Chapter 595 Zhai Lin (3)

The girls here were all marveling at his appearance, and some of the boys in the back row were already hostile to him. Fang Tao, who was sitting among them, had already told what happened yesterday in the dormitory.

The eyes below were all different. Zhai Lin only focused on one person's face. His throat was itchy, and pouring cold water on his body had the effect. He put his fist on his lips, turned his head, and lowered his head. Coughing.

Zhai Lin's expression was already a little impatient, and the head teacher also noticed it, clapped his hands to welcome him, and let him go.

Leaving the sufficient light source on the podium, Zhai Lin sat alone in the corner of the first row. His face, which was so white that it was bloodless, had a light red color after being separated from the excessively bright light.

Jiang Nuannuan had been paying attention to his situation and felt something was not right.

Most people's eyes were also on him, and the surroundings were full of words praising his beauty.

In the design major, a gathering place for girls, Zhai Lin became the biggest topic of discussion tonight.

"He's so pretty."

The roommate said: "You must have picked him up at noon yesterday. It seems that he is not easy to get close to."

Jiang Nuannuan nodded casually, but did not dare to say that he had some problems, for fear of hurting the new classmate's self-esteem.

Thinking like this, she was about to withdraw her gaze and not pay too much attention. Zhai Lin suddenly turned his head to look at her, his thin lips pursed into a line. Jiang Nuannuan saw him stand up and leave the aisle under everyone's gaze. He went straight to her side.

She leaned against the aisle and was stunned, looking up at his overly delicate face. His eyebrows were furrowed and his eyes were dark. She always felt that this classmate was about to reach the limit of his tolerance for the noisy atmosphere in the class.

No matter what, I can't stay by her side all the time.

Jiang Nuannuan sat aside and asked tentatively: "Do you want to sit down?"

When the roommate next to her gasped, Zhai Linzhen put down the seat next to her and sat down next to her.

This behavior is undoubtedly the combination of two luminous bodies, becoming the focus and the center of the storm where gossip suddenly arises. Everyone is curious and guesses that this transfer student has a relationship with Jiang Nuannuan as soon as he arrives?
Jiang Nuannuan ignored those gazes and held a pen with her fingers to record the words of the class teacher, but there was a light scent of ylang-ylang flowers that disturbed her thoughts. The tip of her nose moved slightly, and she felt that there was something overripe in the middle. It has a floral scent and a sticky feel that sticks to the skin.

The breath next to him suddenly approached, and it was Zhai Lin who lowered his head, rested his head on his hands, and lay on the table.

His arm touched hers, and Jiang Nuannuan couldn't help but glanced sideways.

Going up his sleeves, the fingers casually resting on the table have clear joints, and the blue blood vessels on the back of his hands are clear. They look full of tension. The black turtleneck sweater has been rolled up two more layers, revealing a section of his fair neck. From the first From the first time she saw him, Jiang Nuannuan felt that this man was sick and probably never basked in the sun. He was lifeless and gloomy. It was his overly beautiful appearance that neutralized this gloomy temperament.

After looking at it for a long time, Jiang Nuannuan didn't even listen carefully or record what the head teacher said in tonight's class meeting. She finally saw Zhai Lin burying half of his face in his arms, and the golden fragments of hair clinging to his forehead. It looked a little damp, and the skin color on her cheeks was not dazzling to her. It was the same as when she saw it from a distance, with a hint of redness that was wrong.

She felt something was wrong and wanted to ask in a low voice, but the head teacher on the podium called her, "Have you recorded everything? Jiang Nuannuan."

She suddenly came back to her senses, and her body that had been leaning forward immediately straightened up, and nodded, "Yes."

"Okay, let's end the class meeting here today. Everyone, please go back."

Jiang Nuannuan stood up with her roommate, paused, and reviewed what she had just said from her roommate. Next week it will be their class's turn to go out for a week to study.

After talking about the conversation, she ignored Zhai Lin's matter and followed her roommate's footsteps to chat all the way downstairs.

Until I felt that I had forgotten something, Jiang Nuannuan, who was still a little worried when she thought about it, stopped again, "I forgot something, you go back first."

Without waiting for her roommate to respond, she climbed three floors and ran back. The classroom was empty, and the boy lying there did not move.

He really didn't leave.

