Chapter 588 Gu Shizhou (39)

After washing, she came downstairs still looking like a crab, feeling extremely depressed.


The family asked the servant who was here during the day to hand her a document, "Mr. just asked his assistant to bring back a document for you. I collected it for you."

Jiang Nuannuan sat down in the restaurant, took the things, opened them and looked through them.

There were actually several equity transfer documents of Jiang's family. Added up to more than 80% of Jiang's shares, the signatures were all hers.

She was shocked. This directly meant that the shopping building was hers. Did Gu Shizhou spend a lot of money to buy such a dying company?
There is also a specially printed message notification inside.

Because of the turmoil on the Internet, the company will hold a shareholders' meeting to discuss the company's future business policies and investment plans, and to make recommendations for the board of directors' decisions in recent years.

It seems that a listed company has been put into such a state by the Jiang family, and the shareholders are completely unable to sit still.

After a while, Jiang Nuannuan put down her things and hummed softly, "He really knows how to remedy himself."

She really liked this gift.

She opened her phone and wanted to send him a message, but saw the message she had sent in the morning in the dialog box.

This company was the toy he bought for her.

The wealthy family affairs that her adoptive parents were proud of turned into toys that Gu Shizhou gave her to make her happy.

Jiang Nuannuan felt ironic inexplicably. She really didn't know what the family's expression would be like when they finally knew the truth.

When Lin Xiao came to the door with many designers and makeup teachers, he felt helpless when he saw the traces on Jiang Nuannuan's body.

"It's true. I wonder if you want to try on clothes today? How can you take pictures like this?"

She herself felt a little embarrassed, but she still pretended to be calm and relaxed on the surface, "It doesn't matter, it's always for my family to watch. Could you please the makeup artist to come over tomorrow and help me prepare an extra set of clothes? I have a party." Wear it for important gatherings. ”

Gu Shizhou actually gave her a chance to vent her anger, and of course she had no reason to let it slip away.

After trying on wedding dresses in one afternoon and having afternoon tea with Lin Xiao, Jiang Nuannuan went online to read about the entire board of directors of Jiang's company.

The chairman is her former father, and the vice chairman is her mother. Jiang Meng is also one of them, but she only plays a listed manager position in this company, regardless of the market or internal affairs, just taking money to get by.

It can be regarded as a neat family workshop. The funny thing is that Jiang Nuannuan is about to graduate this year. Her parents have no intention of arranging any substantial work growth for her other than asking her to marry and become a qualified wife.

Now the company's profit and loss data has bottomed out. This year, shareholders can't even keep their investment, let alone take a cut of the profits. The source is because of the Jiang family's problems. The basic meaning of this meeting is to replace this family.

After much deliberation, she finally called Gu Shizhou to confirm whether someone from the Gu Group would come into the company to fill in her shoes. She wanted to carry out a righteous act of annihilation.

He said nonchalantly: "You can make arrangements for me to bring a team here. You can do whatever you want. It's a small betrothal gift for you, an internship gift."

Jiang Nuannuan held her chin, "I don't have a lot of social experience, you really want to throw this company worth tens of billions to me? Gu Shizhou, you can't lose."

Gu Shizhou said nonchalantly: "You have a lot of money, so what are you afraid of?"

Jiang Nuannuan: "."

Probably knowing that she was speechless, he added: "I will give you a list later. You can bring a few people there and they will help you."

Gu Shizhou also coaxed her to come, and after getting a satisfactory response from her, he took the time to go to the corridor to smoke a cigarette, and asked her in a low voice: "Does it still hurt?"

Jiang Nuannuan didn't realize the turn of the topic: "What?"

"Didn't you get some skin scratches yesterday?" Gu Shizhou took a breath of cigarette, and his deep voice was particularly sexy, "I gave you medicine once this morning, do you feel okay now?"

"Gu Shizhou!"

Jiang Nuannuan shouted to him, then lowered her voice, put the phone close to her cheek, and said angrily: "Hang up!"

Before she was about to hang up, the particularly flat voice on the other end said softly, "I love you."

Jiang Nuannuan: "." No one can cure his glib tone in front of him.

