Chapter 577 Gu Shizhou (28)

"you dare?"

She patted his face, her movements extremely flirtatious.

What else can Gu Shizhou do?Of course he had to lean in and kiss her.

The hand stained with saliva immediately withdrew to block his face. Jiang Nuannuan was still blurry, but could easily see through his intentions.

"I'm so sticky, I need to take a shower."

After the high fever, her body was soaked with sweat, and she felt uncomfortable all over.

"No, you're still taking the bottle." Gu Shizhou replied in a muffled voice.

Jiang Nuannuan hummed softly, "Then you carry me to brush my teeth and wash my face."

"Waiting for the bottle."

"Gu Shizhou."


"I'm going."

She tried her best to keep her eyes wide open and stared at him without blinking.

The two looked at each other for a long time.

"I obey you." Gu Shizhou sighed in frustration, got out of bed and put his arm around her waist. He raised the bottle with one hand and sent her to brush her teeth and wash her face.

The white nightgown she was wearing was filled with moisture, but she couldn't take it off because of the needles stuck in her arms. Jiang Nuannuan tried for a while and had to give up.

After washing her face, her head was still a little dizzy, so she returned to the bed and lay down.

"Why am I suddenly in the hospital?"

Gu Shizhou hung up the bottle for her, then sat on the edge of the bed and straightened her messy hair, "Now I ask you, why did you sleep on the windowsill all night and freeze yourself to death?"

She turned her head and rubbed her cheek against his fingers, like a Persian cat enjoying the caress. She narrowed her eyes slightly and thought for a moment, "The moonlight was beautiful last night, and the garden was also beautiful."

Gu Shizhou paused slightly, pinched her cheek gently with his fingers, and suppressed his anger, "Is this your reason for perfunctory me? If you like a house with a garden, I can buy it for you directly. It's useful." Lying on the windowsill? Jiang Nuannuan, are you going to piss me off?"

Jiang Nuannuan's hand without the needle held his wrist, pulled him away, and muttered dissatisfied: "Of course not, it was Jiang Meng who brought her boyfriend to mess around in my bed."

Hearing her say that, Gu Shizhou's eyes suddenly turned cold, "In your bed?"

"Well, it's disgusting. I caught him in action and the servants didn't change my sheets. Who knows how many times they have done this behind the back of my family."

Thinking that she might have slept like this many times, Jiang Nuannuan frowned and said, "I want to vomit." The nurse came in at this time and pulled out the needle on Jiang Nuannuan's hand, and brought the documents brought back by the bodyguard outside. Then he withdrew.

Those documents that were tried to be hidden by Jiang Nuannuan were checked one by one by Jiang Nuannuan. After confirming that there were no missing or changed issues, the blush on her beautiful face was half gone, and her narrowed almond eyes were full of fierceness, "I will be discharged from the hospital in the afternoon. Go get an independent household registration, and I will take you to kill them tomorrow."


Gu Shizhou listened to her arrangements until the end, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips, "Now you know that something happened and you have to call me at your disposal?"

Jiang Nuannuan replied very straightforwardly: "I know you love me very much."

Jiang Nuannuan: "!!!"

Jiang Nuannuan, who didn't expect him to say that, and who had already thought that he would definitely say something amazing, felt numb for a moment.

Her face was about to turn red again, "I know, so I didn't take the things in the dream very seriously. I just thought that you were like the person in the dream. You were like a puppy when you fell in love with me."

There is actually a word missing in the middle.

It should be a little licking dog.

It feels so good to make him calm down and turn into a little licking dog.

"Now you are making a fuss and getting angry at me, don't get close to me." Jiang Nuannuan pretended to be dissatisfied and let go, pushing away his chest that he wanted to lean against again.

"I was wrong."

Gu Shizhou admitted his mistake quickly, as if the out-of-control emotions just now were just an illusion. He raised a smile on his lips and said softly: "I am the only one by your side, right? Just me."

Jiang Nuannuan knew that he did have some psychological problems. Thinking about it carefully, besides her, he was the only person who never felt safe.

She suddenly asked: "Jiang Meng answered my phone, right?"

Gu Shizhou immediately put eye drops on Jiang Meng, "She wants to seduce me."

Jiang Nuannuan snorted softly and glanced at his delicate and charming facial contour. After a while, she sighed softly and said to him: "It's true that I would be worried too, for such a good-looking boyfriend. What should I do if I run away?"

Gu Shizhou was stunned, "So?"

"How about getting married after graduation? If you are in a hurry, we can go and get the certificate first." Jiang Nuannuan clapped her fingers and counted the days, "There are only a few days left, so you can take me to visit your parents in advance. , provided they don’t mind having a tragic background like mine. If they mind, well, I’ve actually considered it, but I still want to know your answer.”

She raised her head and looked at him again, but she didn't want to see Shizhou's eyes sparkling inch by inch. The ecstasy was reflected in the fact that after looking at each other, he hugged her unexpectedly, put her on his lap and carried her in. In his arms, he asked her over and over again with a trembling tone if it was true, and his broad chest was shaking with intense emotions.

It looked like he was deliriously happy to finally be free of his secret lover status.

Jiang Nuannuan raised her eyes and found that under his trembling eyelashes, his eyes were moist.

(End of this chapter)

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