Chapter 589 Gu Shizhou (40)

Her mother stood alone in front of the TV, looking at the photos on the screen in trance.

It was Jiang Nuannuan who was wearing a brand-name suit and standing in front of the camera with a decent smile.

She also carries the status of Gu Shizhou's prospective wife, which can be said to be glorious.

In contrast, Jiang Mengcai suddenly realized that he had never caught up with her.

Jiang Nuannuan spent the first half of her life as the most beautiful and beautiful daughter of the Jiang family, and the second half of her life was the wife of the largest financial group in Linggang. She lived in a luxurious world all her life, pampered and loved by others.

And what about her?I have been submerged in farmland for half my life, and I finally have a good life, but it is like a dream that will be shattered when dawn comes.

In the end, Jiang Meng agreed to her father's request behind her husband's back. She could not abandon money. She had to maintain her high-end living standard so that she would not be despised and looked down upon.

Guan Shang is from the branch of Gu Group and is responsible for the acquisition and handover of Jiang's equity. He rushed back to Linggang from other places early in the morning to complete the tasks assigned by his boss.

The Jiang family had already sent someone to open a top-level hotel suite for him in advance, and the shareholders' meeting specially set aside time for him and held it in the afternoon so that he could have enough rest time during the day.

He informed Jiang Nuannuan of the news and planned to meet to explain things.

The stylist is preparing today's clothes for her at home, a traditional cheongsam style without too much color embellishment, just like the drizzle and quiet light green color of the ancient town in Jiangnan.

When worn on Jiang Nuannuan, this dress did not add any elegance to her temperament, but instead made her look exquisite and stunningly beautiful.

Her long hair was tied low, with green satin embellished with diamonds wrapped around her hair. Two small emerald pendants hung on her white jade-like earlobes.

The designer asked her to stand up and walk to the window. There were a few green trees outside, and the shadows swayed on her body. The thin fabric fit her bumpy body perfectly.

The designer couldn't help but take a few photos with his mobile phone and marveled, "It would be a pity if you don't debut and become a star."

Jiang Nuannuan smiled, "I have other dreams."

"What is it?"

"Jewelry designer."

"Do you mind if I take two photos for publicity?" the designer asked, "I think it's perfect."

Jiang Nuannuan looked at herself in the mirror and felt it was perfect, and nodded generously.

Once the photos were sent out by the designer, it didn't take long for them to become popular and reach Gu Shizhou's hands.

The woman leans lazily against the window, her arms lightly touching the edge of the window. Her slender waist is slightly twisted, perfectly showing off the unique curves of the cheongsam, which is lively and full of charm.

Gu Shizhou's Adam's apple rolled, his eyes darkened, an unbearable heat rose, and his slender fingers tugged at the tie around his neck.

Don't want to work anymore.

He wanted to go home now.

The assistant on the side saw that he had been staring at the phone, glanced at the time, and said at the right time: "Madam should have left now. Do you need to remove the photos?"

Gu Shizhou: "No need."

He never minded her blooming beauty, he would protect her well.

As soon as he finished speaking, he sent another message to Jiang Nuannuan's mobile phone.

【I will come back for dinner in the evening. 】

Jiang Nuannuan saw this message and replied: [I'm not sure. There will be a party after the shareholders' meeting. You can ask the nanny to cook for you. 】

Gu Shizhou: [The cheongsam is very beautiful. 】

Jiang Nuannuan's lips curled up slightly: [Like it? 】

He replied: [I will take it off tonight]

Jiang Nuannuan: 【.】

Too lazy to talk to him anymore, Jiang Nuannuan had packed up and asked the driver to take her to the hotel.

Guan Shang has been waiting in the executive suite with several people in the team for a long time.

Seeing Jiang Nuannuan finally arrived, several people stood up and greeted her, "Madam."

They were all the management team given to her by Gu Shizhou, and each of them was an elite.Jiang Nuannuan smiled slightly, "Hello, don't sit here, go to the conference room and talk."

