Chapter 593 Zhai Lin (1)

Because of an accident at home during her senior year of high school, Jiang Nuannuan, who almost lost her mentality, decided to take the design major at NTU and gave up on the financial path originally arranged by her family. After entering her freshman year, she had no choice but to After returning home, even this year's new newspaper only published news about Jiang Mengqing's birthday from Jiang's company, and she could not find this person in it.

The gap in status is also very intuitively reflected in life.

In order to make her bow her head, all the bank cards given to her by her family were frozen. The only 1000 yuan in cash she had left on her was enough to squander for half a month even if she was frugal in the bustling Linggang. The future of jewelry design There are many places to spend money.

Jiang Nuannuan laughed at herself, thinking that her future was really slim.

There is a transfer student in the class today. As the elected monitor, she entered the office and was given a series of tasks by the monitor.

"The transfer student has been living outside before, and he just came back from abroad recently. He studies fine arts and is inter-majored in our class. He may not be able to adapt to the university life and course schedule here. I would like to ask Xiao Jiang to pay attention to it when the time comes. Please help him if necessary."

While Jiang Nuannuan nodded, she saw the expression on the head teacher's hesitant expression. He finally made up his mind and said to her hesitantly: "The new classmate is mentally ill. Try to be gentle and don't conflict with him. Tell me what happens in time."

Out of curiosity, she asked a lot, "What disease is it?"

The head teacher answered vaguely, "Well, it seems to be a kind of depression? There are always some mental problems."

Can such a person still enroll in school?
Jiang Nuannuan pursed her lips and suppressed her curiosity, "I understand."

So she was deceived by Zhai Lin's appearance from the beginning, thinking that he was just a bit mean and conceited, and was not as dangerous as the head teacher's expression made him look.

The day I met him was noon in autumn. It was a cloudy and rainy day, and the school was a bit cold with a soft drizzle.

When she received a call from her teacher saying that he had arrived, she put on a beige sweater and jeans, came out of the dormitory, held an umbrella and went out to pick him up at the school gate.

There was a strong male classmate who arrived before her. Looking from a distance, she saw the boy in the car getting out of the car with blurred vision. He didn't hold an umbrella, and he had a bag on one shoulder. Slender and tall.

The male student who arrived first and was waiting outside immediately raised his umbrella over his head, smiled and said, "Welcome, new classmate."

Zhai Lin only glanced at him and then turned away, the corners of his lips straightened into a straight line, disgust in his dark gray eyes, and he opened the umbrella.

"Go away, it stinks."

The male classmate's smile froze for a second. After realizing what he said, his voice rose eight degrees and reached Jiang Nuannuan's ears, "What did you say! Say it again if you dare!"

"I said." Just when Zhai Lin was about to say something rude, a slender figure broke into his sight. Through the hazy mist of that face, he could accurately describe every facial feature.

His words were swallowed up by the drizzle, and he stared straight at her. He forgot to resist when the collar of his clothes was grabbed by the angry boy next to him.

The driver of the car got out in time to separate the two of them. The boy's umbrella also fell to the ground and was swept several meters away by the blowing wind.

Jiang Nuannuan ran over when she saw something unexpected happened here. Her trouser legs were stained with some water and her sweater was also damp.

Getting closer, she quickly raised the umbrella over Zhai Lin's head and asked, "Are you okay, classmate?"

The drizzle was continuous, and small water droplets rolled down from the corners of the umbrella. Zhai Lin's sight could only accommodate her. There was thick fog in his dark gray pupils, and unknown emotions were like whirlpools, as if they were about to sweep her away. Pulled into the abyss.

Jiang Nuannuan didn't like such a sticky and aggressive look, so it was fleeting, and the young man looked away. He stood under her umbrella without moving, patting his collar as if patting away dirty things, smoothing out the wrinkles. , and then mocked the boy who was controlled by the driver, "What a stinking garbage."

Jiang Nuannuan was confused and looked at the boy in the class, "What's going on Fang Tao?"

Why would he mess with a patient?
As a result, Fang Tao became furious and pointed at Zhai Lin's nose and cursed: "I kindly held an umbrella for him, but as soon as he came he said I stink, and you are the fucking stink. Try looking at me like that again! Driving a luxury car Amazing!"

