Chapter 590 Gu Shizhou (41)

Jiang Nuannuan smiled and walked out slowly, "I am a shareholder, why can't I be here? "

Jiang Meng got up from the ground and rubbed his nose with his arm. He couldn't care less about the embarrassment, and his voice suddenly rose, "What did you say?"

"Shareholders." Jiang Nuannuan said calmly: "We were discussing company reform, and you came in and acted like this with my people."

So she didn't seduce some big boss and fly to the branch to be her lover, she just seduced a working man! ?
Jiang Meng froze on the spot like a wooden stake, unable to conceal the anger and frustration of being suppressed in her heart, but this emotion did not last for a few seconds. She seemed to react, and her lips suddenly began to tremble, "You mean I You bought the shares held by dad and those bosses."

Jiang Nuannuan clicked her chin, pleased, "It's not bad, not too stupid."

Unable to bear the blow, Jiang Meng ran downstairs in a daze. She didn't pay attention to her surroundings, and her embarrassed look was noticed by people coming and going.

When the Jiang family's affairs were so big, naturally everyone knew Jiang Meng.

The staff at the front desk looked at Jiang Meng a few more times, secretly took a photo, and sent it to his friends on WeChat.

[Baby, is this your colleague’s girlfriend?The real daughter among the real and fake daughters. 】

It took 5 minutes for the other person to get back to her, [Yes, I confirmed it with Qi Heng, what is she doing in the hotel? 】

The lady at the front desk immediately ignited a raging fire of gossip, and quickly typed a line, "It seems that I am going to meet the guests of the top-floor executive suite. The Jiang family's company made a reservation here yesterday." 】

【Does a man live here? 】

[Well, he looks like a big boss. 】

On the other end, Qi Heng grabbed his colleague's cell phone and finished the conversation. Suddenly, his head felt green and the veins on his neck popped out.

When he went out in the morning, he heard her tell him that she had made an appointment to have a beauty treatment, and spent a long time going to the hotel to find a man! ?
The man next to him comforted him, "Be patient, I am rich after all, and your son-in-law has entered a wealthy family."

Qi Heng spat out the window, clenched his fists, endured his irritability, and snorted coldly, "If it weren't for the sake of money, who would be able to cut off that face with large pores, no matter how well-maintained it is? Not as good as one finger of that adopted daughter."

When Jiang Meng returned to the car, she called home in a state of collapse and told Jiang's father the whole story without tears.

"What should we do, Dad! The shareholder is not that Boss Guan at all! It's Jiang Nuannuan! It's Jiang Nuannuan! She has become our largest shareholder now!"

The sound of breaking teacups was instantly heard from the other end of the microphone, and it was a mess.

Wait until the afternoon meeting.

Jiang Nuannuan entered Jiang's company with a group of elites in suits and ties.

Those subordinates had already liquidated it for her, and the Jiang family now only had 5% of the remaining shares. When they sold it, Jiang's father had spotted Guan Shang's high bid and thought he was a scapegoat who could take over.

Jiang's father pushed his daughter to him again because the remaining shares in his hands were not profitable and he could not maintain his luxurious living expenses. What's more, he still needed to stay on the board of directors to control the affairs, which would pass the risk to Guan Shang doesn't have to suffer losses that he can't bear, and he can continue to make some profits through his position and maintain the status quo. To the outside world, he is still a high-ranking boss of a wealthy family.

This beauty trap can be said to be very good.

It's a pity that he just didn't predict that Jiang Nuannuan would come back to intervene.

If the large conference room was already full of shareholders, Jiang Nuannuan deliberately entered the room last at the right time. There was a crowd of people behind him, many of whom had faces that were familiar to the shareholders present.

When they thought about it carefully, they remembered that these were all famous names in the industry.

With such a big battle, everyone stood up subconsciously and followed Jiang Nuannuan closely.

Jiang's father is still sitting in the main seat at the front, Jiang's mother is in the deputy position, and the only vacant position is at the bottom right.Now they still have to rely on positions to determine the level of power?

