Chapter 572 Gu Shizhou (23)

He was leaning against the door, and the little girl next to him came and went. Some faces walked away and came around again, and dangled in front of him more than once.

Gu Shizhou scratched his eyebrows, then stretched out his hand, "Want an autograph?"


The little girls swarmed up to him, but kept a distance due to his dual identity, and only brought paper and pen to him.

Gu Shizhou lowered his head to sign, his casual look so beautiful that people couldn't take their eyes away.

Finally someone asked: "Gu Yingdi, is Senior Jiang really your girlfriend?"

He raised his head and accurately caught the girl with an ugly face who immediately dodged after meeting his eyes. He raised his eyebrows slightly and asked, "Did the microphone in my hand just break and I couldn't speak clearly? "

The other party took the signature he handed over and hesitated, not knowing what to say.

Gu Shizhou looked at her with a smile on his lips: "This is my only girlfriend."

He admitted it himself, even mentioning Jiang Nuannuan's name, his charming peach blossom eyes could tenderly water.

The other party nodded randomly and ran away.

From the moment Gu Shizhou stood at the door waiting until Jiang Nuannuan changed clothes and was taken away by him, Fu Shiliu stayed in her own independent lounge holding her bouquet of roses. After the last humiliation in the swimming pool, she now knew very well that she was Even if he gets in front of Gu Shizhou, he will ignore him.

It was embarrassing to be ignored by him in front of so many people. It would be better to hide in the lounge in the first place.

Fu Shiliu was very flustered.

She wants to use Gu Shizhou's reputation to stay in the upper class. This is not a long-term solution. She must meet with him alone as soon as possible to expose the person behind Jiang Nuannuan. Maybe for the sake of face, he will help her. She It's not bad, is it?

Hearing the sounds outside gradually getting quieter, Fu Shiliu adjusted her mentality and then pretended to be uncomfortable and opened the door, casually asking a girl nearby, "Is Gu Shizhou gone?"

The girl looked at her with something else in her eyes, "Let's go with Senior Sister Jiang."

Fu Shiliu sighed, "I'm late, but can you take me to the hospital first? I'm not feeling well."

She tried to use this reason to explain why she didn't go out just now. The girl smiled and said, "Oh, but Senior Fu, do you know that Movie Emperor Gu and Senior Jiang have been together for three years? I feel that what you are doing now is indeed too much. It’s actually you who wanted to bundle it up and hype it up, after all, you are also an Internet celebrity who has been operating accounts on the Internet for many years.”

Fu Shiliu frowned and covered his chest with his fingers, "That's not true. I never said that Gu Shizhou and I had any other relationship."

Now I'm pretending to have this attitude again, so everyone wants to say "The smell of tea is so strong."

"Miss Fu." Xia Jun held her shoulders, pressed her into the chair, and said to her in the mirror: "I have already called 120 for you. I believe the ambulance will arrive soon. You are feeling very uncomfortable." Just be patient and send you to the hospital for a checkup right away."

Fu Shiliu tried to get up, "No, I just have some minor problems."

Mr. It’s about your family’s financial situation.”

Fu Shiliu's face froze.

She kept pretending to be peaceful, just because she didn't want anyone to mention her family situation.

Xia Jun's smiling face looked so ugly and evil at the moment.

"If you have to get involved in someone's relationship just because you look similar to them, if someone like you can be invited by the school to be a speaker, it's probably through the back door."

Xia Jun's casual words were indeed right.

It was Fu Shiliu who came back to China to preach in this school on the pretext that Gu Shizhou was an old acquaintance.

The two families had some friendship before, and the principal of this school happened to know about it.

After the incident at school was uploaded, the studio behind Gu Shizhou had already made preparations to confirm and make public his relationship.He is not a member of a popular boy band. He mostly shoots movies and occasionally appears on variety shows. In recent years, he is an acting star whose reputation and box office have proven his ability. Fans are not much surprised except that he is officially in a relationship. Off powder.

What they couldn't accept the most was the news that Gu Shizhou was planning to retire from the entertainment industry. This outdoor variety show was the last time he was active in the public eye.

Behind him is the Gu family, and it is obvious that he is going back to inherit the family business, which makes fans even more heartbroken than knowing that he is in love.

Weibo was paralyzed and people were wailing.

Gu Shizhou didn't care about this. On the last night before his business trip, he spent most of the night with the baby in his arms. In the morning, he still buried himself in the crook of her neck and said coquettishly: "I want to take you there."

Jiang Nuannuan pushed his head away, stroking his hair. She opened her eyes drowsily, raised her sore forearms and put them on his neck, "Gu Shizhou, why are you so clingy. "

He laughed softly and kissed her, "When will I transfer my hukou? I've been waiting for a long time."

"I'll do it in the afternoon." Jiang Nuannuan's pajamas were directly bitten by his teeth, and there was a flush of heat against her skin. She hummed, kicked him with her feet, and her eyes became clearer, "You Are you leaving or not?"

"Let's go, come back and do it again." Gu Shizhou kissed her and covered her again with the quilt he had taken off.

Before leaving, Jiang Nuannuan remembered and grabbed his little finger, "I remembered something."

Gu Shizhou held her hand, "What?"

Jiang Nuannuan looked at him and said, "Fu Shiliu knows that I am the wrong daughter of the Jiang family."

Gu Shizhou's gentle eyebrows dimmed and he squeezed her fingers, "Afraid she will bully you?"

"I hate her."

Jiang Nuannuan said very straightforwardly. She sat up and half of her suspender nightgown fell from her shoulders. The exposed large area of ​​snow-white skin was covered by long hair that looked like splashing ink. Her beautiful body made people jealous.

Gu Shizhou's eyes darkened, his hand was pinched by her, and he heard her slightly annoyed voice say: "Look there."

He reluctantly moved his eyes back to her face, and picked up her shoulder straps with his fingertips to cover the body that made him want to take off his clothes and go to bed, "I hate her too."

Jiang Nuannuan yawned, "I think she will make a fuss out of this matter. Just watch it. I don't want to spend any more energy on her. This makes me feel very bad."

"Will not."

Gu Shizhou touched her face and told her seriously: "Whoever bullies you, I will kill him."

He will nip everything in the cradle before it happens.

Satisfied, Jiang Nuannuan pushed him away and fell back on the bed to catch up on her sleep. "Okay, I've finished blowing the wind on my pillow. You can hurry up and catch your flight."

"Pillow style?" Gu Shizhou raised his eyebrows and smiled when he heard this, "No wonder you worked so hard last night."

Jiang Nuannuan turned her face away from him, but her ears were a little red.

When leaving, Gu Shizhou gently closed the door, called his assistant, and asked him to find out what happened to Jiang Nuannuan on campus without any emotion, and with a hint of stormy anger.

His baby would not come to him to blow pillows when she had nothing to do. Although he felt very happy doing this, he was also very worried that she would give up on him suddenly.

Just because of some unnecessary misunderstandings.

It had been almost half a month since he left for work. During this period, Jiang Nuannuan had not seen Fu Shiliu again, and her school life was very stable, except that she heard that a girl from the acting major next door had dropped out.

The reason was not stated clearly. When Xia Jun told her, he only expressed his guess, "It was the one who followed Fu Shiliu and choked you every day during the time when she was here. Gu Yingdi must have done it."

(End of this chapter)

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