Now the shareholders' meeting wants to remove the Jiang family from their positions, and the family knows this even without saying it explicitly.

The family stayed in the villa for several days without leaving the house, racking their brains to think of a solution.

At this moment, Jiang Meng also got the most truthful information from her mother, and her face was in a bad mood for several days. Of course, she didn't even mention this matter to her husband.

She asked Mother Jiang in disbelief: "Dad has sold most of his shares? Is he crazy? He is the boss of Jiang's family!"

"Look at how the market value has fallen now, it would be great if someone could take over." Jiang's mother felt a bit hateful towards her, "You never care about the company's business and don't learn from it. You think it's the company's business?" As the legal representative, this company belongs to him? As long as more than half of the shareholders vote, our whole family will have to drink northwest wind."

Now sitting in this position, they still have some money to control. Once they are replaced, the increasing losses will only make them less than a dime based on the shares they hold.

"What about Jiang Nuannuan?" Jiang Meng asked in a panic: "Can't I ask her for money?"

Jiang's mother suddenly fell silent, and her eyes looked at Jiang Meng with a slight change, which was stupidity.

She held the biological daughter she had found in her hands, and protected her behind her so that she could grow up to be the ignorant and innocent person she is now. That was because she never thought that one day Jiang Nuannuan would leave her. The wealthy lady she had trained with her own hands, He put on his wings and flew to the pyramid.

Mother Jiang pursed her lips, there were so many ifs.

Jiang Meng grabbed her arm, "Mom, why do you look at me with such disappointed eyes?"

Mother Jiang pushed her arm away with a cold tone, "Who do you think was behind the Fu family's affairs some time ago? Fu Shiliu must have offended Nuan Nuan. How did she know the identity of her adopted daughter?"

Jiang Meng's expression froze, "It's not me."

With her little lying skills, who can escape anyone's eyes?

Mother Jiang sighed, and the fear rising in her heart could not be suppressed.

She was afraid that Gu Shizhou would confront them. The boy who dared to try to hit her to death when he was young has now become a complete monster.

At this time, Jiang's father suddenly opened the door and came in, saying to Jiang Meng in a deep voice: "Come here."

The two came to a study room.

Father Jiang: "You will go with me to the shareholders' meeting then."

Jiang Meng was stunned: "I don't even understand, why go?"

"The shares in my hand were bought by a pharmaceutical company owner. His assets are similar to ours in our heyday."

When Jiang's father said this, he paused and his eyes darkened, "Our family has enough money to give you a sufficient quality of life. Of course I don't mind if you find a civil servant as your husband, but it won't be long now. You can spend tens of thousands of dollars every day." consumption will be stopped.”

The family's pampering and the constant desire to compare with Jiang Nuannuan have already made Jiang Meng snobbish, unable to escape this luxurious life and the treatment of being praised as God when shopping.

She was absolutely reluctant to let go of her glamorous identity in front of others and turn back into the country ugly duckling.

Jiang Meng pinched the hem of her skirt and asked hurriedly: "Of course I don't want to see my family struggling to make ends meet. I know how to save. What does Dad want to say?"

"The owner of the pharmaceutical factory is only 40 years old this year, he is decent-looking, and he is currently the company's largest shareholder. If you follow him, the company will still be ours."

Jiang Meng said in surprise: "But I'm already engaged!"

Although the wedding has not yet taken place, the marriage certificate and several tables of engagement drinks were actually presented to both parents.

Does this mean that she is required to use her married status to be someone else's lover?
Father Jiang looked at her with gloomy eyes: "I won't force you if you can't do this, but someone will come to buy the luxury goods you bought in the afternoon, and I won't give you any more pocket money starting today. If the situation gets worse, We have to save money."

This is not forced!
Jiang Meng walked out of the study, his whole body spinning.

The TV was playing in the living room downstairs. She walked slowly downstairs and heard that the news channel was broadcasting news about personnel changes related to the Gu Group.

Gu Shizhou, who just received the certificate with his girlfriend, has now officially become the group's executive president and has joined the board of directors as the largest shareholder.
(End of this chapter)

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