Chapter 586 Gu Shizhou (37)

Jiang Nuannuan pushed her hand away, pushed away the messy hair from her face, and looked at the face.

When Fu Shiliu's sobs subsided, she whispered: "You can obviously make better choices with this face, but you always take the wrong path."

Fu Shiliu looked at her with tears in his eyes, "What?"

Jiang Nuannuan stood up and said, "Just stay here and reform."

After the brief meeting ended, Fu Shiliu was lifted up in a daze and watched as the two held hands and walked out of the door, and her door that represented freedom was completely closed.

After the final trial of the case related to the Fu family, the whole family was sentenced for cutting corners on the railway tracks to make money, which resulted in a large number of casualties. Among them, the two elders of the Fu family were the most serious, and they were sentenced to death for their age. Fu Shiliu was also involved in Gu Shizhou's case. He was charged with several crimes and sentenced to 20 years in prison.

The entire family was imprisoned neatly, and all remaining property was confiscated.

Because Fu Shiliu, a big Internet celebrity who promotes domestic culture, has been implicated in so many cases, his image as a fake bad guy has become a hot topic on the Internet, which is so embarrassing that people all over the country feel embarrassed.

The time was almost up, everything was arranged, and Jiang Nuannuan was taken home by Gu Shizhou to meet his parents.

She was already prepared to be slapped, but when she entered the door, the Gu family elders didn't slap her first, but gave Gu Shizhou a firm slap in the face.

That crisp sound.

Jiang Nuannuan reacted and wanted to stand in front of him, but his arm was pulled back by him, and he was tightly held in his arms.

"Heng'an is the person you placed next to me! I thought you hadn't even grown a hair yet, but I didn't expect you to eat such a big bowl of rice without any notice! You even want to plot against your father!"

Mr. Gu was so angry that he wanted to hit him again. Gu Shizhou glanced at him, with a faint look in his eyes and a very dangerous smile on his lips, "Dad, don't scare my wife, otherwise the table will be overturned for you in the end, so you can rest assured at home." Retirement.”

His threat worked. Mr. Gu's fists tightened again and again. Next to him, his wife Lin Xiao, who had not seen his son for a long time, was sandwiched between the two to coordinate, "Calm down, let's go sit on the sofa first."

She patted her husband's arm and said, "My son finally came back. Please tell me what you have to say."

Jiang Nuannuan and Lin Xiao sat on the sofa, and Mr. Gu went directly to the study. Gu Shizhou was not in a hurry to follow, and asked the servant to bring some of Jiang Nuannuan's favorite snacks, and then touched her hand and accompanied her. Sit for a while.

As soon as Lin Xiao saw his attitude, he knew that he was afraid that he would bully the girl. To be honest, when he found out that he had found a woman with a chaotic family, she was indeed resistant.

But now, she looked at her son who was protecting the calf and sighed.

He quietly instigated the rebellion of the board of directors, secretly acquired more than [-]% of the shareholders' shares, and became the most powerful person. This could not be accomplished within a few years.

A few years ago, she didn't have the ability to stop him from entering the entertainment industry, let alone guide his life plan now.

After Lin Xiao saw the situation clearly, she understood that she must have Jiang Nuannuan as her daughter-in-law. Even if she didn't like to think that she was not a good match, she had to accept it.

She went to the bedroom upstairs to get a red envelope and handed it to Jiang Nuannuan. She bowed her head to Gu Shizhou and said, "You two got married too hastily and did not notify your family. I was caught off guard by you. I will always hold weddings in the future." You can’t just tell me.”

Gu Shizhou understood what she meant, met Jiang Nuannuan's gaze, and patted her waist, "Just take what mom gave you."

Seeing that Lin Xiao was able to chat with Jiang Nuannuan, Gu Shizhou felt relieved and got up and went to the study upstairs.

The two of them stayed in the study for nearly two hours. It was around lunch time that the door opened.

The servant served a sumptuous lunch, and Lin Xiao motioned for several people to sit down quickly.

The table mainly featured seafood and seasonal vegetables. Gu Shizhou gave Jiang Nuannuan a piece of fresh and juicy abalone, and opened a can of sparkling water for her. He said to her, "I'll drink some wine, and you'll drive later."

"Okay." Jiang Nuannuan smiled at him.

Mr. Gu glanced at her, not as angry as he had been when they first met, and said calmly, "Is the date set? Are you two going to settle a major event in our family like this?" Gu Shizhou: "I'll find someone to settle the matter. Our life has been decided a long time ago.”

Lin Xiao: "Have you told the Jiang family?"

Gu Shizhou frowned slightly, "It has nothing to do with them."

Lin Xiao soon realized that he had said the wrong thing, pursed his lips, and turned his eyes to Jiang Nuannuan.

The whole family's eyes were focused on him. Jiang Nuannuan put down her chopsticks and said calmly: "I have a pair of parents in the country, but I have never seen them and have no family ties, so it doesn't matter whether they come or not. relation. "

Gu Shizhou: "She only has me."

When these four words came out of his mouth, his tone rose, and there was even a hint of sweetness and complacency.

Jiang Nuannuan glanced at him and put another piece of abalone in the bowl.

"Eat more." Have a good night's work.

He doted on her completely and gave his parents a clear attitude.

Lin Xiao was silent for a while and said, "The wedding still needs to be held at home. It doesn't matter if your parents don't come. I understand."

Although Mr. Gu looked unhappy with a sullen expression, he did not refute in the end. He acknowledged Jiang Nuannuan and finalized the matter.

After eating, Gu Shizhou took Jiang Nuannuan around his Chinese-style backyard.

She was so curious that she took his hand and asked: "What happened during the day? Could it be that your father was so angry that he married me that he slapped you to calm down? "

"What do you think? Is it because of this?" Gu Shizhou raised his eyebrows, "They didn't like you very much tonight."

Jiang Nuannuan: "I actually tasted the feeling of bowing to evil forces."

Gu Shizhou stopped and hugged her, "What do you mean by evil forces? Are you talking about me?"

Her steps were unsteady and she leaned against a camphor tree in full bloom. The faint fragrance of flowers in the yard reached her nose.

Jiang Nuannuan pinched his arm and warned, "This is not my backyard."

"I don't plan to do anything." Gu Shizhou said this, an idea flashed in his mind, and his eyes darkened, "But there are indeed a few trees in our house, and it's hot in summer. "

Jiang Nuannuan was puzzled by what she heard, but she still followed up and said, "That was unified by the developer. If it doesn't work, we can just change it later."

"Yeah." He lowered his head and leaned towards her face, "There are many trees here. Let me kiss them for a day."

He seemed to have skin hunger syndrome, and he felt uncomfortable if he didn't pester her for a day.

The evening breeze was cool and the yard was quiet, with only a few faint chirping of insects. Jiang Nuannuan raised her head and loosened her lips slightly before letting him in.

After kissing her until she was out of breath, he let go of her, held her hand again and walked forward. He explained to her in a deep voice, "I was planning this a few years ago when I was still in school. I have nothing to do with you, I just want to take power as soon as possible."

Gu Shizhou paused and then exposed his father's background: "My dad is not a businessman. I have been secretly helping him in the past two years, otherwise he would have been in trouble long ago."

He knew that the Gu Group had a big turmoil in its early years and the capital chain was almost broken. Gu Tingyan managed it alone with great difficulty.

He also knew about this secretly. It was just that his donkey-headed father had to invest in a social software, but it failed and he lost all his money and owed a lot of debt.

So he made a series of preparations in advance.
(End of this chapter)

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