Chapter 584 Gu Shizhou (35)

Over the years, she has been squandering the money her family had deducted from construction projects. She once had a Chinese cultural propaganda identity, but it was subsequently revealed that she was just trying to get involved with the upper class abroad and find a rich husband.

And some of her actions in China have been condemned by many people.

Most of the people who attacked were students from Jiang Nuannuan's school. They were the ones who knew best how Fu Shiliu used public opinion to create a close relationship with Gu Shizhou.

Many people posted online, criticizing how Fu Shiliu deliberately made herself look like Gu Shizhou Bai Yueguang, causing everyone to misunderstand Jiang Nuannuan and think she was the mistress.

Now the photos and identities of the two people were exposed for comparison, and the comment section was full of people criticizing Fu Shiliu.

[A woman who is almost 30 years old is reduced to using the face of a college student for a show. Fortunately, our brother Shizhou is smart. He knows that a wife must be born from a baby, and if he wants to marry, he should marry a young and beautiful one. 】

[Not to mention, I have seen Fu Shiliu walking among the businessmen holding a wine glass in foreign bureaus before. At that time, she was watched by the group of men, just like a commodity displayed in the exhibition hall. Anyone willing to bid can take it away. 】

[I also know the above. After all, she is an overseas blogger who promotes domestic culture. Foreigners are interested in such strange things, and so are our compatriots. I have seen her filming her works before, and I went up to chat with her for a few words. The result was... It is easy to imagine that she is just manipulating the personality, without any ink in her belly, and she has no historical background at all. 】

[She killed so many people in her family, and it took so long for the incident to come out. She was either giving lectures at school or having dinner parties with people. I saw her coming out of the shopping store several times carrying large and small bags of luxury goods. It was really strange. Do you know if this kind of person has any guilt or shame? 】

[Fu Shiliu should go to jail!The Fu family should all go to jail! 】

Fu Shiliu was denounced by the public opinion. She huddled at home and did not even dare to leave the house. There were a bunch of reporters outside. The nanny at home was caught and interrogated for several days even when she went out to buy groceries.

Her parents vented all their grievances on her because of the big trouble she caused.

Fu Shiliu locked the door, and after frantically calling Assistant Gu Shizhou or Fan Jiang to no avail, she remembered the rehearsal list she had seen at the presentation meeting. Each person's name had a phone number behind it. She had tried to ensure that she was familiar with it. Each person's name is related to them, and they also took photos.

After rummaging through her phone, she saw Jiang Nuannuan's name at the bottom of the paper.

A call came to Jiang Nuannuan. She was looking at a new residence with Gu Shizhou. She went to the toilet and left her phone on the table. Seeing that the ringing kept ringing, the man took the phone and connected it.

As soon as Fu Shiliu heard that the phone was connected, she immediately sat up straight on the bed, holding the phone in both hands and said excitedly: "I can't stand Jiang Nuannuan, I'm about to collapse, I won't spread the information I got in my hands, I will Those things with Gu Shizhou are in the past. He hates me to this extent because of your instigation, right? I give in now, and I beg you to ask him to stop and let me live!"

Even though he was asking for help, Fu Shiliu felt deep down that the other person was inferior to him, and his tone still sounded like he had to bow his head in a forced manner.

Gu Shizhou crossed his legs and leaned back in the chair casually, and asked calmly: "What's the past between me and you? Let Bai Liang briefly recall it for me, is it the love letters that were all thrown into the trash can, or the milk that was poured out to feed the dogs? ? Weren’t you just an ordinary-looking toad in high school who wanted to eat swan meat?”

Fu Shiliu was stunned. She didn't expect that it was him who answered the phone. The series of contempt that followed made her choke and speechless.

Must he use such despicable words to describe her!
"Gu Shizhou, you are simply not a human being! You have trampled on my sincerity like this, and I have begged you like this. I know you are wrong and what will you do! You are going to drive me completely crazy and I want me to die, right?"

Fu Shiliu was lying on the bed going crazy holding her mobile phone, beating the bed with her arms. When the servant came in to deliver the meal, everyone was shocked when they saw her looking crazy with veins popping out on her neck.

No matter how she lost her image and behaved, Gu Shizhou on the other end was not moved at all. Just seeing Jiang Nuannuan coming back, his expression softened, and his cold tone went straight into the phone, "Then you go to hell, sooner or later. .”

"Who are you talking to on my phone?" Jiang Nuannuan's voice came faintly.

Gu Shizhou's voice switched in a second, and the phone was far away. Before hanging up, he could only hear him saying softly: "No one, my dear, helped you answer a scam call. There have been many such calls recently, so I blocked it for you." "Beep." Toot—"

Fu Shiliu was completely desperate. She smashed her phone against the wall and broke it into pieces. She sat alone on the bed with a gloomy face for who knows how long.

Until night fell, she moved her stiff legs, staggered out of bed, walked to the computer desk, turned on the light, and picked up a document.

The information Jiang Meng gave her before was a copy, so she kept a backup copy. Now, she used up all the A4 paper on the table and printed out many copies of the document.

Early the next morning.

Fu Shiliu walked out of the bedroom holding the pile of documents. Her mother walked towards her and grabbed her shoulders and shook her violently, "How on earth did you get things to be like this! What are you going to do now! The final trial is about to begin, and our whole family will go in!" "

"I do not know!"

She glared at her mother fiercely, "Even if you go in, I won't! Get out of here!"


The long-term oppression from the family made Fu Shiliu completely broken. With the idea of ​​​​a fight to the death, she wanted to make Jiang Nuannuan stinky and drag Gu Shizhou into the water. She climbed to the second floor of her villa.

This distance is only about four or five meters. If you jump down, you will only break one of your legs.

Fu Shiliu walked outside in disheveled clothes. Her pale face was captured by the crowded media cameras, which were snapping and snapping photos.

She tightened her face and shouted at the camera, "I'm innocent! She, Jiang Nuannuan, is a money-worshiping girl! This is all Gu Shizhou's angry revenge!"

As she said that, she raised the document in her hand, and the printed documents that Jiang Nuannuan was an adopted daughter and worshiped money were scattered all over the sky. She also climbed out of the railing, and her heart skipped a beat.

"Ah! What the hell!"

"Fight 120!"

Fu Shiliu fell heavily to the ground and was immediately surrounded by people and cameras filming her wildly.

Only a nanny poked her head out from the gate of Fu's villa to check the situation.

Fu Shiliu thought that after reaching this point, a media would always speak for her and say what she expected.

She ended up in this situation because she had obtained evidence of Jiang Nuannuan's misdeeds in life. Gu Shizhou wanted to kill her. If she could create another wave of public opinion and gain support, she could reverse the situation.

She was unconscious with such thoughts, but she didn't know that the person who was always monitoring the movements here immediately passed the news to Gu Shizhou. The man directly called the public relations department to come forward to solve the problem. The news could be published, but it must be according to the script they gave. Come, otherwise we will all issue a lawyer’s letter warning.

(End of this chapter)

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