Chapter 594 Zhai Lin (2)

After talking to the dormitory supervisor, she successfully led the new classmates into the men's dormitory.

I have to say that the smell is a bit strong in places where there are many boys.

Zhai Lin frowned in disgust as soon as he entered, and his aura became eight degrees cooler.

It was still lunch break, and there were many male classmates walking in the corridor. Jiang Nuannuan was pretty and was recognized by the department as a beauty, so naturally many people came forward to say hello.

"Senior, are you bringing the transfer students? Let me help you carry your luggage." A boy took the initiative to get the luggage from the driver's hand, but was pushed away by the driver without even saying no.

"Nuan Nuan, you are here by chance. I bought an extra cup of milk tea to share with you." There was also a bold male student who offered the milk tea that he had brought to his roommate.

Jiang Nuannuan nodded politely, and ran away when she saw someone who had something to offer, stuffing it into her hand. It was not something valuable, so she had to keep it temporarily, but Zhai Lin beside her suddenly said: "I really want to These people had their eyes gouged out.”

Jiang Nuannuan thought she had misheard and turned to look at him, "What did you say?"

The beautiful young man looked back, dangerous emotions surging in his eyes, and lowered his voice, "It stinks so much here, and it's also very cold."

Jiang Nuannuan: "."

She handed over the hot milk tea she had just put in her hand, "Would you like to drink it?"

Zhai Lin obeyed his wishes and didn't want her to touch other people's things. He took it without any hesitation. He inserted the straw and took a big sip. While chewing the pearls, he did not forget to look ahead with gloomy eyes, as if to It was like chewing up those male classmates.
Jiang Nuannuan felt terrible for no reason. Thinking that there was something wrong with his brain, she became even more frightened.

After taking two sips, Zhai Lin reached the door of the dormitory and threw the milk tea into the trash can with a bang, saying with disgust: "It tastes bad."

Jiang Nuannuan: "."

She pushed open the dormitory door and glanced at him, "You don't like it in the first place, do you? You still hate the waste after drinking it."

Zhai Lin followed her into the door, "Do you like drinking this kind of thing?"

Jiang Nuannuan replied bluntly: "Yes, I quite like it."

Zhai Lin pursed his lips and said, "Those people who are trying to be courteous have bad intentions. You have to keep your distance."

She was really surprised by his sense of crisis, but she didn't refute, and said casually: "Yeah, you are the only transfer student this year, and there are no empty beds in other dormitories. You can live here alone for now."

Having said that, Jiang Nuannuan is more willing to believe that the school arranged it deliberately.

After the driver said that he would work part-time as a cleaner and nanny to help Zhai Lin clean the dormitory, the two came out of the men's dormitory again.

When the driver was around, Jiang Nuannuan was still more comfortable, but now it was raining heavily outside, and the two of them could only stay under an umbrella to watch the school, and the air filled with water vapor almost solidified inside.

She deliberately did not let herself pay attention to Zhai Lin's brain problems. She took him around several teaching buildings and briefly talked about the school atmosphere. She thought that the boys would soon be impatient and wanted to go back. Along the way, he said nothing He didn’t say anything, he just listened quietly while holding his umbrella.

Jiang Nuannuan couldn't hold it back, and finally stopped and turned her head. Zhai Lin faced her almost at the same time. Her face was magnified from a close distance, and her face was so great that even Italian craftsmen probably couldn't carve it out. Her breathing stopped suddenly. She was really afraid of that. A stream of hot air would hit his face.

The campus, the rain, and the youth of similar ages, everything was like the setting of an idol drama, but Zhai Lin suddenly said: "Do you have to stand so far away?"

Jiang Nuannuan was stunned, "What?"

He hummed softly and complained: "Wet again." Jiang Nuannuan rolled her eyes, turned sideways and looked at his back. The gray sweatshirt was almost turning black, which showed that she was full of water.

"Ah, I'm sorry." She took the initiative to move closer to him and rubbed against his raised arm.