She panted and walked over quickly, "Zhai Lin, are you feeling unwell?"

Putting a warm finger on his face, Jiang Nuannuan was immediately burned by the burning breath on the tip of her nose.

She knelt down and shook him, "Wake up, you have a fever."

Zhai Lin slowed down, opened his eyes, propped himself up, put his palms on his forehead and rubbed it, "Oh, it's okay."

He said it didn't matter. Jiang Nuannuan felt that she had been asked by the head teacher, like a burden on her back, and she had the responsibility to take care of him.

It's a patient after all.

She always wants to help.

She took his arm and said, "Get up, I'll accompany you to the infirmary." Zhai Lin was reluctant, but did not resist her touch. He stood up, his steps were a little unsteady, and he leaned in her direction. go.

Jiang Nuannuan was afraid that he would collapse because of the fever, so she immediately hugged his waist, pinning him tightly, and touched the cell phone in her bag with one hand, "I'll call someone to help."

Zhai Lin narrowed his eyes and said coldly, "No."

He couldn't resist, and he hummed in a low voice, "A bunch of stinky things, I don't want them to touch them."

Jiang Nuannuan: "."

She ignored his statement, but hung up the phone call she had just received honestly, mainly because she was afraid of a fight that would almost occur when she appeared at the school gate.

You cannot use common sense to confront a mentally ill person head-on.

Jiang Nuannuan took a deep breath, "Okay, then I'll see you off. Can you walk steadily? I don't want to fall down the stairs and break my appearance."

Zhai Lin: "I'm not disabled."

Jiang Nuannuan: "I didn't say you were disabled."

Zhai Lin looked down at her, put his arm on her shoulders, and wrapped his fingers around her shoulders, "Let's go then."

Jiang Nuannuan's figure was still much petite compared to him. She thought that supporting such a big man would be tiring, but in fact the weight on her body was well controlled.

The two arrived safely on the first floor, and she was visibly relieved.

Not long after she walked out of the teaching building, she felt a bit of pressure and discomfort that she couldn't express.

The two of them were walking so intimately that Zhai Lin completely covered her in his arms. When passing by the playground, others would think of her as a couple being intimate, thus attracting a lot of attention.

It was hard to get the person to the infirmary despite all the stares, but the doctor got off work at 8pm, which happened to be the time for their class meeting.

Jiang Nuannuan has never been sick in the past two years at school. She has sent her classmates to the infirmary mostly during the day. This is her first time.

"What should I do?" She was a little confused and asked, "Should I take you to the hospital? Or should your family pick you up? Your driver? Do you have your number?"

Zhai Lin did not answer her question and said in a hoarse voice: "I can't stand any longer."

There was no place for him to sit or lie down around here, and the steps were still wet after the rain. Jiang Nuannuan's eyes swept around anxiously, and finally locked on the wall of the infirmary.

She dragged Zhai Lin's heavy body, pressed his chest, and pushed him up, "Stay close and stand firm."

Jiang Nuannuan put one hand through his waist and pressed it against the wall to steady herself. With the other hand, she took out her mobile phone from her bag and called Didi.

Zhai Lin seemed to have really run out of energy. His head came closer and closer, and his hot breath fell on her exposed neck, causing her to shrink her numb neck. She wanted to say something, gritted her teeth, and pressed it again. Go down.

The boy's hoarse voice whispered in his ear: "Hot."

As soon as he finished speaking, he put his hands under his clothes and lifted up his sweater. In the dim corner, Jiang Nuannuan's pupils dilated at the exposed abdominal muscles. She pressed him down with quick eyes and hands, and the screen of her phone was all blurred. She pressed her palms onto his muscles and the screen went black.

"Don't mess around! Of course you have a fever."

Zhai Lin groaned, not listening to her words at all. He tugged on his sweater and tried to shake it back and forth to get some air.

Jiang Nuannuan really had no choice. This pervert seemed to hate men and refused to ask for their help, so she had no choice but to hold down his arm, press her body into his chest, and separate his hands.

With her body pressed tightly against his as a human support, those hands finally became more trustworthy.

The corners of Zhai Lin's lips hidden in the darkness slowly rose. His chin lowered and touched her shoulder, and his hands wrapped around her back.


So you can hug without restraint.

Because I know she won't refuse.

that's nice
(End of this chapter)

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