Chapter 597 Zhai Lin (5)

Thinking he was about to get out of bed, Jiang Nuannuan immediately pulled the quilt in his hand and covered him again.

"I know you're okay, just lie down."

She sat on the edge of the bed, took out a lychee candy from her bag, tore open the package and handed it to him, "But I definitely won't be able to go back tonight, so you can stay here and go back to school when the fever subsides tomorrow."

"What about you?" Zhai Lin glanced at her and didn't choose to pick it up with his hands. He raised her arm and directly took the candy into his mouth with her hand.

Jiang Nuannuan quickly withdrew her hand, "I'll go back to school tonight."

Zhai Lin darkened his eyes, "What time is it?"

Jiang Nuannuan: "10 o'clock, soon 11 o'clock."

"It's not safe for you to go back alone." He waited patiently, put the lollipop aside with the tip of his tongue, puffed his cheeks slightly, took out another candy from his pocket and handed it to her, "You can sleep on the sofa, tomorrow morning Go back again.”

Jiang Nuannuan disagreed. After all, the sofa was too inconvenient and could make her bones fall apart. She took the candy firmly and pushed his hand away.

"I'm going back."

She turned around and walked towards the door, not seeing Zhai Lin's greedy eyes like a hungry wolf.

He called the class teacher, "I'm Zhai Lin."

Jiang Nuannuan took the elevator and came down from the VIP room. When she encountered the gate, several people hurriedly ran in.

Looking closely, the person at the head was Ji Yansen, her childhood sweetheart who grew up in the town. On both sides were Jiang's father and Jiang's mother. The one lying on the hospital bed in the middle was Jiang Meng.

A group of people passed by her and glanced at her in unison, but no one stopped. The breeze brought by their clothes hit her face.

She paused and took out the lollipop in her bag. Without stopping, her phone rang at this moment.

It was a call from the head teacher, asking about Zhai Lin's current situation, and then said with some embarrassment: "I asked for leave this afternoon to go back to my hometown, and I can't make it in the evening. Classmate Jiang, Zhai Lin has serious neurological problems. , please wait until the fever subsides and take him back to school with you."

Jiang Nuannuan had reasonable doubts: "Did he call you?"

Class teacher: "His family informed me. He can't live without people around him now, and he's afraid of doing something outrageous, so I don't feel at ease."

So why were they so sure that as she was a classmate and not familiar with her, she would not be troubled by Zhai Lin's temper.

Is she a nanny?
Jiang Nuannuan rubbed her forehead, thinking of his poor hidden life experience and his bad temper that hated men, and finally agreed.

After pressing the elevator button and waiting for a while, the door opened. Ji Yansen, who quickly stepped out and returned, saw her at the door and almost couldn't stop the car and knocked someone down.

Jiang Nuannuan took two steps back in time to avoid him, and the lollipop in her hand fell to the ground. She bent down in time to pick it up and put it away again, pretending not to recognize him, and walked into the elevator.

"Jiang Nuannuan."

The man immediately followed in, "Xiao Meng is on the fourth floor."

Jiang Nuannuan happened to press the button on the 4th floor, which was the floor of the VIP ward.

Ji Yansen pursed his lips and said, "Have you finally decided to come to the hospital to reconcile with your family?"

She turned her head and looked at him blankly, "Huh?"

what with what?
Seeing that she didn't know anything, Ji Yansen said in surprise: "Xiaomeng came to see you tonight. There was a car accident on the road. Didn't you get the news and come here?" Jiang Nuannuan: "." It's familiar again. trick.

"No." She watched the elevator rise to the fourth floor and walked out, "I'm just here to accompany the students."

Seeing her walking fast in front, Ji Yansen couldn't help but grabbed her arm and said, "Don't be angry. The Jiang family is very good to you. Even if you have resentment, you should beat me instead of Involve them and go home Nuannuan."

Jiang Nuannuan wanted to break free, but he held on tightly and couldn't break free for a while. He said irritably: "What grudge should I have against you? Why should I be angry with a dog?"

Ji Yansen's Adam's apple rolled up, and his dark eyes rolled. He seemed to have a lot to say, but when he finally reached his lips, he could only say, "You know I have my difficulties."

She almost laughed out loud.

Before Jiang Nuannuan entered her freshman year, Ji Yansen was really close to becoming her boyfriend.

The two were childhood sweethearts. They lived in the same compound when they were young. She was a beauty-obsessed person and liked his looks. Besides, her parents were not at home, so she only had a nanny to take care of her at home. She usually stayed with Ji Yansen when going to and from school.

As they get older year by year, they understand each other better. At the age when love is most budding, Ji Yansen will undoubtedly become the best love in her youth.

But it turned out that her vision was really bad.

Putting aside the simple filter of childhood, Ji Yansen is a completely snobbish man, and so are his parents. The Jiang family has been very prosperous in the past two years, and their children are familiar with each other. His parents really hope that Ji Yansen can be with her as soon as possible. Together.

He himself was the same. After leaving his ignorant age, he launched a fierce offensive against her.

If the real and fake daughter hadn't been revealed later, they might really be together, and Jiang Nuannuan would also think that there would be nothing wrong with finding someone who knows everything.

Now, she discovered that this man's love was really rotten to the core. He could treat anyone in the same way, and he was very affectionate.

Jiang Nuannuan's eyes turned cold, "I don't know what your difficulties are. I only know that I took the initiative to tell you my embarrassing identity. While you were comforting me, you were planning to use two boats to lick Jiang Meng's bad things."

Ji Yansen tried to explain, "I only like you, but I also have to think about our future. Even if I marry her, it will be just a joke."

"You dare to say this to her? And you don't want me to be your third party under a false identity, right?"

Jiang Nuannuan almost laughed out loud, a thin layer of ice formed in her eyes. She slapped him with her free hand without hesitation, "Look for a dog that still knows how to be loyal and protect its owner. You are worse than a dog.”

Ji Yansen's face was hit to the side, and Jiang Nuannuan also took the opportunity to break free, but before he could take two steps, his arm was grabbed again.

The man suppressed his anger and said: "In order to ask for your forgiveness, Xiaomeng ran out at night and got into a car accident. The whole fault was that I love you and want her, but she is really innocent. Go and see her, at least." Make things clear."

"Let go!"

The veins on Jiang Nuannuan's eyebrows jumped and she turned her head, "Ji Yansen, you chased me, but I didn't promise you, right? Isn't the hat that is about to be put on my head not yet worn? What do I have to forgive?" Is she stupid?"

She usually doesn't speak dirty words, but now she was forced to do so, and she wanted to curse the ancestors of Ji Yansen's family.

Unlucky is dead!

The argument in the corridor affected the patient's rest. The nurse came forward to remind him that the door on the left front was opened.

Zhai Lin, who had pulled out the needle himself, came out. His dark gray eyes moved along his neck, catching the two figures at the center of the argument. A strong evil spirit burst out from his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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