Chapter 579 Gu Shizhou (30)

By the time we actually sat down in the restaurant and had a hot meal, it was already afternoon.

Jiang Nuannuan only put on her underwear and Gu Shizhou's gray shirt and sat on his lap after eating less than half of the bowl.


She hummed softly and leaned into his arms.

His big palm put down the bowl and chopsticks and quickly touched her belly.

"Here." Gu Shizhou rubbed it.

Jiang Nuannuan nodded.

Gu Shizhou rubbed his palms directly, and when the temperature rose a little, he reached under the hem of his clothes and continued to rub her belly.

"Too much."

The feeling in the kitchen was too exciting, he lost his sense of control, and it made her pubic bone sore.

Jiang Nuannuan squinted her eyes and enjoyed it. Gu Shizhou kissed the side of her face and said, "I suddenly remembered something."


"Is it time to change your name and call me husband?"

Jiang Nuannuan glanced at him with an expression that showed he was extremely respectful.

Gu Shizhou immediately understood what she meant and scratched his eyebrows, "I was forcing you to shout just now, so it doesn't matter."

"Let's talk about it." She slapped his hand away, "I remember you still have a variety show going on. Go back and finish it as soon as possible. Don't delay it for too long."

"I want to chase people away when I'm done eating?" Gu Shizhou narrowed his eyes and rubbed her waist twice, "I've already put the marriage certificate away, and I'm the only one who knows the password."

Jiang Nuannuan curled her lips and said, "I have no intention of taking it back. I'm very relieved to let you go."

Gu Shizhou snorted lightly.

She turned sideways and held his face, and said warmly: "Stop work early and come back early. We still have a lot to prepare."

"for example?"

Jiang Nuannuan said openly: "When you meet your parents, you have to buy me a wedding dress, a banquet, and a house. I want to take care of the garden."

Gu Shizhou felt particularly comfortable as he listened, nodding his head, and said lazily: "One set by the river, one set in the mountains, and one set in the suburbs. You can buy as many as you want. These are our wedding rings? What style do you like?"

He really wanted to wear this important item that could directly show outsiders that he was famous.

Jiang Nuannuan: "Can it be later?"

Gu Shizhou was curious: "Why?"

"Because the wedding ring is my graduation project, I have been painting it for some time and it is basically finished." She picked up his fingers that were always messy on her waist and touched the beautiful big hand with clear joints. "Leave a finger for me." Wai, it would be more memorable if I polished it myself."

Gu Shizhou felt a sour feeling in his heart that he finally got what he wanted. He hummed softly and suddenly hugged her closer to his arms. He buried his body on her shoulder and smelled her deeply, whispering: "It's confirmed now."

"Huh?" "I'm unique."

Jiang Nuannuan didn't know why he said that, and the emotions in her heart were inexplicably rising. She looked at the two people's overlapping figures reflected on the floor-to-ceiling windows in the distance, hugged his shoulders and said softly: "Gu Shizhou, you are with me It’s always been unique.”

Gu Shizhou: "I have also prepared a special betrothal gift for you."


"I'll show you then."

The two spent a day getting along warmly at home. Gu Shizhou had a flight the next morning, and Jiang Nuannuan also had classes, so she got up with him.

Before the two separated, Gu Shizhou comforted her: "Everything will be solved, you just need to wait with peace of mind."

"I know." Jiang Nuannuan held his hand, "But there's something else I forgot to ask you. Jiang Meng is my mother's biological child. How did you know that? If you threatened her, I knew it was for me."

Gu Shizhou was silent and asked her seriously, "Can you not say it?"

He'd dodged it a few times.

Jiang Nuannuan was stunned, "Okay."

He was worried, took her hand and pulled her into his arms, "I did this just because I love you, not for any reason."

"I understand, let's go."

After sending away the reluctant person, the real dream flashed through Jiang Nuannuan's mind.

Does such a sad answer really matter to her?
She thought about it seriously and decided not to explore further.

In the little half a month that Gu Shizhou was working outside, Jiang Nuannuan completed most of her graduation projects in school.

Just by chance, Jiang Nuannuan met Jiang Meng and her husband Qi Heng, who were wearing famous brands, and had dinner at He Xia Jun's online celebrity shop.

Different from the previous appearance where she was afraid of her leaving the Jiang family, Jiang Meng raised her neck proudly when she discovered Jiang Nuannuan, and walked to her table in an aggressive manner and sat down.

She said harshly: "Young Master Gu took you away, but he is also a really smart man. He knows that we are both wealthy families, and there is no need to hurt our friendship for you, a rural person."

Jiang Nuannuan calmly cut the foie gras and replied perfunctorily: "I also think it's not worth it. He didn't even bother you."

Jiang Meng looked at her expression and listened to her words. He couldn't tell for a moment whether she was sarcastic or not. She crossed her arms across her chest and said arrogantly: "Mom told me that a new investor will invest in us." Enterprise, this small setback will soon pass, we will definitely regret it if you leave us, and in the end you will end up with nothing to gain."

Jiang Nuannuan couldn't help but laugh.

Unlike Jiang Meng, who has no business acumen, she is still somewhat aware of her family's losses. How could an investor be so blind? It's probably Jiang's mother who loves her daughter and is eager to comfort her.

"Oh, then congratulations."

Jiang Meng couldn't stand the fact that she still acted like she had nothing to do with me. She said in a low voice: "Not only will I have sex with my husband in your bed, but I will also occupy your dressing room and take away all your belongings." Luxury, completely wipe you out at home, and then watch you kneel down and beg me.”

Qi Heng, who was standing on the side, looked at Jiang Nuannuan with the eyes of looking at the goods, calculating in his mind the probability that he would secretly use Jiang Meng's wallet to support her after she was played to death.

It would be a pity not to let him play with such a beautiful stunner.

(End of this chapter)

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