Chapter 574 Gu Shizhou (25)

Jiang Meng returned to the bedroom with these things, held them up and asked Jiang Nuannuan, "What do you want to do with these things when you go home? Nuannuan, are you leaving our house?"

Jiang Nuannuan finally pulled her hand away from the man's shackles, and her wrist was already pinched and turned red.

She covered her wrist and looked at Jiang Meng coldly, "Give me the thing."

"Are you dreaming! The family has worked hard to raise you and given you a lifetime of glory and wealth, and now you actually want to leave!?" Jiang Meng angrily slapped the document on the bed, and the shame he felt just now has completely disappeared. .

"We are a family, how could you do this!"

The man stood between the two women. Listening to Jiang Meng's anxious words, he couldn't help but be curious. He had heard that his girlfriend had complained about Jiang Nuannuan more than once, but due to the status of Gu Shizhou, who was having an affair with her, her family just didn't like her. You have to tolerate her too.

He seemed to be so anxious now because he was afraid that Jiang Nuannuan would leave the Jiang family, but he couldn't understand it.

Jiang Nuannuan was too lazy to talk to them. She picked up her phone and wanted to make a call, but Jiang Meng pulled her bag and bag into her arms.

"You just stay at home today." She bit her lip tightly and pulled her boyfriend back to the door.

The bedroom door was closed by Jiang Meng, and then she immediately took out her mobile phone, hurriedly entered the study and dialed her father, and whispered her suspicions in a low voice.

Jiang Nuannuan, who was left in the room, looked calm. She just lowered her eyes and looked at the circle of marks on her wrist, with a hint of darkness in her eyes.

What a bad luck and bad decision.

When Jiang's father in the company heard about this, he dropped what he was doing and rushed home with Jiang's mother.

Her boyfriend Qi Heng, who was blocked at the door of the study, was confused and couldn't help but listen to what was going on in the study. The door suddenly opened at this moment.

He immediately raised his little face, held Jiang Meng's hand, and asked softly: "Baby, what happened? Isn't it just right to let Jiang Nuannuan leave the house? Why are you so kind-hearted and want to When people come back, if you treat them as sisters, they may not treat you as sisters."

Jiang Meng leaned into his arms and said with a complicated expression, "You don't understand."

"Why don't I understand? I only know that you are the only daughter in the family. If Jiang Nuannuan is gone, the entire Jiang family will belong to you from now on." Qi Heng tried to remind her of the future property distribution.

He didn't know the current financial crisis of the Jiang family at all, and he didn't know that they were in a huge trouble.

Seeing Jiang Meng lowering his eyes and not speaking, Qi Heng also became suspicious, his eyes thoughtful, "There is just a small problem at home, right?"

"of course."

In order to show her wealth and dignity in front of her boyfriend, Jiang Meng never told the truth, even now.

She raised her eyes and said, "Behind Jiang Nuannuan is Gu Shizhou. Have you forgotten what I told you? If they really get along and get married, it will be a leap across classes for our family. How can it be different from ordinary wealthy families?" But there’s no comparison, she can’t leave the Jiang family.”

Qi Heng believed it and said softly: "Xiao Meng still has a vision."

Jiang Nuannuan was locked in the bedroom. The bedroom was on the second floor. Under the window was a long flower bed filled with greenery and thorny blooming flowers.

She stood by the window for a long time, bent over and counting the time with her chin in her palm, feeling bored.

Until the evening, Jiang's father and Jiang's mother hurried from the company.

They got the documents from Jiang Meng that were used to move out and have an independent household registration, as well as a paternity certificate specifically for severing the relationship. They confirmed that Jiang Nuannuan wanted to leave the Jiang family without telling everyone, and was furious. At the same time, there is also deep fear.

The family discussed it in the study for a long time behind Qi Heng's back.

They all agreed that based on the current poor management situation of the family, if Jiang Nuannuan was allowed to leave, not to mention that the money spent raising a daughter for many years would be wasted. According to Jiang's father's wishes, Jiang Meng's current academic qualifications and status could not be helped. She has been matched with those wealthy young masters and is now engaged to Qi Heng, a civil servant. Only Jiang Nuannuan can do it in the family. Even if she does not get the support of Gu Shizhou behind her, Jiang Nuannuan will still need to help the family in the future marriage. of.

All in all, Jiang Meng's words were not too much to hear, but Jiang Nuannuan was the most important weight, and they must not let go.

At dinner time, the family had finished their meal. Jiang's mother asked the kitchen to prepare extra dinner. She took the dinner plate and opened Jiang Nuannuan's bedroom door with the key.

She was sitting on the floor and flipping through the book she picked up from the bedside table in boredom.

"Are you hungry?"

Mother Jiang put the dinner on the table, walked up to her, and said lovingly: "Why are you sitting on the ground? Get up and have some food."

Jiang Nuannuan stopped flipping through the book and looked up at the open door of the bedroom.

Jiang's mother was alert, probably because she was afraid that she would rush out of the door right now. She took two steps back to the door. She closed the door first, then turned the lock to the left, then walked back and said kindly: "We You two, let’s have a heart-to-heart talk.”

Jiang Nuannuan slowly stood up from the floor and glanced at the bed, "Does Mom know that your real daughter likes to fuck with her fiancé on my bed?"

Jiang's mother was stunned and subconsciously retorted, "Qiheng is not this kind of person, and neither is our Xiao Meng."

Jiang Nuannuan sat at the desk and sarcastically said, "I almost witnessed a live erotica today. Besides spending money, Jiang Meng's mind should be about making love, right?"

Jiang's mother's face couldn't help but darken, "Nuan Nuan, don't target Xiaomeng like this. She had a hard life in the first half of her life. Compared with your life, it was completely different. Now she has just found an ordinary person. Love and marriage are incomparable to you, so don't speak ill of her in front of me like this."

