Chapter 587 Gu Shizhou (38)

The details are that she doesn't need to tell Jiang Nuannuan, she can guess a thing or two from his busy schedule.

It turned out that he had been helping her carry the sky since early on.

Jiang Nuannuan took the initiative to hug his waist and leaned into his arms.

Gu Shizhou took advantage of the situation and hugged her, his lips curled up slightly, "Are you moved by me?"

"Yeah." She hummed muffledly.

Gu Shizhou felt extremely comfortable.

After waiting for a long time, the two finally started to walk back.

"I sold the club." Gu Shizhou said, "I sold it to Bailiang at a low price."

Jiang Nuannuan turned around and asked, "Why? You won't go there in the future?"

"I won't go." He said very proudly: "I have a wife, and I have to support the family in the future."

Jiang Nuannuan punched him in the abdomen and said dissatisfied: "Are you an idiot? Selling at a low price is called supporting the family? After all, you have cheated him."

Gu Shizhou hissed softly, holding her fist and rubbing it gently, "Forget it, he is also an unlucky guy who can't recognize his own emotional state. If we are brothers, the club will give it to him so that he can chase his wife."

Jiang Nuannuan: "Wife? Who?"

Gu Shizhou: "I've had coffee with you before."

Jiang Nuannuan was surprised, "You mean Hang Panxia."

She took out her phone and showed him her friend list, "I saw that she was in love with a boy who looked quite quiet."

Gu Shizhou was stunned. He didn't remember much about his friends. He only knew that Bai Liang knelt down in his previous life. The two of them never got together in the end. It turned out that this was the problem.

He tsked lightly, "It's so miserable."

Ridicule being ridicule, he still kindly sent the photo to Bai Liang.

After safely coming out of the Gu family's old house, Jiang Nuannuan was often greeted by Lin Xiao on the phone. She would either invite her to see wedding dresses or pick out invitation gift boxes, showing her image of a good mother-in-law to the fullest.

In order to take as much wedding leave as possible, Gu Shizhou came back late at night every time during the month-long busy schedule.

Jiang Nuannuan was rarely woken up by him.

Today, while she was half asleep and half awake, she heard the bedroom door being quietly opened, and footsteps approaching the bedside as usual.

She was very sleepy, the air conditioner was turned on high, and she slept on her side, with her slender waist facing Gu Shizhou.

His eyes darkened, he pulled off his tie and sat on the edge of the bed, gently hugged her waist, turned her over, and asked in a low voice: "New pajamas?"

A thin silk skirt with a V-neck style and mint green lace ruffles, just right for Jiang Nuannuan's figure to show off her perfect curves.

At this moment, he turned over, his collar was tilted to one side, and his shoulder straps were stuck on the white jade shoulders to prevent them from falling off. His long, thick ink-like hair was spread on the pillow, and his sleeping face was as white and delicate as the porcelain. Like a goblin.

He hadn't touched her in almost a month. In such a scene, Gu Shizhou's Adam's apple rolled slightly, his peach-blossom eyes were stained with a little lust and moisture, and he whispered to himself: "She's pretty."

Jiang Nuannuan slept soundly and didn't react at all, until she felt a cold intention to pull the quilt, and her warm palm covered it.

Hot kisses traveled down her neck, biting off her shoulder straps, invading her senses bit by bit.

Until she hummed in dissatisfaction, Gu Shizhou suddenly stopped his hand. After burying it in the crook of her neck for a long time, he finally couldn't bear to wake her up. He straightened up, grabbed a handful of hair and walked into the bathroom.

She can only think about solving it herself tonight.

But when they reached the bathroom door, the sound of the metal belt falling on the floor still woke up the girl on the bed who was already aware of it.

Jiang Nuannuan sat up in a daze, picked up the water glass on the bedside table and drank some water, then turned her eyes to the lit bathroom.

The door was ajar, mist came out, the sound of the shower running inside was particularly clear, and a man's deep voice called her softly.

"Warm and warm."

She sat and picked up her phone and looked at the time.It’s 3:[-] in the morning.

There was a flash of understanding in her eyes.

After he returned and officially took over the company's business and became the CEO, he only came back at this point.

She lifted the quilt and got out of bed, yawned and walked over, "What's wrong? Did you forget to take your nightgown or towel?"

Gu Shizhou supported the wall with one hand, and flexed and tightened the muscles of the other arm. An uncontrollable groan escaped his lips. He stood under the shower and tilted his head when he heard the sound. He looked at the mirror facing the door, where a girl's charming face appeared. The pretty figure stood by the wall, wearing a knee-length mint green dress with suspenders, a ruffled design and a pleated skirt, like new buds in spring, budding and very attractive.

He felt even more severe pain in his body, and the fire deep in his heart that had just been washed away by the cold water was brought up again.

Jiang Nuannuan also poked her head in through the half-open door because she couldn't get a response.

Her eyes that were originally squinted due to sleepiness suddenly widened. Under the dripping water, the man's artistically perfect body was slightly arched, his wet hair stuck to his forehead, his peach blossom eyes were blurred, and his slightly faster breathing made him strong. His chest kept rising and falling.


She immediately put her head back.

She never expected that he would call her in the bathroom and do it at the same time.

The water in the bathroom stopped quickly. Gu Shizhou lowered his eyelashes with water beads for a moment and said softly: "Help me."

Jiang Nuannuan's heart clenched tightly, and her voice trembled a little, "What."

He stepped through the water and came to the door. The beautiful shadow was cast by the light on the frosted door, shrouding her.

"It feels bad, baby, come in and help me."

Jiang Nuannuan's knees felt weak when Gu Shizhou deliberately called her in such a seductive voice.

She swallowed hard and put her finger on the door handle hesitantly, "Gu Shizhou, why are you doing this secretly behind my back?"

He was quiet for a while, "It's too late, I'm afraid I'll disturb you."

Jiang Nuannuan softened her heart, but still hesitated in a slightly ashamed voice, "Why haven't I seen you such a gentleman before?"

Gu Shizhou replied seriously: "Not enough time."

She was taken aback, "Huh?"

"I don't have enough time with you." Gu Shizhou: "I have to get up at six o'clock tomorrow, so..."

"So you'd better go to bed." Jiang Nuannuan felt her heart go up and her knees became stiff, "It's almost four o'clock now."

She didn't want him to tire herself out like a dog.

However, Gu Shizhou couldn't get rid of her appearance tonight in his mind, so he simply opened the door, grabbed her waist and carried her back.

"We're going to make it fast."

"No! You can only sleep for two hours and you decide quickly! Gu Shizhou!"

What responded to her was the sound of the bathroom door locking, and the bathroom switch that was accidentally knocked off.

The anger that lasted for more than half a month finally dissipated in the early morning.

Jiang Nuannuan slept in his arms until seven o'clock. Gu Shizhou, who had only squinted for a while, was not tired at all. He got up refreshed, took out the regular medicine from the drawer, and reached into the quilt to catch her. legs over.

She groaned, wanting to cry reflexively, "Get out."

"It's my hand, just applying medicine." He immediately leaned over to coax her, "It will be fine soon."

Yesterday, he used too much force and hurt her. When he left in the morning, Gu Shizhou specifically asked the people at the bridal shop to come back later.

It wasn't until she was woken up by Lin Xiao's phone call that Jiang Nuannuan recovered from her lost state and slowly got up from the bed. After being reminded, she remembered that today was the time for her custom-made wedding dress to arrive and try it on.

(End of this chapter)

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