Chapter 60 Counterattack
"It's pathetic."

"It seems that the Gu Group doesn't take special care of her. I thought she had a personal relationship with Mr. Gu that day."


After waiting for almost half an hour, she called Fu Shiliu again, but the other party still didn't answer.

From this moment on, Jiang Nuannuan thought that she had been let go on purpose.

It is estimated that Fu Shiliu hated her because she was sandwiched between two people and used as a knife that day in Gu Tingyan's office.

It's normal. She knew sooner or later that she was Gu Tingyan's lover, maybe from the beginning.

Jiang Nuannuan stood up and prepared to run away with her bag, when Fu Shiliu's call happened to come in.

"Assistant Jiang, are you here? I've been waiting for you in the box for a long time."

Jiang Nuannuan stopped and said, "So you have been in the box the whole time."

There was silence for two seconds before a warm voice replied: "Didn't I tell you the box number?"

"I'm in my early 20s. I'm very young and have good hearing. I didn't hear you say the box number."

The person on the other side was silent for a few more seconds, "Ah, I'm really sorry. I forgot. I used Ting Yan's reserved box. I thought you knew the box number we always sat in before, just like him. I'll come out to pick you up now."

A gentle explanation, a hidden blade, a declaration of sovereignty.

Jiang Nuannuan replied equally softly: "It doesn't matter. After all, Ms. Fu is almost 30 years old. She has a bad memory as she gets older. It's normal for her not to tell the front desk to leave my name."

Fu Shiliu, who had just reached the door of the box, lost control of her emotions and her face darkened. The people standing at the door ready to serve were all startled by her expression.

She quickly cleared up her expression and walked out of the box.

Jiang Nuannuan was waiting at the door. Her skin was obviously a shade paler compared to the people passing by around her. When Fu Shiliu saw her, he reflexively looked at the glass craftsmanship on the wall.

The beauty in the cheongsam reflected in the mirror is dignified and calm. No time has settled on her face, but she no longer has the youthful temperament of her early 20s.

Does Gu Tingyan really like those people now and like young girls?

She endured the sourness and jealousy in her heart and welcomed the person in with an apology, "I'm sorry for keeping you waiting for so long."

Jiang Nuannuan also pretended that she had not said what she had just said about holding a gun and a stick, and followed the person.

The waiter opened the box door for them, and Fu Shiliu went in first. Jiang Nuannuan stood at the door and let a waiter who had served the food come out.

In just a moment, the door to the opposite compartment happened to open, and the waiter came out with the tray changed.

Gu Tingyan sat facing the door, holding a cigarette between his fingers, and caught Jiang Nuannuan outside the door through the lingering smoke.

She wore a black butt-covering skirt, her buttocks were raised, and her exposed calves were thin, white and straight. They were very beautiful and made people want to hold her.

His gaze froze until the door closed again, then he raised his hand to take a puff of cigarette and loosened his tie.

"Fu Shiliu is using box 530?"

They were still talking about business, but Assistant Li was stunned by his sudden change of subject. He quickly took out his phone to check the information, and then nodded, "Yes, Miss Fu booked a private room for 530."

Didn’t I just say to swipe your VIP card in the car? That card has an exclusive box.
Boss forgot?

Assistant Li probed: "Do you want to go over and say hello?"

Gu Tingyan's eyes turned cold.

"Need not."

When all the dishes were served, Fu Shiliu greeted him warmly, "I don't know if it suits your taste. I ordered them according to the store's signature dishes. The Crab Crab Crab Burger is my favorite." Jiang Nuannuan remembered the first time she was brought by Gu Tingyan For meals, there is Krabby Patty.

With the four egg tarts in front of her to cushion her stomach, she was actually not hungry, so she casually took a few bites with her chopsticks and said, "Miss Fu, let's get down to business."

Fu Shiliu: "That's right. I have discussed it with Ting Yan, and I hope you can quit your job at the Gu Group and come to the Zhai family's old house to be a private psychologist."

System 66: "Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up! The opportunity is here!"

"Baby, please shut up first."


System 66's phantom limb touched his face, and he was embarrassed, "How could you call me baby?"

Jiang Nuannuan ignored her charming voice and said without changing her expression: "I don't understand whether Miss Fu's husband is Mr. Zhai Heng or Mr. Gu. You have been emphasizing Mr. Gu to me in a few words all night. Do whatever you want."

Fu Shiliu's smile froze, a little embarrassed, "Ting Yan and I are just very good friends and childhood sweethearts. Zhai Heng is not in good health, and I don't want to disturb him."

"But Mr. Zhai Heng is your husband, and this matter is also a matter of the Zhai family. You have never asked his opinion. Is that appropriate?"

Actually, Jiang Nuannuan was still a little angry.

Zhai Heng gave her the feeling of being gentle and friendly, and his life was short-lived. He was a supporting character. Privately, from the perspective of a bystander, he shouldn't be treated like this.

The person who created this book seems to only know how to set up the plot of the male and female protagonists, but ignores the rationality of the plot of the supporting characters. Zhai Heng is completely unreasonable, pitiful and innocent tragedy.

"Assistant Jiang, you don't understand the dispute between me and Ting Yan, and you have no position to accuse me. Now I just want to provide you with a better job."

Fu Shiliu quickly returned to his normal mood and said, "Your current job is not glorious and money is tight. I will give you 20 a month and come to my old house to be Zhai Lin's psychology teacher for a few months."

"I don't have a certificate."

Fu Shiliu said softly: "He likes you very much, as long as you are by his side."



Take the knife rest on the neck like.

"What if I don't agree?" Jiang Nuannuan asked, holding her chin.

Fu Shiliu: "Mrs. Zhai has talked with Ting Yan. You actually have no choice. I am here to tell you in advance. I just hope that you can feel better and accept it calmly, otherwise you will only suffer a loss."

"Threaten me?" Jiang Nuannuan raised her eyebrows.

Fu Shiliu looked at her and said, "No one can support you in Linggang. The Zhai family can."

Jiang Nuannuan looked at her for a long time, slowly lowered her head, glanced at the thick Chinese screen not far away, and her voice became weak and erratic.

"Yes, I am nothing here in Linggang. I am not even qualified to say no to your powerful decisions."

"I just made a choice that was good for everyone." Fu Shiliu responded gently.

Jiang Nuannuan raised her head, "That night at the Zhai family dinner, I accidentally saw you in the rose garden. Miss Fu, since you loved Mr. Gu, why did you leave him and marry someone else?"

System 66 suddenly sounded an alarm, "Jiang Nuannuan! What are you doing! I'm warning you not to mess around! Don't talk nonsense! I saw with your eyes a man sitting behind the screen! It's Gu Tingyan!"

He must have been sitting there for a while. If she hadn't been able to hear the sound of the large balcony in the row of rooms, she couldn't detect the sound of doors opening and closing behind the screen.

(End of this chapter)

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