Jiang Nuannuan picked up the chopsticks, put two pieces of meat into the rice bowl, took a few bites slowly, and after swallowing, said: "You see, this is why I want to leave."

"Mom, you don't love me." She said: "You have always trained me as an excellent partner. Only when Jiang Meng came back did I realize that true maternal love will never force you to do anything you don't want to do. "Mother Jiang was a little anxious and started to make gestures with her hands, "I said this is just a kind of compensation, and I spent a lot of time and energy to make you an excellent person, right? The marriage is also for I am thinking about you for a better life in the future."

Jiang Nuannuan does not deny that she can develop the appearance of a beauty, and her wealthy family environment has made indelible contributions.

She made careful calculations with Jiang's mother: "Gu Shizhou once warned you in exchange for my three years of stable college life. Strictly speaking, you only raised me until I graduated from high school, which is a full 18 years."

When Jiang Meng came back from college, she rarely spent her family's money anymore. On the one hand, Gu Shizhou gave her too much, and on the other hand, her family's declining finances could not afford the squandering of her two daughters.

"In elementary school and junior high school, you and your father worked outside and a nanny took care of me. At that time, the conditions at home were not as good as they are now. We had a little more money than others. It was probably during my third year of high school that we really spent a lot of money to train me."

Listening to her calculations, Mother Jiang couldn't help but look even more ugly, "What do you mean?"

Jiang Nuannuan said: "It means, let's make a detailed list. How much have you invested in me, including interest, and I will pay it back. Let's resolve this matter peacefully in the news, and don't make it the most ugly thing."

"We can still sign a contract."

Afraid that Jiang's mother would not believe it, she added, "You can find a lawyer. When the price is discussed, both of us will sign and seal it to our satisfaction. I will send the money to my family as soon as possible. This family relationship ends here. The certificate I left here today Give it all back to me too.”

Jiang's mother felt suffocated when she heard this, "Jiang Nuannuan! Because you are in love, your family doesn't want you anymore? Who is Gu Shizhou? He sounds nice to us on the surface, but is he reliable!? What a man says, It’s only effective when you listen to it now! You’re really out of your mind!”

Jiang's mother slapped her chest in anger. Jiang Nuannuan lowered her head and ate less than half a bowl of rice. She really didn't want to treat her stomach badly. After eating, she wiped her mouth, leaned back in the chair and relaxed, and then said: "Then, Will staying home make a difference?”

She said calmly: "Could it be that after I break up with Gu Shizhou, you will be like Jiang Meng and keep me at home to raise me for the rest of my life?"

"Sooner or later you will get married." Mother Jiang frowned.

Jiang Nuannuan: "Have you never thought that I can support the Jiang family on my own in the future?"

Mother Jiang looked at her with a look of disapproval, "Nuan Nuan, you are just a girl, just marry someone who treats you well."

Jiang Nuannuan: "Then I'll choose a civil servant. I also like an iron rice bowl."

"No." Mother Jiang refused simply, "I told you, you and Xiao Meng are different."

Halfway through her words, Jiang's mother didn't continue. She met Jiang Nuannuan's mocking eyes and suddenly stopped talking.

"Anyway." Seeing that she couldn't say anything, Jiang's mother retreated to the door first, "I'll keep your personal documents for you first. We need you at home. We all love you. I hope you'll think it through before leaving this bedroom. ."

Before leaving, Mother Jiang finally said: "Don't believe Gu Shizhou's words. He is not a good person. I'm not like your father. I don't expect him to really want to marry you. "

Just the fact that he came to meet her as his son-in-law that day aroused everyone's desire for power. The contemptuous look in his black eyes swept over her, which was enough to make people frightened.

Jiang Nuannuan looked at the door that was about to close in front of her eyes and twitched her lips, "Can't you leave your phone behind?"

"Reflect on it, you really let the family down."

The door closed and the bedroom quickly became quiet.

Jiang Nuannuan retracted her smile and murmured softly, "What should we do? He calls me every night. My mother has lost her last bit of dignity by making it so ugly."

In another house, the mobile phone was in Jiang Meng's hand. At exactly 8 o'clock in the evening, the number marked with Gu Shizhou's name was dialed.

She hesitated again and again, carefully pressed the connect button, and said in a low voice, "Mr. Gu."

Gu Shizhou had just returned to the hotel and was about to have a bedtime call with his baby. He had already adjusted his mood when he heard the high-pitched female voice, and his eyes turned cold, "Where is Jiang Nuannuan?"

Jiang Mengmeng thought for a while and said, "She came home today and will take a bath in the bathroom."

"Why is your cell phone here?"

"I was in her bedroom, talking to her."

Gu Shizhou's expression became even colder, "She wants to talk to you? You two are so different in mind, do you need to talk?"

He knew Jiang Nuannuan well and knew that she despised Jiang Meng and hated her, so he suddenly sensed something was wrong.

Being ridiculed, Jiang Meng's heart tightened, and she clutched Jiang Nuannuan's phone and said, "Don't insult me!"

Gu Shizhou bit a cigarette, lit it with a lighter, and said in a cold tone: "Let Jiang Nuannuan answer the phone."

"Well she's not taking a shower!"

Afraid that the truth would be exposed, Jiang Meng was afraid and shouted loudly: "She went home to get something today and left her cell phone on the sofa and I picked it up. I saw the caller ID was you and answered it on purpose."

These words happened to be heard by Qi Heng who walked into the bedroom.

"Who are you talking to?"

As soon as the male voice came out from behind, Jiang Meng was so frightened that he pressed the hang-up button with a trembling hand, and looked back at her boyfriend, her eyes flickering.

(End of this chapter)

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