Chapter 599 Zhai Lin (7)

Ji Yansen was beaten outside. Later, he was angry that he had lost face here and wanted justice, so he called the police.

This incident also alarmed the Jiang family in the ward.

One of Jiang Meng's legs was accidentally rubbed by a car while crossing the road, and a piece of skin was scraped off. It was fine, so he limped out with help.

"Yan Sen, are you okay? Where is Nuan Nuan? If she is here, it would be a good time to meet her. I have so much to say."

Ji Yansen wanted to open the door of Zhai Lin's ward, but was blocked by the black-clad bodyguards who arrived in time. Two foreign men, at least 1.9 meters tall, stood in front of the door with their strong bodies, and the door was blocked tightly.

He held back his anger and told the police about the dispute. The police officers sent had never seen such a fight before. It was as if the people behind the door were relatives of the emperor, and he was about to use some plastic English tentatively to ask them to step aside and open the door. .

The other party directly handed Zhai Lin a business card and said in fluent Mandarin, "We do not accept any mediation. If you have any questions, please contact a lawyer to contact you."

Ji Yansen didn't know this lawyer, but Jiang's father, who often dealt with such people and provided legal consultation, knew all about it.

When he saw the name on the business card, Chen Guoqing was the ace lawyer of Linggang's top law firm.

He had consulted with him before, and the cost was quite high, and he had never seen the other party lose a battle.

This little friction requires someone like this to take action. Father Jiang looked at the blocked door with some deep thought in his eyes.

Who is behind it?
"My daughter is still in there." He said to the bodyguard calmly: "Tell her that her sister was almost killed by a car because of her. We have worked hard just to hope that she will not continue to be stubborn and return to the family as soon as possible. "

Rather than saying it to the bodyguard, it was better to say it directly to Jiang Nuannuan.

It's just separated by a non-soundproof door.

However, none of them expected that these words were only heard by Zhai Lin. Jiang Nuannuan really didn't know what was going on outside. She leaned against the toilet door with her back, and her fingers were still hot after washing. She was so restless that she didn't adjust for a while.

Did he do it on purpose?

Is it intentional?
Jiang Nuannuan didn't come out of the toilet until she stayed in there for too long.

Zhai Lin lay down as if nothing was wrong. He turned his face to the door, "What is your relationship with that man?"

This performance showed that he didn't take the recent episode seriously at all, as if it was unintentional.

Jiang Nuannuan grabbed her bag and sat down on the sofa next to her. She tried her best to ignore the awkward mood and pretended to be calm, but did not want to talk too much about her family.

She said: "It doesn't matter. Did they leave?"

"Leave." Zhai Lin turned sideways, half of his face buried in the pillow, and stared at her quietly, "It's best if you don't have anything to do with her."

"Huh?" Jiang Nuannuan pulled the blanket next to her and covered her body, feeling that his words were full of threats.

Zhai Lin explained calmly: "He's not good enough for you. He's ugly and stupid. He looks like a poor man who eats soft food. He smells worse than garbage."

After listening to his output, Jiang Nuannuan felt better and nodded in agreement, "I think what you said is really good this time."

Seeing that she really didn't have any extra emotion, Zhai Lin withdrew his scrutinizing mentality, and his eyes gradually became sticky, revealing a strong possessiveness.Jiang Nuannuan lowered her head and sent a message to her roommate that she would not be back tonight, and received an apology message from Jiang Meng.

She couldn't see her in the hospital today, and hoped to meet her next time to talk things over.

Jiang Nuannuan blocked the number with an expressionless expression.

Originally, when she learned that she was not her biological child, she didn't have such a strong desire to escape. She just thought that she could not live as a little princess at home like before, so she had thought about peacefully coexisting with Jiang Meng from the beginning. , and also made the worst-case scenario of being sent back to the countryside.

But Jiang Meng is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

She wants both parents.

At first, Jiang Meng had a good relationship with her. They went shopping and ate together, hinting that she liked eating nuts. Later, there happened to be nuts at a dinner table. Jiang Meng failed to catch them several times, so Jiang Nuannuan took advantage of the situation and grabbed a handful for her. .

As a result, Jiang Meng suffered a severe allergic reaction that night and was sent to the hospital.

There was a rumor among the nannies at that time that Jiang Nuannuan had known Jiang Meng's habits for so long. It could be seen that it was intentional because her mentality was very unfair.

Later, the two people's rooms were on the same floor, next door to each other. When they were going downstairs side by side, Jiang Meng rolled down the stairs. Fortunately, there was a soft carpet on the floor. She only had a broken ankle and was slightly bruised. She was recovering. It'll be fine after a while.

The nanny again reported that it was Jiang Nuannuan who pushed the person down on purpose, and the Jiang family happened to hear the incident. For the first time in her life, she was slapped twice by her mother and was scolded viciously.

Similar things happened more than once later. Jiang Nuannuan was not stupid. Once or twice could be regarded as an accident. No matter how many times it happened, she knew clearly that the nanny had colluded with Jiang Meng, but she also knew that she had indeed taken advantage of her. This is the life you should have, so bear with it again and again.

Until Ji Yansen and Jiang Meng got together. She caught them when they were almost having sex on the bed at home. At that time, Ji Yansen had just confessed to her the day before that he wanted to be her. boyfriend.

After the incident broke out, she thought she would finally be able to tell her parents about her grievances, but what happened?

The Jiang family hopes that she will treat Jiang Meng well and give everything to her, including the man they grew up with as their childhood sweethearts.

Her biological parents in the countryside also told her that Jiang Meng and Ji Yansen were the right match. Now that she was from a small family, it would be great if she could stay in the Jiang family and have a bite to eat. They hoped that she would treat Jiang Meng well and stop bullying her. She did.

Everyone felt that she was unfair and vicious, so they wanted to drive Jiang Meng away from home.

So they took away all the love and gave double compensation to Jiang Meng. She did everything right. She was always the culprit of injuries, and Jiang Nuannuan always fell on her head.

She gradually lost her place in this family, and even a passing dog could kick her.

Family ties have been completely stripped away, trust has disappeared, newspapers are full of news about Jiang Meng's return, the family celebrates birthdays and travels together, and there is no room for her.

Jiang Nuannuan thought that there was no need to stay at home anymore, so she took the initiative to cut off contact and was too lazy to get involved with the seemingly happy family.

The consequence was that all consumption was cut off. This was a way for Jiang's family to be dissatisfied with her ingratitude and stand on the moral high ground to force her to bow her head and admit her mistake.

Thinking of this, Jiang Nuannuan also felt a little sleepy. She turned off her phone and curled up on the sofa. She looked at Zhai Lin's bed and saw that he seemed to be asleep. She just held on until the nurse came in and pulled out the needle with her own hands. Only then did her eyelashes tremble, and An Xin closed her eyes and fell into a dream.

(End of this chapter)

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