Jiang Nuannuan quickly noticed the sports jersey on the boy and realized that he was probably playing in an indoor court and was called over by the teacher to help temporarily.She did know that the smell of boys sweating from playing basketball was really unpleasant.

But it’s rare for someone to say it to someone’s face without being polite.
She looked again at the young man next to her who was almost a head taller than her. He had lived in a wealthy family for many years. She saw that his gray sweatshirt was stained with dark raindrops. The smell of perfume coming out of it made it clear that it was custom-made. payment.

"You go back first, I'll take him."

Jiang Nuannuan drove away Fang Tao, who was bound to get into trouble if he stayed there. She secretly labeled Zhai Lin as a sick and impolite noble son. She cautiously raised the umbrella in her hand to protect him from the rain, and glanced at the back of the car. "Do you have any luggage? I can help you."

Zhai Lin lowered his head again, held the upper part of the umbrella handle with his pale hand, brushed against her wrist, and hummed, "Let go, you're going to make me wet when you open the umbrella."

"." It's quite difficult to serve.

Jiang Nuannuan let go after hearing this, and saw the driver going to open the trunk. She was about to let Zhai Lin hold her umbrella, and walked over to pick up her luggage. However, before she even took two steps, someone grabbed her wrist. Hold on tightly.

Zhai Lin: "He has hands and feet, what do you want you to do to help him?"

She was pulled back under the umbrella, her shoulder bumped into his chest, and she staggered until she stepped on his shoes to steady herself.

Jiang Nuannuan pushed him away, not used to such a bad temper, and frowned, "You also have hands and feet. I'm here to help too."

Zhai Lin answered matter-of-factly, with a tone that didn't seem to regard the people around him as human beings at all, "I paid."

"Then I am just doing charity? Are you being unreasonable?"

Jiang Nuannuan retorted dissatisfiedly, her almond-shaped eyes looking up at him were a little angry.

But soon she regretted it.

What did the head teacher say?He seems to be suffering from depression and has some brain problems. Who can think of him as an ordinary person?What's more, for this reason, I can still come to school without being in the hospital. My family must be a bit powerful.
While she was thinking, she stared at Zhai Lin more cautiously.

The young man lowered his eyelashes, his cheeks were almost sickly white in the rain, and his pursed lips were very light. When facing her, his expression did not look like the same mockery he had just shown to the boy. Instead, he felt a sense of vulnerability, which was different from before. His words and deeds are completely unlike his style.

He didn't respond to her words in a sinister manner, and gently rubbed his fingers on her wrist bones, "Don't be angry."

His moods were ups and downs, which was really confusing, and indeed consistent with the characteristics of a disease. Jiang Nuannuan was pricked by his sudden intimate gesture, and immediately withdrew her hand, her expression couldn't help but be weird.

"I'm not angry." She said, "I just think that we are all classmates, so you can be more polite."

Zhai Lin pursed his lips, but still did not refute.

His attitude was reflected in the eyes of the driver behind him. The driver's pupils were almost shocked. He glanced at Jiang Nuannuan's face several times in surprise. He didn't know where this girl's characteristics were that she was not beaten and made her manic. The handsome young master is so obedient
No matter what, the driver had a smile on his face and said to Jiang Nuannuan very kindly: "I will carry the luggage. You can take our young master to see more of the campus environment."

In the end, Jiang Nuannuan did not refuse. After all, it was a task assigned by the head teacher. She introduced herself to Zhai Lin, exchanged names, and patiently said to him: "Go to the dormitory first? Put your luggage away. I’ll take you around again.”

Zhai Lin licked his fingers and felt the remaining warmth on them, "Okay."

It was raining heavily. Jiang Nuannuan, who was walking side by side, just looked at the road on the ground and didn't know what to say to him. After walking for a while and reaching the downstairs of the dormitory, she stood on the steps and turned around to watch Zhai Lin put away his umbrella. , only to find that half of his shoulders were completely wet.

She was stunned. Just now she thought she would get him wet by holding an umbrella, but she ended up getting half wet when holding an umbrella.

What's so awkward about this?

(End of this chapter)

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