Chapter 600 Zhai Lin (8)

In the room that was supposed to be quiet all the time, the quilt on the bed rustled open, Zhai Lin got out of bed, silently came to the edge of the sofa and squatted down.

The hand that had been injected with the needle was a little cold from the potion, and when it touched the girl's face, she unconsciously retracted her face into the quilt.

Zhai Lin quickly took it back, and stared at her for a long time through the dim light of the street lights outside the half-drawn curtains. It was so long that his legs almost lost consciousness. Then he slowly stood up, carefully picked up Jiang Nuannuan from the sofa, and returned. Go to your bed and lie down.

The bed in the VIP room is only slightly wider than an ordinary bed, so it's a bit crowded for two people lying together.

Zhai Lin liked the feeling of being squeezed next to her.

He pulled the quilt and wrapped Jiang Nuannuan together with the blanket.

She was right next to him, and her warm breath fell on his chin. Zhai Lin leaned forward in the darkness, accurately found her lips, and touched them like water.

In his previous life, he spent too little time with her and received too few kisses. In this life, he was restricted by his family from living abroad due to mental problems, and he didn't find her until now.

He hadn't touched her in years, years.

At around 8 o'clock in the morning, after Jiang Nuannuan showed signs of waking up, Zhai Lin sent her back to the sofa to lie down.

She woke up first. She originally thought that sleeping on this kind of leather sofa would be tiring, but after feeling it, she found that it was okay, and there was no soreness on her body.

Jiang Nuannuan lowered her head and smelled her sleeves. There was a faint fragrance on her body, with a hint of clove and pine oil, which should come from Zhai Lin's ylang-ylang perfume.

Yesterday, I just took care of him for a while, but he was dyed like this?It seems like it’s all over the body
Feeling a little strange, she used her fingers to smooth her messy hair, but she didn't expect that the smell in her hair was even stronger.

Jiang Nuannuan couldn't help but look at Zhai Lin who was sleeping soundly on the bed. After sitting and thinking for a while, she felt that she was being sensitive. She got up and went to the toilet to wash up and tidy up briefly.

When he came out, Zhai Lin had already sat up from the bed. The black sweater he wore yesterday had long been taken off. What was exposed in front of Jiang Nuannuan was a thin black shirt, with several buttons on the collar loosened, revealing The porcelain white collarbone and the smaller half of the chest.

His eyes were a little confused, and his blond hair was messy on his forehead, with a few tufts sticking out of the sides.

Looking at Jiang Nuannuan's critical eyes, he now looked like a sleeping beauty waking up from the princess's bed.

"Did I wake you up?"

He grabbed the quilt, looked at her for a long time, and shook his head.

Jiang Nuannuan walked over and touched his forehead, and then tested him with the electronic thermometer on the bedside. The fever was gone.

She put down her things and said, "It should be fine. Get up. We have a painting class in the morning. It's not too late to have breakfast and rush over to class."

Zhai Lin sat there without moving, his sleepy look less sinister, more like a cute puppy.

Jiang Nuannuan pulled his quilt, "Hurry up, don't waste time."

"Don't." He held her wrist, his voice low and a little hoarse.

She lowered her eyes, "What's wrong?"

Feeling a volcanic eruption in her head, Jiang Nuannuan hurriedly shook off his hand, "Then I'll wait for you outside!"

She grabbed her bag and rushed out.

Zhai Lin tightened his hanging fingers, and a laugh escaped from his throat.In the car after being discharged from the hospital, the two of them sat on each side. Jiang Nuannuan was too embarrassed to turn around to look at him. It was so shameful!

Zhai Lin didn't go to the ten o'clock class in the morning. He followed her and turned around to go back to the dormitory when he saw her entering the teaching building.

There are already bodyguards waiting here.

They didn't let the family in last night, and the Jiang family didn't let it go after the police came. The reason was that Jiang's father believed that the people who could be related to Chen Guoqing had unusual backgrounds, so he didn't let Ji Yansen offend anyone.

They had restrained themselves for the time being, but Zhai Lin had no intention of stopping. Last night he could see that Jiang Nuannuan was in a bad mood.

He directly let people get all the information about the Jiang family, including the general events that happened to Jiang Nuannuan in the past two years, as well as the monitoring of Jiang Meng's car accident yesterday, and the monitoring of the conflict with Jiang Nuannuan in the hospital.

Spent the whole morning reading it.

First of all, at the intersection where Jiang Meng's accident occurred yesterday, the speed of the van was not fast at all, and the distance was well controlled. She had no problems except for being hit by the car and bruising her skin.

The bodyguard pointed out the unreasonable part and said: "The speed limit here is also a zebra crossing. I drove to death after driving for thirty yards. At that time, the girl stopped at one more traffic light before the car appeared. It was obviously the opposite direction. driveway, but she only looked in one direction.”

"I know." Zhai Lin interrupted him, "It was a collusion."

He had already discovered from the information he could find that this true daughter had entered the hospital many times after returning home, and most of them could be related to Jiang Nuannuan.

She seems to enjoy hurting herself in a self-inflicted way.

Zhai Lin thought with an expressionless face, and the anger in his heart rose again. He took out a candy, tore open the candy wrapper, threw it into his mouth and chewed it loudly.

The bodyguards around him couldn't stand hearing such a voice, so they took the initiative to ask: "Do you need me to do anything?"

Zhai Lin blinked his eyes slowly and turned to the speaker. The corners of his lips were slightly curved, and his shallow smile was cold and cold. "Yes, but hitting her to death probably won't work."

The bodyguard's heart skipped a beat, "It's definitely not possible. Calm down and don't act recklessly. What I mean is to provide the evidence to the police and let professionals make a judgment." I'm not asking you to go to it in person, my ancestor!
He remembered the scene in which Zhai Lin sneaked out to illegally race with someone abroad, and almost drove the other person's car to the bottom of a cliff. The tall and strong man felt chilled in his heart.

Zhai Lin tapped his fingers on the table and murmured, "Of course not. If you kill him, I won't be able to see Nuan Nuan."

He has no plans to go to jail yet.

Zhai Lin turned to look at the bodyguard, "Hire someone who is willing to hit her. Just don't die."

She likes to self-mutilate so much, so he helps her do it for real, letting her experience how painful it is. After the pain is over, she will feel refreshed and addicted to it.

Bodyguard: "Young Master, a society governed by law."

Could you please stop committing crimes against the wind?

Zhai Lin paused, suppressed the smile on his lips, and said expressionlessly: "Does it have anything to do with me?"

He is not that stupid to kill someone, but he will definitely make Jiang Meng lose a layer of his skin.

The people he cares about are like a rope around his neck. No one can bully or touch them.

(End of this chapter)

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