Chapter 58 Fei Jinzhao’s popularity skyrocketed

That’s only half the survival rate, which is not bad for an incurable terminal disease.

Fei Jinzhao's eyes were firm and Qingjun's face was serious, "I will not give up any hope."

He was still wearing an old shirt. He had been in the hospital for so long. Dr. Chen knew that his life was not easy, and he would suddenly be able to bring a large amount of money. He took another look at Jiang Nuannuan, who was wrapped tightly like a thief, and understood in his heart.

"I heard that you are a student at Linghua University. You receive scholarships every year and are excellent in your studies."

Dr. Chen sighed and said, "But there are some things you still have to consider for yourself. The situation I just mentioned is actually a good thing."

Fei Jinzhao's heart sank, and she heard him say again: "The success rate of cell extraction is not 100%, especially for the elderly. It is easy to extract cells but not cultivate them well. At this time, you can only ask your direct blood relatives to help, that is, Your mother's cells were used to replace it, but the effect was greatly reduced, and the success rate was only 5%."

Dr. Chen was implicitly reminding him that he might consider giving up on an old man who was not easy to save, to save his own life, and not to involve himself in it.

The treatment fee of 120 million and the high cost of medicine for subsequent hospitalization may not necessarily save the person, but it is easy to lose his wife and lose his army.

Jiang Nuannuan was listening with sadness. Seeing Fei Jin standing there like a lonely pine tree, she took off her hat, took off her mask, and said in a soft voice: "I am the one who helps his grandma. Good friends, this is not a messy relationship, just ask for money and I will help."

Doctor Chen looked at the pretty little face and was stunned. He had been with Fei Jinzhao for so long, and most of the friends who came here had met him. This was the first time for this little girl.

Inexplicably, he felt familiar, "Has my wife seen your variety show?"

The question is, how does she know whether his wife can watch the program she recorded?

Jiang Nuannuan smiled, and in the dark eyes of Fei Jin who called over, she answered openly: "If you live on the island, it should be me. He knows that my identity is inconvenient and doesn't want to trouble me. I didn't know about this until now." Come quickly, money is a small issue, I cherish the road that Jinzhao will take in the future more than you do, and I can't let it be ruined."

System 66: "Alipay has received 1000 million, Fei Jinzhao's favorability is 15%, ah ah, host, I think he is very touched now."

"Nonsense, at this moment I am the angel who saves his grandma."

Jiang Nuannuan thought inwardly and gave Fei Jinzhao a comforting look.

Dr. Chen was relieved. As long as this top student didn't sell himself for money, it would be a good thing.

"Okay, then go and prepare. Even if your mother is coming, we will be ready at any time. Physical examinations and other things will also be arranged."

Fei Jinzhao rolled her throat and whispered in a dry voice: "My mother is dead, I should be able to do it too."

No one can imagine how low the probability of success will be.

After talking about it for so long, Dr. Chen has indeed never met his other family members. He should have thought of this aspect.

But because of work, I still had to ask. Now I stood up and patted his shoulder guiltily, "I hope your family is lucky."

After taking the payment form, Jiang Nuannuan put on her hat and mask again and accompanied Fei Jin to go out.

He walked beside her and put his hand around her waist, using his body to help block the spring light behind her.

Half hiding in his arms, Jiang Nuannuan said softly: "Don't worry, I won't talk nonsense. In the eyes of outsiders, I'm just a friend you want to get along with."

Fei Jin paused, turned to look at her, the emotion in her eyes was unclear, "You are at a disadvantage."

After spending so much money, you are at a disadvantage.

"No, I earned it." Jiang Nuannuan saw that he was in a low mood, and couldn't help but touch the corners of his straight lips with her fingers, and said with a smile: "When I came to you in the past, you were so cold and didn't even talk to you. You don’t even want to talk to me, it’s good to have this relationship now, I’m very satisfied with spending money to be your friend.”

System 66: "Alipay has received 100 million, and Fei Jinzhao's favorability is 16%." Fei Jinzhao was so amused that she used the word "spend money" that she finally raised the corner of her lower lip, and the gloom on her face also dissipated a lot, and she became clear. Juan's face looked much more normal now.

After finishing all the procedures in the hospital, it was almost noon.

The two of them went to a wonton shop outside to eat wontons. It was Fei Jin who invited the guests to treat them. He also packed an extra portion to take to the hospital for his grandma to eat.

Before leaving, Jiang Nuannuan saw the candies on the table, took two, ate one into her mouth, and opened one and handed it to Fei Jinzhao's lips.

"I used to eat candy when I was unhappy. It was so sweet to my heart. Would you like one?"

He lowered his eyes, his eyes flickered, his lips slightly opened, and he gently bit the half-exposed milk candy.

The taste of milk spreads in the mouth, it is indeed quite sweet.

A wave of heat sprinkled on her fingers and quickly receded. Jiang Nuannuan sipped her hand and put it down, "I sent you my phone number on WeChat. You can also send me a save when you have time. I will send it to you in the future." You called."

Hearing that she was leaving, Fei Jinzhao asked, "How are you going back?"

"Taking a taxi."

There were many taxis waiting to pick up customers at the entrance of the hospital. Jiang Nuannuan walked to a car and waved to him. After receiving a nod in response, she got into the car.

Holding the wontons, Fei Jinzhao watched her car disappear on the street. She took out her phone, opened WeChat, and entered her phone number and sent it.

Jiang Nuannuan, who received the news in the car, happily saved it and sent another cute bunny emoticon.

Fei Jinzhao looked at the message that was replied instantly, and the corner of her lips curled up again. The toffee in her mouth seemed to be getting sweeter.

It was already afternoon when we returned to Sunshine Garden.

Aunt Mei was sitting in the living room scrolling through her cell phone. When she saw her coming back after a long journey, she quickly got up and asked, "Have you eaten, Miss? Do you want me to make some snacks?"

"I've eaten. Has Gu Tingyan come back?"

"No." Aunt Mei replied, pointing to an invitation on the table, "Someone came to give you this. It looks like an invitation to a jewelry show."

Jiang Nuannuan took off her mask and hat, picked up the invitation and looked at it, and found that the time was tomorrow.

I heard Lu Jin say that her own jewelry is also on display there. If someone can successfully buy it at a high price, she will become a good customer group in the future.

For both emotional and rational reasons, she should go and see it.


A string of unfamiliar numbers came in on the phone. Jiang Nuannuan put down the invitation and answered the phone.

"Hello, who is it?"

"Hello Assistant Jiang, I'm Fu Shiliu. I'm sorry to call you suddenly." The gentle female voice sounded like a classic Jiangnan beauty, which was very recognizable.

Jiang Nuannuan didn't know why she called him, "Hello, Miss Fu, what's the matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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