.

"Finally you are looking at me."

Regarding his sudden appearance, Jiang Nuannuan's brain shut down for a moment, and she subconsciously put down her pen and looked around.

There was a lecturer standing on the podium, but not many people paid attention to him. She bent down, her hair fell into several clusters on the table, and pressed against Gu Shizhou's arm.

"You're too bold," she said softly, placing her fingers on his arm.

"I'm leaving tomorrow." Gu Shizhou looked at her, his voice under the mask was dull and sexy, "I can't tie you up and take you away, I can only stay with you for one more day."

Jiang Nuannuan was stunned for a moment, the corners of her lips were slightly raised, her brush strokes were turned in a circle and lightly touched the end of his eyes, "You can't live without me."

He held the pen holder, raised his chin, and whispered: "Holy God's Class, why don't you tease me here?"

Afraid that he would do something outrageous, Jiang Nuannuan patted the brim of his hat, completely blocking his face, and withdrew the stylus, "Get some sleep."

"Yeah." Gu Shizhou didn't move, lying next to her, closing his eyes and taking a nap.

Xia Jun, who was sitting in front, couldn't help but send her a WeChat message and asked if it was the Best Actor Gu.

Jiang Nuannuan replied with a yes, and saw her stamping her feet twice as if she was twitching, looking very excited.

She suddenly remembered the photo album she had spent a lot of effort to get from Gu Shizhou. When the last class in the morning was over, Jiang Nuannuan patted Xia Jun on the back and handed the things he took out of the bag to she.

"It's for you."

Xia Jun saw Li Yi's name at a glance, and she couldn't describe the excitement just now. She almost cried and called Jiang Nuannuan's father. "Jiang Jiang!!" She hugged her waist across the table and said with tears in her eyes, "I will die with no regrets in this life."

Gu Shizhou, who was sleeping lightly next to him, moved and raised his chin, his hat fell off, his hair was messy and lazily, and a sleepy voice came from his lips, "Is get out of class over?"

Jiang Nuannuan responded, and Xia Jun calmed down and asked her quietly: "Will Movie Emperor Gu go to the cafeteria with us for dinner at noon? Or will you go out to eat alone?"

"There is another class here in the afternoon. It's too troublesome to go out. I'll buy some and bring it back." Jiang Nuannuan said.

Xia Jun: "Isn't it bad to let Movie Emperor Gu eat mortal bread?"

Looking closely at the handsome face that had just woken up and was still a little sleepy, Xia Jun felt like his heart had been hit hard.

She murmured softly, "This is the first time I've seen him so close in person. He's so swaggering. He looks so swaggering. Just showing his eyes makes him look so sexy."

Jiang Nuannuan raised her eyebrows, put the book and tablet back into her bag and carried them on her back, "How about replacing Li Yi's photo album with his?"

"No, I still have the principle of chasing stars, and I am not just a wallflower." Xia Jun rubbed his face against Li Yi, who was dressed as a monk on the cover and his shirt disappeared, and his eyes filled with red hearts.

Jiang Nuannuan consciously didn't notice, so she leaned down in front of Gu Shizhou and said, "Are you waiting for me here? I'll buy some lunch and come back."

"Okay." He squeezed her hand, looking lazy and looking like she hadn't woken up yet, "I'll eat what you eat."

Jiang Nuannuan and Xia Jun walked out of the classroom arm in arm. The remaining girls who were still watching were too embarrassed to get up close, because Gu Shizhou's particularly conspicuous temperament really created a barrier between him and ordinary people, and he felt too distant.

Along the way, someone asked Jiang Nuannuan who Gu Shizhou was. In order to avoid causing a sensation, she just smiled and said she was a good friend.

Jiang Nuannuan didn't buy any of the serious staple food. She went to the convenience store to pick out two sandwiches and mineral water, and an extra pack of low-sugar whole-wheat crackers.

Xia Jun followed her and couldn't help but say: "That's it? You can just feed Gu Yingdi a ten-dollar sandwich and you can handle it?"

Jiang Nuannuan: "Low calories and keep in shape. There is a box of grass in our refrigerator that he gnawed on."

Xia Jun was suddenly in awe, "No wonder you maintain such a good figure. It's not easy to eat with Movie Emperor Gu, right? If you don't pay attention, you will be hungry and eat your classmates."

Jiang Nuannuan paid the money and shook her head when she heard the words, "No, there is a special compartment for me to eat. I won't get fat if I eat it."

Xia Jun: ".You'd better shut up."

Jiang Nuannuan smiled and said, "You should go back to the dormitory to rest at noon. We will meet backstage at the party."

She said goodbye to her friends and returned to the empty classroom. This time, she was the one standing at the door to pause and admire.

Probably because of the long wait, the air conditioner in the classroom on the first floor was also turned off, and students outside were coming and going across a forest path.

Gu Shizhou, who had nothing to do, took off his hat and mask and sat on the edge of the open window sill. The curtain next to him was blown by the wind and billowed with waves, rubbing against his legs. His black hair was messy in front of his forehead, and there was a halo on the top of his hair.

In this context, there is really a sense of youth that travels back to a man's boyhood.

Jiang Nuannuan suddenly felt a little regretful.

She was not able to participate in his youth. Gu Shizhou at that time must have been in a different high-spirited mood than he is now.

(End of this chapter)

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