Chapter 59

"Are you free tonight? I would like to invite you to have a meal at Nanchun Hotel. I want to ask you a favor."

Jiang Nuannuan raised her eyebrows, Nanchun Hotel again?
"President Gu is here?"

"No, he told me that he is busy tonight, could you please come?"

For this reason, it would be unkind to refuse. If you go to Gu Tingyan again and file a complaint.
It would be better for her to do more than to do less.

"Okay, I can come."

"7 o'clock in the evening, I'll wait for you."

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Nuannuan touched her belly and said to Aunt Mei, "Make me some egg tarts. I suddenly feel a little hungry."

She probably wouldn't be able to eat much at night, so Fu Shiliu suddenly came to her and subconsciously told her that it was probably not a good thing.

"Okay, just wait."

Aunt Mei hasn't cooked for two days since she arrived here. There is no one at home on the weekends, so she has no place to show off her cooking skills. Now that she has come to work, she is happy in her eyes.

After taking a shower, Jiang Nuannuan stepped out of the water and called Gu Tingyan.

The person on the other end waited for a while before picking up. There was a whistling sound from the phone, like being in a car with the windows open.

"Hello." The deep voice exuded a sense of laziness.

"Are you coming back today?" Jiang Nuannuan took a sip of water and asked in a regular manner. Her voice was sweet and soft when she moistened her throat.

Gu Tingyan held a cigarette in his hand, flicked the ash and took a puff, "Not necessarily, I have something to do tonight."

"Oh, okay, then I'll let Aunt Mei get off work early."

Hearing her words, he blew out a ball of smoke and rarely asked: "Aren't you going to eat at home tonight?"

Jiang Nuannuan pursed her lips and didn't tell Fu Shiliu about asking her out. She just said, "A friend invites me to dinner, so be it."

"Jiang Nuannuan." Gu Tingyan called to stop her hanging up her hand.


After a few seconds, the man said, "I'll go back later."

He changed his mind temporarily. She didn't bother to guess the reason and replied obediently: "Then I'll wait for you. When will you be back?"

"I don't know, you don't have to wait."


Gu Tingyan hung up the phone and stared at the blackened phone screen with a heavy expression.

Assistant Li said from the co-pilot: "I thought you would call Miss Jiang and ask her to work as a nanny at the Zhai family's old house."

The man raised his eyes and glanced at him coldly.

Assistant Li immediately shut up and changed the subject after a while, "The investment company from the Fei family is also trying to acquire the Storm Games company we plan to acquire. Mr. Fei Xin is also at the Nanchun Hotel tonight."

"The only incense in the Fei family, he is a nice person." Gu Tingyan put out the cigarette butt, leaned the back of his neck on the soft pillow, and closed his eyes.

With an extremely bland comment, Assistant Li knew that tonight's matter was a sure thing.

"Also, Miss Fu used your card to book a private room at the Nanchun Hotel. She called me and asked me to tell you."

In fact, you shouldn't tell him this. You should tell his boss directly.

However, based on the entanglement between these two people, it is definitely a conflict.

Gu Tingyan just hummed and kept his resting posture without moving, which showed that he didn't care much.

Assistant Li stopped disturbing him.

Jiang Nuannuan, wrapped in pajamas, searched in the closet.

Wearing a simple black hip-hugging skirt and a floral warm yellow shirt, she tied up her messy hair, looked at the mirror for a while and shook her head.

"This figure is too tall."

She looks like a coquettish bitch even if she wears a skirt casually, but her eyes are a pair of harmless almond eyes, looking like a pure and proper vixen.

System 66: "Stop being such a jerk, you should speed up Zhai Lin's progress. So far it's still 0." "Doesn't this need to be an opportunity to gain sovereignty? If you join in hastily, you will die. I don't want to be regarded as a wife-killer." The object of hatred is fat beaten."

Jiang Nuannuan applied another bean paste-colored lipstick, trying to suppress the white skin on her face, but it turned out to be even whiter.

She praised her natural beauty, picked up the white bag on the sofa, went downstairs and ate four of Aunt Mei's egg tarts, praising how delicious they were.

"It's not any worse than what's done outside, Aunt Mei, you're so good. Please teach me when you have time in the future."

Aunt Mei saw that her mouth was stuffed like a hamster, she rubbed her apron with her hands and said with a smile, "Okay, miss, just say hello to me."

The location of Nanchun Hotel can only be reserved, and the owner of the box must indicate in advance who can enter.

Jiang Nuannuan arrived at the door of the hotel on time and was stopped as expected.

"I'm sorry, what is the box number you reserved?"

Before Fu Shiliu told her, Jiang Nuannuan picked up her phone and called back, but the other party didn't answer.

"She is probably busy. I have an appointment with Fu Shiliu, Miss Fu."

"Please wait."

The waiter walked in and came out after a while, "Sorry, there is no reservation for Miss Fu on our customer list tonight."

Jiang Nuannuan: "???"

She was bewildered.

The waiter said politely: "How about you wait on the sofa in the corridor outside, we have hot water and snacks available."


Thinking that she might be delayed, Jiang Nuannuan sat down on the sofa outside, and someone soon brought hot water and snacks.

"Are you Miss Jiang Nuannuan?" the waiter suddenly asked

"Ah? Yes." Jiang Nuannuan took the cup and nodded.

Just now I felt that this beautiful face looked familiar, but I didn't dare to recognize him wearing cheap clothes.

"I've seen the variety show you appeared in. It's quite down-to-earth." The other party looked at her a few more times, smiled, turned and walked away.

Jiang Nuannuan didn't miss the flash of disdain in her eyes.

Phoenix was reduced to a free-roaming chicken, and even the waiters looked down upon him, tsk.

She leaned on the sofa indifferently and played with her mobile phone.

Fei Jinzhao: What do you usually like to eat?
It was rare for him to take the initiative to send her a message.

Jiang Nuannuan replied instantly: It’s okay, as long as you do it, I love it.

Sitting in the cafeteria, Fei Jinzhao pursed her lower lip: Don't be glib.

Jiang Nuannuan: Angry pig punches jpg.
Jiang Nuannuan: Okay, then next weekend, I want to go to your place to eat spicy chicken and spicy hot pot!
Fei Jinzhao saw the fat pink pig beating the floor and outlined his lower lip: OK.

Jiang Nuannuan: Initiate a transfer of 1 yuan and note the money for grocery shopping.

As soon as the money went out, the other party accepted it and returned it within a few seconds.

Fei Jinzhao: I have money, so I don’t need to give it to you anymore.

Jiang Nuannuan raised her eyebrows and said yes.

After sitting like this for almost 10 minutes, she felt uncomfortable.

This sofa faced the elevator, so anyone who came out could see her blocked at the entrance of the hotel, but she didn't expect that she would need to wear a mask or hat when coming to a place like this.

As a popular person, he quickly attracted people's attention.

Some whispers passed by and could be heard clearly.

"Jiang Nuannuan, are you reduced to a small clerk now and can't even enter a restaurant?"

(End of this chapter)

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