Chapter 571 Gu Shizhou (22)

"Oh." Jiang Nuannuan still stared at her with a smile, "Will he come back later?"

In Fu Shiliu's eyes, that expression was no different from naked ridicule.

"I don't know." Fu Shiliu felt a little guilty when she saw him. He lowered his head and fiddled with the roses in his hand. "It's not convenient for me because of my identity. He may be watching me secretly."

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, "That's it."

She sat down in front of her makeup station, not bothering to pay attention to the drama she was directing and acting in, and started to apply makeup on herself.

Xia Jun sat next to her and asked in a low voice: "Will Movie Emperor Gu come to see you again tonight?"

Jiang Nuannuan smiled slightly, "I guess he's coming."


"He still owes me a bouquet of flowers."

Xia Jun blinked and looked at Fu Shiliu's back in the lounge at the end, "Didn't this happen to hit the muzzle of the gun?"

She patted Jiang Nuannuan's arm again and whispered, "But I don't understand why she always wants to portray herself as the woman who is the Best Actor Gu in front of outsiders."

Jiang Nuannuan said calmly: "The family is on the verge of bankruptcy. After she returned to Linggang alone, there was no one to support her. No one in the circle would take her seriously anymore, so even if it is the emperor's new clothes , she also has to wear it to the end.”

She has a clear understanding of Fu Shiliu's psychology now. This woman, who is nearly 30 years old and the same age as Gu Shizhou, feels like she is watching a clown's performance.

Xia Jun clicked his tongue, "She is worse than most of us now?"

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, "Negative equity, her parents will be imprisoned if nothing unexpected happens. She has been a vase abroad for so many years, and she has no ability to take care of herself when she comes back. Among her existing connections, it happens that Gu Shizhou likes someone It's me, and my face is a bit similar to hers, so for her, catching Gu Shizhou is the best choice, only he can help her."

Xia Jun: "I'm starting to look forward to what's going to happen."

The party began, and everyone gathered in the outdoor playground. A large stage was temporarily built for the annual school anniversary.

The WeChat message on Jiang Nuannuan's phone flashed as she stood in the background. It was from Gu Shizhou.

He asked her which time she appeared.

At this time, most of the school celebration activities have been carried out.

She opened the curtain slightly from the backstage and poked her head out to look at the crowd of people outside, thinking that he must be watching from a corner now. She lowered her head and replied: Come on, there are two more people performing in front.

Xia Jun came over and asked, "Is he going to come on stage to give you flowers? I'm so excited."

Jiang Nuannuan shook her head, "I don't know, but I think it won't be too low-key."

When her name was mentioned, Jiang Nuannuan lifted up her skirt and walked up the steps. Fu Shiliu came down from the top as the host, and the two met on the narrow steps.

Fu Shiliu suddenly pressed her shoulders, and in just a few seconds, he leaned close to her ear. With a smile on his face, he said to the crowd, "The Jiang family raised a rural girl by mistake. She is scheming." It’s not easy to get to this point.”

The two people were intertwined. Jiang Nuannuan paused and turned around to call her, "Miss Fu."

Her voice was loud, and everyone at the bottom of the steps heard her voice and turned their heads.

Fu Shiliu also turned to look at her, smiled and said, "What?"

"What did you just say to me?"

She said: "Ah, I wanted to say that I will perform on stage later. Come on."

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, "I also want to tell you that I'm going to blow my pillow."

Fu Shiliu was stunned, "What?"

Jiang Nuannuan smiled, showing a row of white teeth, and imitated Gu Shizhou and said harshly: "I'll kill you."

As if he didn't expect that she, who had been giving in all the time, would say this, Fu Shiliu's expression froze.

"Hey Jiang Nuannuan, do you think what you said is human? Are you blowing pillow wind? Is this honorable? Who doesn't know that you are lying." The little follower angrily helped Fu Shiliu.

No one appeared on the stage, and there was some discussion below.

Jiang Nuannuan lifted up her skirt again, stood on the steps, and glanced at her condescendingly, with utmost contempt.

"Who do you think you are?"

Seeing her proud back on stage made Xia Jun blush, "My bestie is so handsome." Fu Shiliu said I'm fine and silently clenched her fists.

Jiang Nuannuan wore a white tube top dress and sat in front of the piano like a little princess.

Gu Shizhou raised his hat and hummed, "It's easy for these people to have eyes."

