Chapter 592 Gu Shizhou (End)
By the end of the year, all the trivial matters were settled, and Gu Shizhou took Jiang Nuannuan to a private island that had just been bought for her to complete the wedding ceremony.

The two also took a leisurely vacation on the island for a whole month before returning to Linggang.

News of the marriage has been spreading all over the country, and Jiang Nuannuan's personal jewelry studio is also in full swing. She will not participate in the management of Jiang's company under her name, and will leave it all to Guan Shang. She will wait to get some at the end of the year. Just pay dividends and achieve complete financial freedom.

Since Gu Shizhou quit the entertainment industry, in addition to appearing on financial channels, he has also been interviewed by major financial interviews. When asked about his emotional state, he always touches the ring on his hand first. His passionate eyes look at the camera proudly and say: "This is My wife made the wedding ring for me, I love her very much and admire her very much.”

Later, when Jiang Nuannuan got pregnant, he immediately implemented a nine-to-five work system. He didn't stay at the company for a second and got off work on time every day. The media could always photograph him after work, taking a detour to Nanfuji to buy some. He would pick up his wife from the studio after work with a piece of pastry and milk tea, or go shopping with her to buy maternal and child supplies. He would act as a human figure. No matter what he did, he would follow his wife. As long as she was by his side, his expression would always be gentle, smiling, and full of love. .

Their lives are bubbling with happiness, but the Jiang family next door has been in a terrible state this past year.

The company's 5.00% dividend has been worth over one million since the beginning of this year. The reason is that Guan Shang's legal team sued Jiang's family and demanded installment compensation due to the company's image.

Jiang's father had put in these clauses himself in the early years, but now Guan Shang had caught them to make a fuss. Compared with the expenses he spent on the company's image last year, he didn't know when he would lose these five points of profit.

The annual maintenance cost of the villa is hundreds of thousands. The whole family is completely unemployed, and the remaining money is not enough to pay the servants.

Soon all the gardeners, nannies, and cleaners all resigned. Mother Jiang, who had not cooked for many years, could not even cook a decent dinner. However, the family still had to pretend to be fat and continue to maintain a high-consumption lifestyle. The family went to Nanchun Restaurant every day to eat out. It was only when their wallets were empty and they were stretched thin that the family came back to their senses.

No money!
Qi Heng felt a thorn in his heart ever since he learned about Jiang Meng's attempt to tie his thighs to sleep with his boss. When the family was kicked out of the company and they were so poor that they even planned to sell the villa, his mentality was completely shattered. .

Originally, he was groveling and coaxing Jiang Meng with a blind eye. He just wanted to live a good life as the son-in-law of a wealthy family. How could it be like now that his wife couldn't get a penny out and tried to get her savings from him? She complained when he didn't pay for a beauty treatment.

The grumpy man couldn't bear it any longer, grabbed her hair, pushed her to the bed, sat on her, and beat her hard as if he was venting his emotions.

Jiang Meng screamed for divorce, while Qi Heng blurted out and cursed, "I won't let go of you, my cuckold, until I get some money back!"

Jiang Nuannuan went to the hospital for a physical examination during her pregnancy, and met Jiang Meng who was hospitalized several times.

At first she didn't care. This time, Gu Shizhou accompanied her for the last pregnancy check-up in her third trimester. She met Jiang's mother, who looked haggard, and learned the news about Jiang Meng's domestic violence. However, this kind of thing is the most common in the police station. In other words, Qi Heng will be detained for a few days and a warning will be issued.

When a man was put on a criminal record, he lost his job as a civil servant. The attack on Jiang Meng became even more severe. However, even if the matter went to court, there was no divorce in the end. Everything was due to the loss of power in the family.

When Jiang's mother met Jiang Nuannuan this time, it was like seeing a savior. She knelt down in the corridor in public and begged her for help, crying that she was wrong and regretted it.

She actually came to see her many times, but Gu Shizhou's people prevented her from getting close.

Those cries also stirred up Jiang Nuannuan's already uncertain mood due to her pregnancy.

She finally took a look at Jiang Meng in the hospital bed. His nose was bruised and his face was swollen. There was a urine bag hanging at the end of the bed. The doctor said that he had lost his fertility function and was trying to save his life.

She thought she had found true love, but in the end she was destroyed by the so-called true love herself.

This is really a bad way to look at people.

Gu Shizhou didn't want to spoil his wife's mood, so he held her hand and said, "Let's go, don't you want to eat fried chicken later?"

Jiang Nuannuan turned around, looked at the haggard mother Jiang standing at the door, and sighed softly, "Let someone help me."

The debt of raising him over so many years has now been completely repaid, and the two owe nothing to each other.

After coming out of the hospital, there was light snow falling outside, and the scenery was beautiful.

Jiang Nuannuan stopped and said, "I want to walk on the path." Gu Shizhou: "Wait for me."

He went to get a scarf, wrapped it around her neck a few times, and exhaled white mist between his lips, "Are you warm?"

Jiang Nuannuan said with a smile in her eyes, "It's warm, and I also need gloves."

Gu Shizhou directly grabbed her hand and put it into his coat pocket, holding her tightly, "Let's go."

The two of them stepped into the snow, and the cold air cleared the stale air in their lungs. The unhappiness in their hearts dissipated quickly.

In front of the hospital was the Linggang River, with rolling waves and white mist mixed with snowflakes all over the sky. Jiang Nuannuan looked at it for a while, her cheeks were freezing, and her fingers were still as warm as a stove.

After a while, she turned her head and looked at the man next to her. He was wearing a black woolen coat and his beautiful face was always facing her, watching quietly.

"Am I getting fat?" Jiang Nuannuan spoke first.

Gu Shizhou rolled his eyes, "This is called abundance."

"That means you are fat."

". Not fat, very good-looking, I like it."

He touched her face and felt the coldness. He immediately pulled up her scarf to cover her face and said, "Go back. It's my fault that she's freezing."

Jiang Nuannuan took his hand and pressed her belly to push herself into his arms.

Gu Shizhou carefully let her hug him and said in a soft voice, "He's acting like a baby again."

"I love you," she said.

He stared down at her with an expression on his face, "I know."

Jiang Nuannuan raised her head and said seriously: "I am so happy in this life. I am very happy that we are in love."

Gu Shizhou held her face in his hands and placed another kiss on her lips while helping her warm it up, "Thank you for loving me."

On New Year's Eve, they had their first child and finally became a happy family.

Later, after giving birth, Jiang Nuannuan had a successful family and career, and became a top-notch jewelry designer. She met Jiang Meng once abroad. Because of her money, she became a toy of overseas Chinese recognized by the upper class outside. She completely lost contact with her parents and became infamous.

Brothers Gu Shizhou and Bo Liang didn't get together much because he had to take care of work and family. The last time they met after a year, they were still in the emergency room of the hospital.

Hang Panxia was kidnapped while filming abroad. In order to get her to rekindle her old relationship, this fool did not hesitate to use his chest to block the kidnapping. He broke a leg and his life was in danger.

Of course, such a madman-like approach was confirmed by Jiang Nuannuan when Bai Liang asked, and Hang Panxia was indeed shaken.

If you choose to love you with your life, no matter what, you can try to give a second chance.

(Gu Shizhou’s chapter is over. It may not be updated tomorrow. I’m busy.)
(End of this chapter)

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