Chapter 576 Gu Shizhou (27)

What Gu Shizhou saw when he kicked open the door was Jiang Nuannuan sitting on the window sill in a white nightgown, with damp hair on her abnormally flushed cheeks. She leaned against the open window. The cold room was filled with morning light. fresh air and humidity.

He quickly went over and took the girl into his arms from under the window sill. The girl's delicate body was like a hot fireball hitting his heart directly, and Gu Shizhou's heart trembled.

Mother Jiang did not expect Jiang Nuannuan to sit on the window sill and sleep all night like this, letting the wind blow her away. She wanted to explain something, but Gu Shizhou had already come to her side and turned his head. , and said harshly, "This matter is not over yet."

A large number of bodyguards who broke in retreated as the owner left, and the villa finally became quiet.

Father Jiang stood up holding his painful stomach, holding on to the lever next to him, and asked his wife, who was standing like a stone at the door of the bedroom, "What's going on with Jiang Nuannuan? What did Gu Shizhou say again?"

Mother Jiang then mechanically walked back to him, muttering: "It's over."

In the VIP ward of the hospital, the doctor who understood the situation urgently cooled Jiang Nuannuan. Gu Shizhou was waiting beside him until noon, and Xia Jun rushed out of school to the hospital during the lunch break.

When she saw Gu Shizhou was there, she suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and patted her panting chest, "Gu Film Emperor, how is Jiang Jiang? Her parents didn't do anything to her, right?"

Gu Shizhou looked at her with calm eyes, "I have a fever. What's going on?"

Xia Jun then said that she had heard from Jiang Nuannuan yesterday that there was a missing document regarding the move out and independent household registration. At short notice, she had to go home to get it. She would definitely come to class this morning at the latest.

But there was no sign of her all morning, and Xia Jun felt that something was not going well. She vaguely knew that Jiang Nuannuan had little contact with her family, and she always felt that something was wrong. When a call came to her, there was no one on her phone. Then, he went to the Jiang family villa again, and then he found out that Jiang Nuannuan was ill and had been taken away by him.

These wealthy families were basically in the best hospital in Linggang when they got sick. As expected, Xia Jun did not miss out and found this place all the way.

Gu Shizhou gently stroked the hand in his palm and turned to look at Jiang Nuannuan, who was sleeping peacefully on the hospital bed with a smile. He couldn't help but lean over and take a closer look.

I don't know how arrogant she is, being locked in the bedroom for a whole day, and still having sweet dreams when she was in a fever.

He said softly: "Those parents are really not worthy of being her relatives. They should have taken you away directly."

Seeing how gentle he was when facing outsiders and towards Jiang Nuannuan, Xia Jun coughed slightly and told the truth: "I heard that the Jiang family also has some problems in business operations. I can rely on my daughter to hold your lap. Well, follow Chickens and dogs ascend to heaven.”

Gu Shizhou straightened up and said, "Thank you for being her only friend."

Xia Jun smiled coyly and said, "It should be."

"You like Li Yi."

The topic suddenly turned to this. Xia Jun was stunned and nodded, "Yeah."

Gu Shizhou looked at her with a plain expression, "I'll ask him to treat you to dinner another day."

Xia Jun's pupils suddenly dilated, he covered his beating chest, and bowed to him respectfully, "Gu Yingdi, don't worry, I will definitely attack Jiang Nuannuan. If she is in danger, I will be the first to rush forward." Block the fight for her, and if Jiang Jiang tells me any little secrets one day, I will definitely report it to you as soon as possible."

Gu Shizhou felt that this girl quite understood what he meant. When his eyebrows were slightly raised, Xia Jun looked up at him and compared with him with a smile: "Good things come in pairs, can you let him have two meals with me?" Gu Shizhou: "."

I sold my best friend after just two meals. This little bit of friendship felt quite plastic.

After Xia Jun left, Gu Shizhou pinched his eyebrows and made a phone call, then hung up after saying a few words.

In the afternoon, a group of black-clad bodyguards returned to the Jiang family villa, looking for information and documents hidden by the family as requested by their employer.

At this point, Jiang Meng took her boyfriend to go shopping again to choose souvenirs and wedding candies. The main reason was to avoid making her parents suspect that she had offended Gu Shizhou by answering the phone for a while. This reason was also justified.

There were only a bunch of servants and elders left in the house. At first, Jiang's father didn't want to tell the truth. The menacing bodyguards took out folding sticks from their bodies and smashed the decorations near them.

In such a large wealthy villa, there are a lot of precious porcelain and collections. If you drop a few pieces, they cost hundreds of thousands. Father Jiang's eyes were black, he was trembling with anger, he coughed hard, pointed at a group of them and said: " You are breaking the law! This is breaking into a famous house! This is damaging other people's things, you will go to jail! You will go to jail! Doesn't Gu Shizhou want his life?"

He struggled to get up and grabbed a man nearby, but was thrown away by the other man's strong arms.

He was just a bodyguard working for a security company. His young and cold face gave the old man a mocking smile, "Really? I'm afraid the judges are very familiar with our employer, so you'd better save your time." , hand over your stuff before we bring the bulldozers to knock down the house.”

What's the point of destroying a house? Gu Shizhou's instructions were behind it. The more you do it, the more ruthless you are, the better. They are not afraid at all.

Even if the entire financial leader in Linggang really gets into trouble, there will always be a team of top lawyers and judges who will find loopholes to avoid punishment.

Mother Jiang finally took out the document and threw it on the table, "Take it away!"

Waking up from a dream that was both happy and sad, Gu Shizhou's handsome face came into view immediately.

"Wake up."

Jiang Nuannuan's confused eyes slowly focused on his face, and her hand with the infusion needle still wrapped around his neck.

Gu Shizhou held her down and frowned, "Don't move, the blood will return to your hand."

"But I want to kiss you."

Jiang Nuannuan tightened her arms and easily pressed his head to his cheek, "Gu Shizhou, open your mouth and let me kiss you."

Unexpectedly, the girl suddenly smiled, wrapped her thin white fingers around her shoulders, and said in a brisk tone: "You are really good, please open your mouth."

Gu Shizhou frowned, rubbed her teeth with his teeth, and threatened vaguely:
"Are you sure you are in this state and you still want to force me to deal with you here?"

(End of this chapter)

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