Jiang Nuannuan didn't care, and walked straight over to sit on her right hand. The person in charge of the meeting stood up over there to start the meeting. She glanced back.

Guan Shang immediately walked out from behind, holding the document and motioning to the man: "Let me do it. I have fully understood the company's situation this week and issued a detailed report."

The largest shareholder has spoken, and others naturally dare not object. What everyone is most concerned about now is not the mood of Jiang's father, the chairman, but whether the new shareholders will be able to turn the tide and restart the business if they bring people in in the future.

The first thing Guan Shang has to do is to report the company's losses and profit items for the entire year as of the end of this year, and replace all relevant board members and those who cannot create profits for the company.

Looking at the overall situation, it has been a downward trend in recent years. The profits of companies managed by the board of directors and supervisors have been declining every year. Until this year, the Jiang family scandal broke out, and the market value plummeted across the board. There was no stock for even a dime of profit. It's going to collapse.

As for internal personnel resolving work allocation, Guan Shang also proposed to replace them all, and gave an example of the important management of the luxury market department manager Jiang Meng. In recent years, the turnover of relevant departments has not reached the standard every quarter, and the attendance rate is less than 10. With a score of [-], it even hit the bottom after the recent news broke out.

Throughout the article, every word of the story highlights the Jiang family, and even Jiang’s mother, who works in the sales department, is not spared.

After listing the countless criminal evidence against the family, Guan Shang put down the documents and looked at the board members below, "Let's vote now?"

"What's there to vote on?" Jiang's father stood up suddenly, swung the tea cup on the table to the ground, pointed at Jiang Nuannuan who was sitting leisurely and said: "How can I be sorry for you? I have raised you for so many years. You She is my daughter, you have to unite everyone to replace me."

Jiang Nuannuan didn't know about this when it happened, and she's not annoyed now. She explained lightly: "It's not my attention, it's a gift from Gu Shizhou."

Father Jiang: "What did you say?! A gift?"

The property that he had worked so hard for all his life was overshadowed by her light and seemingly unimportant gift. He was simply furious.

Guan Shang raised his hand to cover his mouth: "Start voting now."

It is said that voting shows fairness, but in fact it is just a formality. When these small shareholders who are still struggling to hold on to their equity hear Gu Shizhou's name and see Jiang Nuannuan sitting here, they suddenly drop out of the sky. Like a piece of pie, I wish she could come back to life as the host.

When Jiang Meng stumbled to the company, there was no suspense. All three members of the family were ousted. All the relevant people of the Jiang family in important positions were removed by Jiang Nuannuan, and he appointed the people he brought to replace him on the spot. superior.

The group of people sent by Gu Shizhou were not just freeloaders. They had made new preparations for the company's future planning and financial budget, and managed the small shareholders who were still worried about the future to be submissive.

After the meeting broke up, Jiang Nuannuan walked up to the family. She saw that her former mother was full of hatred towards her.

"I gave you a chance. Don't let me get married. Try to trust me, but you will only refuse the conditions I offer and connive at Jiang Meng to lock me up and try to kidnap me morally and force me to compromise."

"Who's to blame now?"

She smiled and said, "Let's try what it's like to be an ordinary person. Maybe it's not bad."

5% of the shares are not much left for them, but the subsequent shareholder dividends received every year will definitely be maintained at the middle-class level.

There were no Jiang family members at the night party. Many media were invited to the scene, and the company had to make necessary reports as the company changed personnel.

After all, it is now on the verge of bankruptcy, all because of the management scandal. Jiang Nuannuan is so popular now, and she is husband and wife with Gu Shizhou, so she is a great weapon in the hands of public relations people to turn the tide.

What's even more surprising is that Gu Shizhou, who was busy at the company, arrived halfway through the party tonight.

He also specially changed into an elegant dark green suit, and he looked very dignified and business-like.

(End of this chapter)

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