Zhai Lin felt comfortable, but the tilt angle of the umbrella handle did not change at all. Jiang Nuannuan said: "Then we will stop here today. The weather is too bad. I will take you back to the dormitory. I will see you at the class meeting tomorrow."

He immediately frowned and moved his lips to say something, but finally endured it and nodded reluctantly.

After sending the ancestor back to his dormitory, Jiang Nuannuan breathed a sigh of relief on the way back alone.

Not long after arriving in the dormitory, the roommates who had classes in the afternoon all got up. Their dormitory door was knocked, and the female dormitory aunt personally brought a cup of milk tea to Jiang Nuannuan, who was changing clothes.

The roommates were not surprised by the gift of flower milk tea, but when the "commander" of the dormitory building brought it to them, they were all surprised after closing the door, "Isn't it? Really or not, which man bought you milk tea?" , you can actually let Auntie deliver it to you in person?"

Jiang Nuannuan was also confused. After thinking for a while, her mind drifted to the conversation she had just had when Zhai Lin complained about milk tea in the men's dormitory.

Is this the mentally ill new classmate?
Probably not?He himself said that he had no good intentions in being so attentive, so he shouldn't be slapped in the face so quickly.
"I don't know." She took out the exquisitely packaged milk tea, which was packaged in a glass bottle and covered with thick insulation packaging.

This store is only open in the city center, an hour's journey back and forth, and it can still stay hot.
The roommate touched her milk tea cup and said, "It's hot to the touch. I'm afraid it wasn't airlifted here for you in this cold weather. Which rich second generation is chasing you again?"

Jiang Nuannuan: "I really don't know"

However, she didn't dwell too much on it. There would be no problem with the one sent by the aunt in the dormitory. Besides, it was a little damp from the rain and it was really cold. She opened it, took a few sips and went to class.

The teaching building has to pass by the men's dormitory, and Zhai Lin chose the room he stayed in alone after some research.

Standing on the balcony, he could see the wet road below when he lowered his head. After the rain stopped, students filed out, and Jiang Nuannuan, holding a cup of milk tea and wearing a meatball on her hair, was mixed in among them.

He stared at her approaching from a distance for a long time, until the other party raised her head as if she was aware of it, he turned his body in, put his palms on his chest, and clasped her tightly.

Just looking at it and smelling it, the heart that had been dead for a long time almost broke through the cage in the chest and flew to her side.

Zhai Lin took a deep breath and warned himself to hold back. Going too far would only scare the other person. He took off his soaked clothes and threw them on the ground. He entered the bathroom without inserting the hot water card. He turned on the cold water and started pouring it over. Next, he stopped expressionlessly until the temperature on his skin was washed away and turned into as cold as the tiles on the wall.

At the class meeting the next night, the head teacher formally introduced Zhai Lin to the class. He did not mention anything about his illness, but only focused on the foreign transfer students and his previous majors.

As the squad leader, Jiang Nuannuan had to do weekly summaries, so she sat in the first row under the podium, facing him.

Zhai Lin's tall and thin figure stood on the podium, wearing a black turtleneck sweater. The incandescent lamp above his head hit his already pale skin, and even the color of his lips became a bit lighter, revealing a bit of unnatural morbidity.

When he introduced himself, Jiang Nuannuan could clearly hear that his voice, which should have been clear and crisp, had become hoarse and had a more sexy grainy texture.

The roommate next to him didn't notice anything was wrong at all. His eyes almost bulged when he stared at Zhai Lin's superior facial features.

"Damn, he's a mixed race, right? His hair looks like gold, it's so long."

Zhai Lin has a rare classical aristocratic appearance. He has sharp edges and corners. He stands on the podium and looks down at the people below. His eyes are very aggressive, just like the blond general wearing a red cloak and holding a long sword in the oil painting. The feeling of contempt and disgust is similar to that of the general in the oil painting. Innate.

(End of this chapter)

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