Chapter 598 Zhai Lin (6)

The chief physician who was passing by him happened to see blood oozing out from the back of his hand. He wanted to stop him, but was frightened by the look in his eyes that looked like a madman and did not dare to move easily.

Zhai Lin was born with severe mania and was supposed to spend his life in a mental hospital. However, because of the entire Zhai Railway behind him, apart from regular psychological intervention and medication, he was treated as an ordinary person abroad. Get an education and grow up.

He had caused so many troubles that doctors had heard about them when assisting in treatment.

This is a lunatic who doesn't even know what it is to be afraid of having a gun pointed at his head. The risk factor is extremely high. I don't know why the Zhai family finally chose to release him back into the country.

"She asked you to let go, couldn't you hear her?"

A sinister voice from behind reached his ears, and the next second, the back of Ji Yansen's neck was caught by Zhai Lin with one hand, and he was violently dragged backwards.

He didn't know where he got the strength to throw the defenseless Ji Yansen to the ground in an instant.

"Who are you?!" He groaned in pain.

Zhai Lin stood in front of Jiang Nuannuan and looked at the man on the ground. Thinking that he had touched her just now, his uncontrollable anger got out of control and made him step over Ji Yansen's hand that was on the ground.

The force on the soles of his feet under the soft slippers was quite strong. Ji Yansen screamed on the spot and tried his best to hit his thighs and kick him.

"Relax your feet! Release your feet! Doctor!"

He felt like his hand bones were about to be crushed.

Zhai Lin, on the other hand, stared at the person unmoved. He rolled his feet over his hands and turned them around. He murmured softly: "She belongs to me. How dare you touch trash like you?"

The doctor wanted to dissuade him but backed away and called security.

Seeing that things were not going well if this continued, Jiang Nuannuan called out, "Zhai Lin."

She mustered up the courage to go over and grab one of his arms and hug her, "I don't want to go to the police station with you in the middle of the night. You still have a fever, don't you? Don't get too excited."

Zhai Lin looked back at her, with a dark face and an eerie silence. The chaotic and ferocious look in his eyes really shocked Jiang Nuannuan up close.

He is indeed abnormal.

She was afraid that he would hit her in turn, but after waiting for a while, he slowly and obediently moved his feet away, and the hand she held did not resist.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

What you do is to stand up for her, and the first thing you say is concern.

Jiang Nuannuan's heart suddenly skipped a beat, and she grabbed his sleeve tightly, "I'm fine."

When Ji Yansen got up from the ground, one hand was shaking with pain. The other hand touched the back of his neck that had just been pinched. He felt that the skin was a little moist. When he looked at it, he saw blood on his fingertips. .

"I'm bleeding!"

Feeling embarrassed, he roared angrily and was surrounded by doctors for examination.

Jiang Nuannuan lowered her eyes and also noticed the blood dripping around Ji Yansen. Those traces spread along the floor tiles to the people around her.

Her eyes tightened, and she immediately turned her body to pull up Zhai Lin's hanging arm. Sure enough, the back of his hand was covered with semi-dried blood, which fell to the ground along the pale finger bones.

"You just pulled out the needle!? Are you crazy!" Jiang Nuannuan immediately took his arm and walked to the ward, "Doctor! Help!"

Zhai Lin didn't care about the bleeding and pain. He was pushed to the bed and sat down. Instead, he appreciated her nervousness as she was worried about him.

Now these emotions were unique to him, to him alone.

The skin on the back of the hand was a little torn. The nurse carefully helped Zhai Lin take care of it. She changed her hand and re-applied the sling bottle. She said, "Stop moving around. The blood vessels in that hand have been damaged by your violent needle removal." ”

Zhai Lin didn't even look at her, and made a perfunctory sound from his throat.

After the nurse left, Jiang Nuannuan sat by the bed. Looking at his skin that was obviously blue and covered with transparent tape, she couldn't help but feel strange in her heart. She couldn't help but ask him, "Why do you do this?" "The sound insulation is poor, I heard you being harassed." Already." Zhai Lin said concisely and concisely: "Come to help you."

Jiang Nuannuan: "There are people here, and there are security guards."

He looked at her, dissatisfied: "You compare the security guard to me?"

Jiang Nuannuan: "."

She didn't know the difference, but it was certainly better than his impulsiveness.

Zhai Lin couldn't say the words that would frighten her because of the paranoia and madness in her heart.

He lowered his eyes and moved his lips, "I'm fine."

After a while of silence, Jiang Nuannuan thought she understood his temper and patted his arm, "Are you a talker?"

Zhai Lin was stunned, "No."

Jiang Nuannuan took out the candy from the bag again, lowered her head to unpack it, "Don't be so impulsive in the future."

When she was taking it apart, she felt that the inside was a little broken. It was broken when she was knocked off the elevator. She carefully unfolded the candy wrapper and put it in the palm of her hand, discarded the fallen candy stick, and handed the candy to him.

"Are you still eating?"

Zhai Lin: "My hand hurts and I can't lift it up."

He was injecting a diaphragm with one hand and putting a band-aid on the other. Jiang Nuannuan glanced at it and said, "Forget it, don't eat it."

Zhai Lin's body that was leaning on the bed suddenly tilted towards her, and his perfectly curved lips said he wanted to eat, and then opened his lips.

The intention to feed her was obvious.

Jiang Nuannuan took a breath, lowered her eyelashes, and glanced away, "Don't get so close."

She is not very resistant to beautiful things. Zhai Lin's face is the best piece of art she has ever seen. If he didn't always use such perfection to make some strange and dark expressions, it would be even better. good.

"My hand hurts." Zhai Lin repeated it again, and the green back of his hand still waved in front of her eyes, as if to remind her that everything was because of her.

Jiang Nuannuan finally compromised. She didn't know why she pushed the boundaries further and further, but she just couldn't get tired of him.

She picked up the largest candy and held it to his lips.

Zhai Lin lowered his head slightly, his mouth filled with hot air wrapped around the broken sugar, and his warm and soft lips pressed against her fingers, and the tip of his tongue gently scraped it.

Jiang Nuannuan was pierced by a bolt of lightning and looked at him in shock.

Half of the fingers were in his mouth!

She pulled out suddenly, with too much force, causing a suspicious water stain to fall on his chin.


This scene struck straight into Jiang Nuannuan's heart. She took a deep breath, her chest heaved and she quickly stood up, spilling the remaining candies. She walked into the toilet and closed the door with a bang.

But after a while, the sound of cleaning fingers came from inside.

Zhai Lin wiped away the traces of water on his chin, and put the tip of his tongue out to lick his lips. The corners of his lips were slightly hooked, as if he still had some unfinished thoughts.

He took out his cell phone again and sent a message to the bodyguard in the dark.

Rather than being a bodyguard, it is better to say that the family was afraid that he would cause trouble to others, so they were specially sent to follow him to protect others.

(End of this chapter)

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