At the same time, Jiang Meng's car also arrived downstairs at the hotel.

She specially wore an alluring slim-fitting knitted skirt today. Years of farm work and subsequent weight control have also given her a very good figure. Paired with the clothes that do not give any place for fat to hide, she outlines her plump buttocks. It's very eye-catching when walking on the road.

She went straight to the top floor and knocked on the door.

The people in the conference room stopped. Jiang Nuannuan looked at Guan Shang, "Go and open the door and have a look."

The man nodded, thinking it was room service. He walked to the living room and opened the door, "I didn't ask for service."

The person who came was not a waiter, but Jiang Meng, who looked gentle and pleasant.

Guan Shang was stunned for a moment and then changed his words: "Miss Jiang? What are you doing?"

"Oh, I'm here to deliver information on behalf of my father. It contains the roster of high-end shops currently occupied by some companies and their profitability." Jiang Meng handed him the documents prepared in advance and said softly, holding his throat: "You Is it Boss Guan? The new shareholder of our company? I must have looked in the right place."

Not knowing what kind of medicine she was selling, Guan Shang, who was well aware of his own personality, still nodded and took the document, "It's me."

Seeing that he was about to close the door but had no intention of leaving her alone, Jiang Meng took the opportunity to get in, held the door handle and closed the door.

"I want to tell you something more."

She had already made preparations to serve an old bald man. She didn't want the man in front of her to show the traces of his years on his face. He had thick hair and a neat suit. He was dressed like an elite, not inferior to a young man at all.

The last bit of resistance in Jiang Meng's heart disappeared.

She lifted up the man's tie and said with a deep breath: "Dad told me that most of our family's shares are in your hands. Without you, our family would definitely have our position abolished by the company and be kicked out. "

Guan Shang didn't expect that things would suddenly develop to this point. He panicked and subconsciously looked in the direction of the conference room. Without checking, he stepped back and kicked the coffee table with his heels, and fell into the sofa.

Jiang Meng was still wearing a short skirt at this moment, so she boldly spread her legs and sat on his knees.

"Can you do me a favor and let our family survive at the shareholders' meeting this afternoon, so that we can stay on the board of directors and help you do things."

Jiang Meng lowered his head, pressed his red lips on Guan Shang's face, and leaned forward, "In return, you can do anything to me, okay? Boss Guan?"

There was silence in the conference room, and everyone looked at Jiang Nuannuan with wide eyes. She herself did not expect that such a god would show up, let alone that Jiang's father would choose to give up his biological son after losing his weight in marriage. The daughter was pushed out.

It turns out that in the face of power, the family's affection can be so weak.

And it seemed that Jiang Meng was quite happy.

Jiang Nuannuan could understand her mood after thinking about it for a moment.

It is difficult for people who have seen poverty and tasted wealth to adjust back to their previous mentality. Falling into poverty is the fastest way to make money.

Guan Shang has a wife and children at home, so of course he can't stand the idea of ​​a little girl who could be his daughter jumping on him, not to mention there is his boss's wife in the conference room!

"Get out! What do you look like!"

He grabbed Jiang Meng's hand and pulled her to the ground, wiped her cheek hard, and said with a frown: "I am not an equity holder."

Jiang Meng was dumbfounded, "Huh? But just now you said..."

She reacted and her face suddenly turned bad, "You think you don't think I'm good enough?!"

Guan Shang looked towards the conference room, his eyes already begging for mercy.

Jiang Nuannuan opened the door in time and walked out.

"Madam." Guan Shang quickly stood up and said helplessly, "Please explain, I'll go to the toilet and wash my face."

His face was covered in lipstick marks, which disgusted him to death.

Jiang Meng, whose skirt was almost rolled up to her stomach, was shocked when she discovered Jiang Nuannuan. She saw several men in suits and ties emerging from behind her. She screamed and hurriedly got up to push down the skirt.

"Why are you here!"

She was so embarrassed that she almost cried, feeling overwhelmingly humiliated.

(End of this chapter)

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