Chapter 585 Gu Shizhou (36)

So much so that Fu Shiliu woke up in an empty ward, and a nurse walked in and said someone wanted to see her.

Just as the smile on her lips was about to rise, she saw two people in police uniforms coming to the nurse closely behind her. One of them held a record book in his hand and said to her: "Ms. Fu, someone called the police." You are looking for trouble and spreading personal privacy and false information. Since you are still injured and unable to move, the investigation will be completed in the ward. Please cooperate proactively."

"Me?" She pointed to her nose, "Me when?"

The police handed her a photo of her throwing papers upstairs and a document on the spot. "Now there is a commotion in the mainstream media. We have also obtained the letter from the other party's lawyer for you."

"Is this a rumor? What I said are all facts! What I said are all facts! Just go and check and you will find out!" Fu Shiliu shouted loudly, his pale face bursting with emotion.

"That's someone else's family matter. What does it have to do with you? Are you legally illiterate? This is also a moral issue."

The policeman was not polite at all, and told her directly: "Besides, they have already sued you, and also accused you of extortion. Do you know that the rumors spread so widely and cause serious harm to the victims, and how many years will they be sentenced? Do you know that these two crimes are combined?" How many years will the sentence be given?"

The police officer next to him said: "Ms. Fu for more than ten years, so we ask you to cooperate with the investigation. If you are also suspected of embezzling public funds, then it is much more than that."

Everyone in Fu Shiliu was dumbfounded, "When did I embezzle public funds? Why should these unnecessary hats be placed on my head!"

"Your funds in foreign accounts and your luxurious life are all provided by your family. You don't have any job. You have squandered so much money, including how much money you earned from eating steamed buns with human blood. We have to find out one by one and trace them. Get every dollar back.”

The Fu family was behind the recent derailment. The reason why they can still stay at home until now is because the court is still going through the process. They have to appeal a second time for the final trial.

After procrastinating for so long, the Fu family just put this life-saving straw on Gu Shizhou, but this was the stupidest move.

The nurse lowered her head and looked at the phone, then said: "Actually, it's nothing serious. It's just a broken ankle and some scratches on the back. Now everything has been taken care of. Our hospital can provide a wheelchair to take Miss Fu downstairs and into the police car."

Fu Shiliu huddled in the bed, her pupils were shaking, she refused repeatedly, hysterically, "I won't go! I won't go, I won't go!"

The nurse sighed and added: "No one came to pay for you. The masses called the police and gave you 120. They also paid for the medical expenses, which did not include the bed fee. What's more, the beds here are relatively tight, Miss Fu. , you have a mild case, stop messing around and let the severe patients behind you live."

"My parents didn't come? They didn't come?!" Fu Shiliu really collapsed. She never expected that her family would not come forward to help her.

In the end, her strong resistance and lack of cooperation led to the heavy-headed policeman giving her a pair of silver bracelets, handcuffing her to a wheelchair and forcibly taking her out of the hospital.

The door was surrounded by reporters, and the flashbulbs kept capturing her embarrassed and crazy look.

His image was completely ruined, and Fu Shiliu was completely desperate.

Those so-called truths posted online were also warned by Gu Shizhou and uniformly revised.

The fact that Jiang Nuannuan is the adopted daughter of the Jiang family and Jiang Mengcai's biological daughter has been completely exposed.

This wave of operations involving real and fake daughters made the onlookers confused.Fu Shiliu's so-called image of Jiang Nuannuan as a money-worshiping girl has been analyzed and revealed by the media. The reason is that she could not bear the restraint and oppression she had suffered in the family environment for a long time, and was used as a trading weight, turning into an exquisite and expensive doll.

After the Jiang family's business continued to decline and lose money, the Jiang family's parents tried to use Jiang Nuannuan's marriage to save the situation. The wealthy families or businessmen they approached were in their 40s and 20s, and all of them were active. Actively jumped out to restore the truth of the matter.

On the other hand, Jiang Meng married the person she liked, hid behind her family all her life, and lived like a little princess without any worries.

Jiang Nuannuan couldn't bear to be treated like this, so she decided to break up and leave. She also decided to compensate a generous amount of raising expenses, but the Jiang family was completely unappreciative and still imprisoned her.

The incident of imprisonment was revealed personally (orally) by a nanny of the Jiang family who went out to buy groceries. After the incident became fermented, all the public opinion on the Internet who could change sides at any time now sympathized with Jiang Nuannuan's experience.

Gu Shizhou's former fans felt particularly sorry for her sister-in-law. They were fortunate that their brother had saved such a beautiful girl in time and also brought the rice circle trick into a commercial war. They all began to boycott the shopping buildings owned by the Jiang family enterprise, vowing to never Don't go.

Now everyone knows that Jiang Nuannuan is a college student with excellent academic performance. Her photos of every party and the medals she won are posted online. She is much better than Jiang Meng, but because of the Regarding the real and fake daughter incident, he treated the two children so differently. On the surface, he gave her a glamorous life, but in fact, he pushed her out as a shield. In private, he only truly loved and cared for his biological daughter.

Jiang Nuannuan had heard about the situation in the outside world and knew that Gu Shizhou had done something cruel. The day she returned to school to take graduation photos, it caused a sensation.

Even the principal came to apologize to her in person. He did not control the personnel information at the last school anniversary party and just asked Fu Shiliu to host it. She asked her to forgive her for the unpleasantness it caused her.

They are all old gingers, and everyone knows each other well, so they will step down if they are given face and steps.

Before Fu Shiliu was charged with going to court, he insisted on meeting Jiang Nuannuan in private.

Gu Shizhou took Jiang Nuannuan with him.

Perhaps she finally knew that begging this devilish man would have no effect. Across the table, the woman clasped her hands and begged Jiang Nuannuan, "Don't let me go to jail, don't accuse me in court, I really know that Jiang Nuannuan was wrong." , please forgive me once."

She was wearing the uniform issued by the detention center and her hair was messy. She was in her late 30s and had gone through a lot of vicissitudes of life in just a few days. She still had the appearance of a classical beauty.

When Gu Shizhou saw this scene, the corners of his lips curled up slightly, and he gloated and bit Jiang Nuannuan's ear, "Do you feel good?"

She nodded.

Very cool.

But I don't intend to forgive.

Seeing that Jiang Nuannuan was unmoved, Fu Shiliu even walked around the table and knelt at her feet, grabbing the hem of her skirt, and the silver bracelets on her wrists made a clanging sound.

She broke down and cried, "My life has just begun! Do you really want me to go to jail for more than ten years! Jiang Nuannuan, please let me go. Please, Gu Shizhou and I really have nothing. I made this move for the sake of my family, I thought I could get him just because I look similar to you, I was wrong, I was really wrong!"

Fu Shiliu is too afraid of going to jail. Her life has been ruined. If she goes to jail again, she will be 50 or [-] years old. She will not even have a chance to make a comeback. She will no longer be able to live the life of a master. What's the point of living!
(End of this chapter)

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