Chapter 578 Gu Shizhou (29)

"Gu Shizhou, answer my question." She poked his face with her hand.

"Actually, I don't have much filial piety." He tightened her waist and lowered his head on her shoulder.

Jiang Nuannuan was stunned for a moment, "Huh?"

"Marrying you is much more important than worrying about family ties. They are not worth mentioning." Gu Shizhou whispered.

In his previous life, one of his parents was imprisoned and the other spent his entire life in a nursing home. The affection between family members was so weak that it was almost negligible. In this life, he reversed the things that once sent his father to prison in advance, and also controlled and penetrated most of the power of the company. Although he has few things to do, the highly paid talents he spends millions every year on are all waiting in ambush.

He is not afraid of his parents' opposition at all, and he already has the capital to fight against it.

Jiang Nuannuan sat on Gu Shizhou's lap. It took her a while to understand what he meant. She couldn't help but want to laugh, but the little moisture on her shoulders stopped her from laughing. Her skin seemed to be wet. I was burned by those tears.

"Gu Shizhou, you are really crying."

She was surprised and wanted to hold his face to see what he looked like when he cried, but he buried his head deeper, making her tremble with the bridge of his nose.

"I love you." He said softly and solemnly.

Jiang Nuannuan's heart was stung, and she hugged his back and patted him gently, "Gu Shizhou, I have not forgotten the person I love."

As soon as she finished speaking, her waist was strangled hard and then relaxed quickly. Warm lips brushed against her neck. The man raised his head, his delicate eyebrows filled with pity and hesitation.


Unsure of what he just heard, he asked again.

In fact, there was a second half to that big cold dream, which ended with her falling ill and dying in a beautiful wooden house. In the dim light of the morning, when she was dying, the desperate young man looked at her with his dark gray eyes, begging her not to forget. , begging her to stay with him.

Jiang Nuannuan shook her head, feeling that there was no need to tell him such bad things. She pressed her fingers to the end of his eyes and said softly: "I will never say goodbye to you again in this life."

After being discharged from the hospital, Jiang Nuannuan moved her household registration. That night, Gu Shizhou took her to get the certificate. It was already 8pm when she came out of the Civil Affairs Bureau with two red books in hand.

For this notebook, Gu Shizhou took a few photos and locked it in a small box, keeping the key.

Throughout the night, Jiang Nuannuan listened to him in a daze as he woke up several times. The last time was near early in the morning. She couldn't help it anymore. She got up and opened the door and went out. She saw a light on in the half-open door of the study. She walked over. Looking through the crack of the door, I saw this man who was respectfully addressed as Young Master squatting beside the safe. There was an open small box on the ground, and he was carefully putting two red books inside.

She was silenced by his actions while standing outside.

Is a marriage certificate so valuable?Do you need double insurance?
If this thing is lost, it can be replaced for free.
But seeing his face turned sideways, his gentle face imprinted by the warm light, all Jiang Nuannuan's thoughts turned into sweetness that was about to pour out of the honey pot.

When Gu Shizhou lay down on the bed again and took her into his arms, she turned over and took a bite on his raised Adam's apple, "Stop tossing. "

Hearing him hiss, he gently rubbed her waist, "Did I wake you up? I have something to deal with."

Gu Shizhou now remembered to maintain a man's dignity.

Jiang Nuannuan was also smart enough not to reveal that he got up to read the marriage certificate eight hundred times in one night. She put her hand into his clothes and pressed it against his back muscles, "Go to sleep."


She almost got into his clothes and went to sleep. Gu Shizhou didn't dare to move anymore and finally behaved.

It was close to noon the next day, Jiang Nuannuan was still sleeping in, and Gu Shizhou didn't go to the company, just living in a sweet home for the two of them on the first day after receiving the certificate.

He got up and made lunch for her with his own hands. He remembered that he still had to deal with the Jiang family's affairs and called his company assistant.

Before the assistant who answered the call heard his voice, the first thing that came was a series of chopping sounds.A question mark slowly appeared on his head. He checked the mobile phone number and confirmed that it belonged to the boss, and then fed it cautiously.

"Young Master Gu?"

Gu Shizhou turned on the hands-free mobile phone and threw it aside. After hearing this, he put the chopped side dishes into the pot and stir-fried it for a few times, then turned down the heat and said, "Send a few people out to negotiate the acquisition of Jiangjia Building in the name of investors." ’s entire equity, and then use the title of the group to fully release the news to suppress it.”

When the assistant heard the friendly voice mixed with the sound of stir-frying in the pot, he was stunned for a moment. It wasn't until the person on the other end asked impatiently that he was there. , The boss and his wife already know that you are coming back to take over, do you need me to make time to arrange a trip back in the future?"

Gu Shizhou rarely goes home. Sometimes he catches up with filming in other places during the holidays, and he willfully leaves his parents alone.

This time he tried to calm down, but the family finally couldn't sit still.

Gu Shizhou himself was not in a hurry and postponed the matter until later. He hung up the phone and took the cooking out of the pot to the table.

A phone call woke Jiang Nuannuan from her sleep. She closed her eyes and reached for the mobile phone on the bedside table. She answered the call without looking at who was calling.


Jiang's mother heard her lazy voice and said cautiously: "Nuan Nuan, it's mom."

There was no response from the other party, probably knowing that she was going to die, Jiang's mother immediately said: "I came to the hospital to see you, but the doctor said that you have been discharged from the hospital long ago. I want to talk to you, let's talk again, Nuannuan."

Jiang Nuannuan put the phone on speakerphone and put it aside. She got up from the bed and didn't bother to reply a word. She let Jiang's mother sing a one-man show. She went to the toilet to wash up and changed clothes. She only heard Jiang's mother's last shameless words. He said, "Nuan Nuan, Jiang Meng went to collect the certificate today. We secretly want to have a banquet for our family first. Please bring Young Master Gu here and let's talk. Let's talk about the pension."


Jiang Nuannuan suddenly smiled and said easily: "It's good to get the certificate."

Mother Jiang pursed her lips and said, "Are you coming?"

"Not coming." She simply hung up the phone.

She had given them a chance a long time ago. She had lost her money and her upbringing and family ties had vanished. Bridge to bridge, road to bridge. The Jiang family didn't want such a decent way to break up, but they wanted to bully her to death and squeeze her dry. All values ​​are worth it.

After Jiang Nuannuan blacklisted all Jiang family numbers, she turned off her phone and walked out of the bedroom with a cold face.

A tempting aroma hit her nostrils, and she walked around the dining table and into the kitchen.

Gu Shizhou was wearing an apron and bending slightly to wash the pot, looking very obedient.

She couldn't help walking over and hugging him from behind, "You're still here."

He turned to her and said, "Don't you want to feed your mouth first?"

Jiang Nuannuan was silent for a few seconds, then released the hand holding him and tapped her lips, "What should I feed him?"

Gu Shizhou was silent this time. He probably didn't expect that she would continue boldly, and a cluster of flames immediately appeared in his dark eyes.

"Lunch is on the table." He waved his hand and turned around, leaning close to her face, almost touching her lips, "What are you thinking about."

Jiang Nuannuan didn't flinch at all, licked the thin lips that were close at hand, then hooked her fingers on the edge of his apron, slid down a corner, and touched the string of the elastic pants.

But this didn't make her stop. After a moment, Gu Shizhou's expression suddenly changed, and his fingers suddenly clasped on the edge of the sink.

The girl who was doing anything wantonly in front of her had crooked almond eyes and wiped the corners of her lips with her retracted finger, "Who knows?"

(End of this chapter)

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