Chapter 575 Gu Shizhou (26)

"No, no one." Jiang Meng immediately threw Jiang Nuannuan's phone to the other side, and went up to hug Qi Heng's arm, but the other party quickly pulled his hand away.

The man's eyes were heavy and he told her directly: "This is not your phone, it belongs to Jiang Nuannuan."

Jiang Meng's heart skipped a beat, and she didn't know how much he heard, so she had to admit first: "Okay, it's Gu Shizhou. He called Jiang Nuannuan and I answered it without paying attention. He was threatening me to make her answer the phone."

Qi Heng clearly heard Jiang Meng say that she picked it up on purpose. She was clearly trying to hug Gu Shizhou's thigh. If she succeeded, she would have to kick him.

He wanted to vent the anger and questions rising in his heart, but he was just an ordinary employee holding an iron rice bowl. He still needed to rely on the power of the Jiang family to be able to marry such a wealthy family as his son-in-law. He couldn't expose his true nature. .

Qi Heng endured it, not letting his gentle skin tear into a demonic shape. He gently wrapped his arms around Jiang Meng and said, "I believe you, so turn off the phone now, let's go to sleep."

When Gu Shizhou heard the hurried call hanging up, his lowered eyes were full of anger, and he knew something was wrong.

He immediately called Fan Jiang and asked him to arrange the earliest flight back.

Fan Jiang wailed, "Ancestor, what happened to you again? This is the last job you took in the entertainment industry. Don't you want to quit the industry with a perfect ending? And the biggest attraction is you. Once you leave, the entire program team will be disappointed." I’ll wait with you.”

Gu Shizhou: "Isn't this all about relying on me as a cash cow? "

As soon as he said this, Fan Jiang was speechless.

Gu Shizhou said impatiently: "Something happened to Jiang Nuannuan. I will pay for the lost time at the venue. I will arrange the flight immediately. "

When Fan Jiang heard Jiang Nuannuan's name, he suddenly understood that this was the only person his boss kept at the forefront of his mind and always paid attention to the movements.

The fastest flight was at 6 a.m. Gu Shizhou couldn't wait, so Fan Jiang paid a lot of money to pay for the plane and leave immediately.

After changing into casual clothes, Gu Shizhou left the hotel with a cold expression, got into a private car and rushed to the airport.

Jiang Nuannuan, who was locked in the room, felt that the floor was too cold, and the pillow and quilt cover on the bed were stained with disgusting traces of Jiang Meng and Qi Heng. She really couldn't sleep.

She tried to ask the nanny to come in and change the sheets, but the family was probably afraid that she would take advantage of the opportunity to run away. They felt that there must be an ulterior motive for changing the clean sheets. After receiving the owner's signal, the nanny finally did not agree to Jiang Nuannuan's request.

If you can't change the sheets, you won't be able to have a good sleep during this long night.

Jiang Nuannuan, who had no choice for the time being, opened the closet, found a nightgown, and changed out of the clothes that had restricted her body for the whole day. She then moved a stool against the low wall under the window, stepped on it, and sat on the bay window.

Apart from the location of Jiang's villa, the scenery and night view in the garden are very good.

The midnight silver glow just shines on the green leaves and flowers in the garden, coating it with a faint light color. When the breeze blows, the sound of the wind is mixed with the rustling of the leaves.

Jiang Nuannuan raised her hand to support her chin, enjoying the feeling of the breeze on her face with a comfortable expression.

She wasn't very worried about her personal safety, she was just thinking about what time Gu Shizhou would arrive tomorrow. With his current sticky energy, it should be pretty quick.

A long time passed, Jiang Nuannuan's eyelids became heavier and heavier, and the hands on her knees slowly dropped down and rested casually on her sides. She curled up with her legs and huddled up by the wide open window, and fell asleep.The wind at this time has turned cold, and the dew in the morning mist condensed into beads on the petals. Jiang Nuannuan's hair gradually became damp. The girl who was sleeping in her dream did not realize that she was about to be blown by the wind and freeze. .

4am.Several black cars drove quickly to the door of Jiang's villa.

The incessant and urgent doorbell first woke up several servants sleeping in the servants' room on the first floor.

One of them hurriedly got up, packed up, and opened the door a crack. Several pairs of black-gloved hands forced it open, and several strong bodyguards in black rushed in instantly.

The servant was pushed and staggered back several steps. The fight frightened her, especially when she saw the imposing Gu Shizhou walking from the crowd. Looking at his cold and handsome face, she panicked. Turn around and run upstairs to inform.

After the whole family woke up from the torment, they heard that Gu Shizhou had broken the door and barged in. Everyone was stunned for a moment without reacting.

Mother Jiang put on her clothes and said in a panic: "Why did Gu Shizhou suddenly appear in our house? Then there are still rumors on the entertainment network that he was filming an outdoor variety show without internet in the forest thousands of miles away! How did he know that Nuan Nuan was back? ? Her mobile phone is also with us!"

Father Jiang also looked ugly, "How do I know!"

Gu Shizhou went up to the second floor without any obstruction. Father Jiang and Mother Jiang, who hurriedly put on their nightgown and rushed over, tried to stop him, but were frightened by the look he gave him.

"Young Master Gu! Why are you here suddenly! Isn't it rude to barge into the house directly!" Jiang's father tried to use his dignity as the head of the family to stand in front of him.

It was as if Gu Shizhou didn't care about his old bones or his identity as an elder or Jiang Nuannuan's father. He kicked him neatly in the abdomen, kicked him out and threw him to the ground.

Listening to his wailing, the expressionless Gu Shizhou showed his violent nature, his narrowed peach blossom eyes full of darkness, "Where is Jiang Nuannuan?"

He has been with his baby for so many years, but he has never entered her bedroom. There are so many rooms and he doesn't even know where they are.

When Mrs. Jiang, who was frightened and turned pale by the side, her eyes subconsciously drifted towards the door of a room, Gu Shizhou knew where she was, turned around and walked over to twist the door handle.

The door was locked from the outside. Gu Shizhou pursed his lips and kicked the door hard with his long legs, making a loud noise. This motive finally woke up Jiang Meng and the two in the bedroom next door.

But at this moment, Jiang Meng was too guilty and scared to step forward and open the door.

However, after two or three kicks, the locked door lock handle lost its function and fell off completely. The bedroom door was kicked open by Gu Shizhou. Looking in, his eyes suddenly turned red, and his voice sounded like a knife stabbing Jiang behind him. In the family, "You deserve to die."

Jiang Nuannuan had actually heard the commotion all the way upstairs. However, her eyelids were extremely heavy. She just slept against the window sill and felt that there was a hazy layer of fog in front of her eyes. Things that she had never done with Gu Shizhou kept popping up.

This was a very strange lucid dream. She actually saw Gu Shizhou willingly lowering his head to become her underground lover. She also locked him in the toilet and teased him badly, and slapped his face in public to make him have sex with her. Eating the same piece of cake that will make you gain weight will kiss you from day to night, and your body will be covered in cream.

Her face was extremely red, and she actually felt that these restricted underground love scenes were even more exciting than when they were in bed now.

She turned out to be so bad and wanton.
It's so satisfying to see him always feeling deflated and yet being completely controlled by me.

What Gu Shizhou saw when he kicked open the door was Jiang Nuannuan sitting on the window sill in a white nightgown, with damp hair hanging on her cheeks.
(End of this chapter)

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