Chapter 573 Gu Shizhou (24)

Jiang Nuannuan was not surprised at all. She packed the things in her bag and said, "It's something he would do."

Xia Jun: "Do you understand us so well?"

Jiang Nuannuan turned her eyes and said to her: "When he takes action, he rarely leaves people with a way out."

Xia Jun's heart trembled, as he could hear a hint of fear in Movie Emperor Gu from her gentle words.

She touched her chest, "That's right. After all, he is also a character who makes the whole Linggang tremble with his movements. It's just that the star halo also adds a people-friendly filter to him. I guess Fu Shiliu is going to be finished."

Jiang Nuannuan smiled and said, "I'll leave first."

Xia Jun: "Isn't Movie Emperor Gu on a business trip? Why are you going at this time in the afternoon?"

"I submitted an application for independent household registration some time ago, and the application was approved, but there was something wrong with the birth certificate. I need to get my personal certification documents today." Jiang Nuannuan replied.

Xia Jun was stunned and followed her, "What did you say? You want to move your household registration from the Jiang family? But you are still in college, so you need to be financially independent, right? Do you own real estate?"

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, "The home where Gu Shizhou and I live is written in my name, and I have a house book."

Xia Jun: "...I drooled with envy, but how did you convince your parents to agree? "

Jiang Nuannuan's eyes dimmed slightly, "I didn't tell them that the information uploaded online was previously stored in the computer. I will go back and get it today."

Xia Jun couldn't help but feel a little worried when he heard what she said, "They will definitely not let you go. I don't feel comfortable if you go back alone."

"The Jiang family is in a bad situation right now. My parents are busy at the company every day. As for Jiang Meng, there is no need to worry. She is usually not at home in the afternoon."

Even after hearing what Jiang Nuannuan said, Xia Jun still felt uneasy, "Okay, if anything happens, call me."

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, "I will be back for class tomorrow morning at the latest."

"it is good."

After saying goodbye to her best friend, Jiang Nuannuan returned to Jiang's house.

The situation at home was exactly as she predicted.

During the day, her parents need to go to the company to deal with matters. As for Jiang Meng, they usually spend their time at afternoon tea organized by a certain famous brand or at a beauty salon on a shopping street. In addition to a few nannies at home, there is also a gardener in the small garden at the door. Work.

Therefore, she thought it was convenient to take away these things.

But today, unexpectedly, Jiang Meng came back early from outside.

She was going upstairs with her boyfriend while they were kissing passionately. She thought there was no one else at home except the maids and nannies in the garden and the kitchen, and they were flirting with each other on the steps.

The man who was said to have an iron job and a good reputation was kissing his girlfriend in his arms, and the stupid words coming out of his mouth were one after another.

"Baby, do you think Jiang Nuannuan can taste as good as you? It smells so good on me."

"What? You still want to try it? You said you mentioned Jiang Nuannuan to me several times along the way today."

Jiang Meng was panting and her voice was slightly dissatisfied.

The man had seen Jiang Nuannuan several times. His long legs and flamboyant face were indeed eye-catching. Compared to the average-looking person in his arms, he was so eye-catching and delicious just by looking at him.

It's a pity that the other party is now a famous woman who has become the lover of a wealthy family, and she is still a fake daughter. There is nothing behind her that makes him resist Jiang Meng and protect her.

With a flattering smile on his face, he said: "I just pity Gu Shizhou. He is not as lucky as me to pick up a piece of rags. His seductive face is very sexy at first glance. How can you not be as pure and cute as you?" She was born to be a wife." Jiang Nuannuan had just taken out something from the bedside table when she heard a voice coming from the door saying such a disgusting word. She suddenly turned her eyes to the door and her eyes darkened.

These two perverts!
"This is the woman's room."

Jiang Meng groaned and said, "She doesn't usually come back."

The doorknob was twisted by the man. "Then we can do something exciting in the afternoon and let her sleep on the bed stained with our sweat, eh?"

Jiang Meng chuckled, "You are so bad."

In front of Jiang Nuannuan, the door was opened.

A lively erotic scene was going on in front of her. Jiang Nuannuan didn't know where to hide it, and she didn't know where to hide it. She just held the document and watched blankly as the two of them hugged and circled around, and finally fell on her bed together.

Just as the afternoon sun entered the bedroom, Jiang Nuannuan's back was cast infinitely on the bed, and the two people who lingered into her shadow finally realized something was wrong.

Jiang Meng, who had her legs spread wide, finally moved her blurred eyes away from her boyfriend's face, and suddenly saw Jiang Nuannuan's pretty face staring down at them.

Jiang Meng was stunned for two seconds, and then let out an earth-shattering cry.


The two of them rolled out of bed in a hurry and covered their upper bodies with clothes and fabrics.

Jiang Meng rolled up the quilt and fell to the floor. Her blushing face turned pale in a second, "Jiang, Jiang Nuannuan, why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be in school? "

Jiang Nuannuan held the document in her hand, walked around the bed, and glanced at the two of them calmly, "Normally when I'm not at home, you just mess around on my bed?"

Thinking that the servant might not have paid attention to this before and even changed the sheets, she might have slept on such a dirty bed. A nauseating feeling suddenly hit her throat from her stomach, and she walked out with a cold face.

"It's disgusting."

She wanted to leave this place as soon as possible.

Jiang Meng sat on the floor, staring blankly at her leaving figure. She suddenly remembered the documents that flashed before her eyes, and suddenly hurriedly pulled her boyfriend's arm, "She took away the parent-child documents and household registration." Ben! Go and stop her! Go and stop her!"

Her boyfriend didn't understand why she was in such a hurry. Considering the family's status and financial resources, he obediently got up and went to catch Jiang Nuannuan.

The girl was still halfway up the stairs when the man grabbed her wrist and dragged her back from the steps.

The strength of an adult man was too much. Jiang Nuannuan's wrist was only slightly twisted, but she felt extremely painful. She turned pale and said, "Let go!"

The papers in his hands were scattered on the floor.

She was pushed back into the bedroom by the man. His figure was like a hill holding the door. His malicious eyes wandered around her body for a while, and then he said to Jiang Meng with concern: "Baby, the ground is cold. Get up quickly."

Jiang Meng put on her clothes haphazardly, grabbed a handful of hair, ran around him and ran to the door to pick up the documents on the ground.

After taking a closer look, I saw a paternity certificate, a household registration book, and a copy of the house book.

Jiang Meng took a closer look and found that it was a large flat-floor apartment located near the Linggang River, with a market value of almost hundreds of millions.

This is not the Jiang family's house at all, but the name is written by Jiang Nuannuan.

Where did she get so much money to buy such a house, and now she has these things?
(End of this chapter)

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