What made him feel even more unhappy was that all the boys among the students had bright eyes, like wolves and tigers.

Jiang Nuannuan had been hiding her relationship with him before, which led many people to think that she was still single and did not believe that the things that had been on the hot search were true and were just treating it as a fake scandal.

Gu Shizhou heard many people saying that they wanted to pursue her, and they also said that she was so nice that she gave away free afternoon tea worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, and his molars almost broke after one bite.

Wasn't that what he sent? He also sent a bunch of love rivals.

He held the brim of his hat for a moment, thought about it, and decided to take it off.

What are you afraid of? The worst I can do is go home and kneel on the washboard at night.

He will decide on this reputation today.

Jiang Nuannuan is not keen on playing the piano, but her family has raised her as a lady since childhood, so she must be able to do it.

She played the song without any emotion and relied on her dazzling skills. She curled up her cramped fingers and was about to stand up with the thunderous applause. At this time, there was a rumble of a helicopter above her head.

She raised her head along with everyone, her eyes suddenly changed.

Under the dusk sky, several helicopters came from the sky and dropped a large number of rose petals, creating a spectacular rain of flowers.

Jiang Nuannuan was hit in the face by the flower, the fragrance was fragrant. She took a few petals and had a premonition in her heart of who could do such a rustic and romantic thing, so she followed the exclamations that broke out from the crowd on one side.

She saw the man walking from the shadows into the crowd with a bouquet of yellow tulips in his hand, and walking towards her. The light on the stage fell on him. He was still wearing the same black casual clothes as during the day, paired with that completely exposed face. The face that emerged was so handsome that people couldn't take their eyes away.

"Gu Shizhou! Ahhh! Damn it, it's really Gu Shizhou! He's alive and well!"

There was a huge discussion both in front of and behind the stage.

Fu Shiliu, who heard the commotion, ran to the steps with her skirt in hand and stood behind the scenes, staring at Gu Shizhou who jumped onto the stage from the front. The little attendant next to her asked her with a pale face: "Sister Fu, what does Gu Shizhou want?" It’s still a matter of stepping on two boats.”

After talking about it, she felt a little unreasonable.

If it was Gu Shizhou who sent flowers to Fu Shiliu, it would only be a bouquet of roses, and it was still secretive. On the other hand, Gu Shizhou, who sent flowers to Jiang Nuannuan openly, had no fear of being exposed to the spotlight.

When the two of them compare, who is the shady third party?
Jiang Nuannuan also said that she would kill them
Fu Shiliu could no longer make any expression. Her hands and feet were cold. She didn't expect that she would be so unlucky as this, nor did she expect that Gu Shizhou, who was usually a busy person, would be so idle, waiting here all night just to give Jiang Nuannuan a gift. flower.

She felt like most of her face had been torn off.

On the stage.

Jiang Nuannuan took the flowers, and Gu Shizhou came closer to her with a dazzling smile, "You won't give me a kiss?"

She was dazed, feeling that he was too handsome at this moment, so she followed her heart and raised her head, kissing him on the cheek.

"Gu Shizhou, you are so bold. Have you brought a bodyguard?"

"No, I will take you to run away later." He put his arm around her waist, hummed softly in her ear, and then said jealously: "If you don't declare your sovereignty, these brats who don't have all their hair will be killed." Stealing someone from me."

She freed up one hand to hug Tulip, and put the other around his waist, tugging on his casual clothes, "Then tell them that you are my boyfriend."

Gu Shizhou raised his eyebrows, and a smile suddenly appeared in his eyes. He asked the male host who came up to borrow a microphone and said to the people below: "It's rare to see my girlfriend. I'll treat everyone to a supper tonight after the school celebration."

The screams that broke out from the crowd almost pierced the sky, and it was boiling.

Stepping on the rose petals on the ground, Gu Shizhou walked down the steps with Jiang Nuannuan in his arms.

There were also many people who came to join in the fun, most of whom were in the same rehearsal room. Everyone knew what happened between Fu Shiliu and the couple.

Now it seems that things are not at all what the rumors said.

Jiang Nuannuan said: "I'm going to change my clothes. Please wait for me here for a while."

Behind the door were girls' dressing rooms. She was not alone. It was inconvenient for him to go in. Gu Shizhou nodded, "I'll wait for you here."

(End of this chapter)

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