Chapter 596 Zhai Lin (4)

Jiang Nuannuan was held in his arms for a long time before she heard her heart beating like thunder. The big hand behind her almost raised her body temperature through her clothes.

She tilted her head, rested her cheek on his shoulder, took a shallow breath, and kept reminding herself that this was a patient, or someone who was getting sicker. She was also willing to help others, and she wanted to take care of those idols who had emerged. Drama pink bubbles.



"You put something in your pants and it hit me."

Zhai Lin paused, put his hand into his pocket, took out two lollipops and stuffed them into her hand.

Jiang Nuannuan lowered her eyes and suddenly said, "You like sweets."

Unexpectedly, the young master who looks dignified and elegant likes to eat lollipops that cost one yuan each in the canteen.
She took one and put it in her bag first due to her inconvenient posture.

Zhai Lin buried himself in the crook of her neck and whispered softly, "You always give it to me."

When Jiang Nuannuan heard this, her heart trembled for no reason. When she calmed down, she felt that he might have gone crazy and mistook her for someone else.

The driver of the online car-hailing service called her, and the car's headlights also shone towards the infirmary.

The car has arrived.

She dragged people and hurried to the hospital. A passerby saw her and called out to her senior sister, who opened the car door for her and said, "It's so late, why are you still going out?"

The slightly hesitant gaze circulated between the two of them.

Jiang Nuannuan: "The new classmate has a fever, thank you."

"Ah, no, it's okay. If you need help, I can come with you."

"Go away." Zhai Lin interrupted him by tilting his head first. From an angle that Jiang Nuannuan couldn't turn around to look at, those dark eyes were full of hostility and fierceness, like a barking vicious dog that had been invaded. , which makes people’s hearts tremble.

Jiang Nuannuan didn't even have time to apologize. The boy who was pressing on her pushed her feet forward, half-pushed her into the car, and then pushed her in. One hand held her tightly, and the other held her hand. The car door closed with a loud bang.

The online ride-hailing driver in front immediately became unhappy and glanced in the rearview mirror, "Young man, please be quiet. If it breaks, your 30 yuan fare is not enough for me to repair it."

Zhai Lin said hoarsely and impatiently: "It's a pile of scrap metal. If it breaks, I'll pay you."

Jiang Nuannuan almost had a heart attack. She couldn't figure out whether he was suffering from depression or mania. Why was he always so angry?

She pulled his hand hard and said, "Shut up! Stop talking nonsense, or you can go alone!"

Zhai Lin snorted and turned to look at the boy still standing outside the window, "He has ill intentions towards you. "

Jiang Nuannuan suppressed the urge to roll her eyes, "Yes, yes, no one here has good intentions towards me."

"Except for me." He turned his head and stared at her in the dark. The street lights occasionally hit his handsome face with a hint of sinisterness, and his eyes were so thick that they were about to draw strings.

She was so speechless that she felt a strange furry feeling quickly fermented inside the small compartment. Jiang Nuannuan held his face and leaned to the other side, "Don't be so close to me, I'm afraid of being infected. "

He hummed dissatisfied, "It's not a cold."

Jiang Nuannuan: "You're not a doctor. How do you know? Just stay quiet for a while. I'm tired too."

I was totally tired of being tortured by him.

Jiang Nuannuan, who originally had no hope for his advice, found that Zhai Lin had really calmed down after a while, and his hand was still holding her firmly. Even if she tried to pull out, she would be forced to pull harder. Pinch and hold.Jiang Nuannuan simply gave up and turned her head to look at him. The lights on the bridge were coming in circles. The boy's eyelashes were lowered and he was leaning against the car window, looking at her with half-lidded eyes. The halo was on the blond hair. From time to time, half of his face looked as beautiful as an angel's.

His Adam's apple moved, he straightened up, and immediately leaned towards her, his chin touching her temples, his body was as soft as if he had no bones.

"The broken car window gave me a headache. "

The blunt words made the driver unable to hold back and glared back.

Today’s college students are so rude!
Jiang Nuannuan was too tired to move, so she leaned on him and was willing to be clinging to him as a decoration.

After arriving at the hospital all the way, she wanted to help Zhai Lin register first. As soon as she reached the emergency room, a doctor passing by suddenly turned around, walked a few steps, and stopped him with confusion, "Zhai Lin?"

Jiang Nuannuan turned her head and said, "It's him."

After answering this sentence, they felt as if they had obtained a green card from the hospital, directly promoted to VIP, and the special staff sent the person directly to the ward.

Among the people who came was the chief physician with a sign of neurology. Jiang Nuannuan took a glance and understood immediately.

It is true that Zhai Lin's family background is not simple, and his illness is not only depression but also true.

When examining him, the doctor glanced at the clasped hands of the two of them several times. He had no choice but to cough lightly and said to Zhai Lin as gently as possible: "Let go first, okay? I want to do a basic examination for you. "

Jiang Nuannuan didn't have such a good attitude as him. When Zhai Lin didn't respond, she slapped him on the wrist directly, "My hand is almost numb."

His eyes flickered slightly, and he slowly let go of his hand, "Wait for me next to you. I'm not familiar with this place."

Jiang Nuannuan: "." Does he have to pretend?
"It's right at the door. I'll come in after the doctor's examination."

The psychiatrist also came out of the room after a while and asked her softly: "Is school okay? Is Zhai Lin getting used to it? There was no violence, right?"

Jiang Nuannuan shook her head, "No." She asked again, "But the head teacher told me that he was depressed and should be treated with caution, but I didn't feel like it, and he was a bit irritable."

The doctor looked embarrassed. After all, few schools would admit extremely high-risk patients. The power behind Zhai Lin was overwhelming. He did not dare to say anything more. He just said: "He has been receiving treatment abroad before, and he has improved significantly recently. , if you notice something is wrong, try to protect yourself.”

It's not to protect Zhai Lin, but to suggest that she protect herself.
Jiang Nuannuan looked at the doctor and said, "I have my own difficulties. You wish for a blessing." She raised her forehead.

Well, there is nothing else going on at the moment except that I feel that he has a dislike for men and speaks a little harshly.
Wait, Jiang Nuannuan paused and looked up at him suddenly, "It's not what I thought, is it?"

There has been a lot of news recently about underage boys being molested by their own relatives, causing lifelong psychological problems.

The doctor nodded sadly, "It's just what you think. You must pay attention to safety."

Jiang Nuannuan was so shocked when she thought of Zhai Lin's angelic face. She was so shocked that she leaned against the wall outside for a long time before she became more and more sure that her guess was absolutely correct.

That's why I hate men so much, and I don't like to associate with people of the same sex. It's just because I'm mentally stimulated that I disguise myself as a hedgehog.

She had to keep this secret well and protect his self-esteem.

After the doctor who put the sling bottle on Zhai Lin came out and told her that it was just a sudden cold and the fever was nothing serious, Jiang Nuannuan gathered her emotions and walked in.

Although she deliberately concealed it, the sympathy in her eyes was still captured by Zhai Lin who was lying on the bed. One of the sequelae of severe trauma in his previous life is that he likes to observe other people's micro-expressions. He used to sympathize with the eyes of disabled people. Now the exact same thing appeared on Jiang Nuannuan.

I don’t know what the doctor said to her that made her change like this.

Zhai Lin reflexively pulled away the quilt, revealing his intact legs under his trousers to show her, "I'm fine."

(End of this chapter)

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