Chapter 570 Gu Shizhou (21)

She walked over, took out the sandwich and water and handed them to him, turned her back to the window and leaned against him, "Aren't you going to bask in the sun?"


Gu Shizhou tore open the package, handed the sandwich to her, and took the unopened one from her hand, "Just eat this?"

"Save your efforts and take me to eat something delicious when the night is over."

Jiang Nuannuan was biting the bread, and a strand of hair that fell by her ear was about to go into her mouth. Gu Shizhou helped her move it back, looked at her for a moment, and said, "I have the idea of ​​withdrawing from the circle."

Jiang Nuannuan turned her head when she heard this and looked at him in surprise, "Why? You don't like acting very much?"

Gu Shizhou supported the window sill and leaned back slightly. The wind flowed into the hanging hem of his clothes and flowed against his skin.

He squinted his eyes comfortably and looked at the sunshine above his head, "I used to be able to be willful because there was someone in front of me carrying me, but now I can't."

Jiang Nuannuan suddenly saw a trace of nostalgia on his expression. She turned sideways and asked curiously: "Your father?"

He also feels sorry for his father, which is quite strange.

As a result, Gu Shizhou turned his head to look at her, his lips slightly raised, "No."

Jiang Nuannuan raised her eyebrows, "The company must be very busy."

Thinking about it, it was only a matter of time. It was impossible for such a large group to be supported by the elder forever. The heir was only one son. Gu Shizhou had to make a choice among them. He was simply too busy.

There was also some regret on her face, "It's a pity."

"I don't feel it's a pity." Gu Shizhou said.

To live a new life, he had to sacrifice his personal hobbies to get Jiang Nuannuan, which was much more cost-effective than buying and selling. In addition, although he missed the days when Gu Tingyan was his brother, he hated having to compete with him for the same woman.

With eyes full of curiosity, Jiang Nuannuan saw Gu Shizhou throw away the sandwich bag, held her cheeks in his hands and rubbed them, and said to her with a smile in his eyes: "It's so great to be able to have you all to myself, give up. Hobbies are nothing.”

Jiang Nuannuan: "."

She felt that she couldn't keep up with his brain circuit, but hearing these words made people blush inexplicably. She embarrassedly went to break his arm and said, "Pay attention, this is still a school."

"What are you afraid of?" He lowered his head and kissed her on the lips, "I can't wait to tell the whole world right away that you are mine."

Jiang Nuannuan's heart skipped a beat, but she was still not immune to his love words. She bit down on his mouth with her side face, "Let go, I still want to eat bread."

Gu Shizhou smiled and let go of his hand, putting it on her shoulder instead.

Students passing by the forest path saw the sun shining on the window, the curtains billowing in the wind, and the two people's backs leaning on each other. The boy was tall and straight, and the girl was petite and cute. Although the front face could not be seen, their outstanding temperaments seemed to match each other. .

A classmate in his class recognized the girl as Jiang Nuannuan. It was previously reported on the Internet that she was Gu Shizhou's girlfriend. Combined with the boy's heavily armed appearance, the conclusion seemed self-evident.

"Sister Fu, it seems that Gu Shizhou has come to our school. He and Jiang Nuannuan are really boyfriend and girlfriend."

A photo of the windowsill was sent to Fu Shiliu’s mobile phone.

She held the phone and was silent for a moment before replying: Probably not, I went to Shi Zhou's company today, and his assistant said he was still busy outside.

The girl who had been her little tail since a rehearsal wanted to become famous through her internet celebrity account, so he placed bets on her.

But in fact, the assistant's original words were: Miss Fu, it is not convenient for our boss to disclose the schedule. You can make an appointment for the meeting tomorrow night at the latest, and I will inform you of the result.

Yes, when she came to the Gu family's company today, she could only make an appointment at the secretary's office, and Gu Shizhou would have to give her a separate nod before notifying her of the result.Fu Shiliu stood in the lobby of the Gu Group. This was the first time she had stepped into and seen the splendor here in three years since she went abroad.

The financial building in the center of Linggang belongs to Gu Shizhou.

The relationship between their two families was really good before. After she went abroad, she had less contact with the old lady of the Gu family. Coupled with the big event that happened at home three months ago, they had completely cut off contact.

No one expected that in just three years, the two of them would be completely different.

But fortunately, she learned the true situation of Jiang Nuannuan from Jiang Meng. An ugly duck born in a rural area who had lost its eggs as a swan could not compare to her anyway.

Gu Shizhou probably didn't know about this yet.

In the evening, because of the school anniversary party, students who were performing had to go to the lounge to prepare in advance. Jiang Nuannuan, Xia Jun and several other classmates shared the same lounge, so it was inconvenient to take Gu Shizhou with them.

Let him find a place to kill time first, and she and Xia Jun went to get busy.

As a speaker, Fu Shiliu was invited by the school from outside, so he naturally had an independent lounge.

The door was open at this time, and a group of students were putting on makeup outside. There was a bouquet of bright roses on the table in front. Fu Shiliu would raise his hand to touch it from time to time, and he could not hide the smile on his face. .

Her appearance caught everyone's attention. As soon as Jiang Nuannuan walked in, her classmates were all talking about it, saying that Gu Shizhou came to school to give flowers to Fu Shiliu.

She raised her eyebrows slightly, remembering the man who held her arm to ask for a kiss 10 minutes ago, and couldn't help but smile from her pursed lips.

"Nuan Nuan, you still have the heart to laugh."

There are always a few girls with quite upright views who come close to her and whisper: "You are obviously going to be poached."

"What are you talking about poaching? She was having sex with a man in the classroom during the day. I would say she just wanted to tie him up and make him famous. She was also a mistress. Whoever the mistress was might be."

The girl who spoke was Tang Yan, who had been helping Fu Shiliu. Xia Jun found out this name from others. After offending Jiang Nuannuan last time, she decided to go against them this time and cause trouble for others.

Jiang Nuannuan glanced at the roses on the table, "Are you sure it was sent by Gu Shizhou?"

Tang Yan said: "Senior Sister Fu didn't say it clearly, but we all saw it. The people who got out of a sports car were all dressed up. Who else could look like a star but Gu Shizhou?"

Xia Jun almost laughed in anger. If she hadn't actually spoken to Gu Shizhou in the morning, she would have believed the evil they directed and acted like others.

"I really can't tell that she is so good at directing and acting at such an old age. She wears a cheongsam every day to promote Chinese culture. She looks so pure and peaceful. Her bones are all black. It's disgusting how she steals men. ."

Fu Shiliu is really good at exploiting the psychology of people who eat melons. She has been an Internet celebrity for so many years, and she does have some clever tricks.

Probably noticed the dispute outside.

Fu Shiliu, who had already dressed up, was wearing a red dark-patterned cheongsam, and walked towards him with a swaying figure holding the bouquet of roses, "Tang Yan, stop talking nonsense, that's just a friend of mine."

With that said, she took out a rose from a large bouquet, handed it to Jiang Nuannuan, and said gently: "Don't worry, just have good luck."

Is there anything more disgusting than a love rival giving roses from a man?
If you think about it a little bit, it’s something that people who eat melons think they want their heads to turn green.

However, Jiang Nuannuan, the person involved, took the flowers calmly and thanked her politely, saying, "My friend has really good taste. The flowers he sent are so beautiful."

Fu Shiliu smiled, "His fashion taste has always been very good, and the packaging is also very unique, so I will share it with everyone."

(End of this chapter)

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