Chapter 601 Zhai Lin (9)

Only three days later.

Jiang Nuannuan went to the school gate to get study materials, but Jiang Meng squatted down. She wanted to treat him to coffee and talk about her willful departure from the family.

Jiang Nuannuan didn't want to talk to her. Jiang Meng burst into tears at the school gate. Her voice was not loud, but being photographed crying miserably made Jiang Nuannuan feel embarrassed and troubled.

The two finally sat down in the coffee shop.

Choosing a quiet corner with no one around, Jiang Meng quickly put away her tears. She stirred her coffee cup and asked her straightforwardly: "What's the password for the computer you put at home? I want to use it." .”

Jiang Nuannuan: "Can't the Jiang family even buy you a computer now?"

Jiang Meng snorted, her eyes arrogant: "Of course not, I can afford it, but I just want to use yours."

"No." Jiang Nuannuan replied simply.

Jiang Meng clenched her hands on her legs into fists, and said with a negotiable tone on her face: "This is just an excuse, that is, I'm here to give you a step down. Tell me your password, and I'll tell my parents more when I get home." Say something nice and our family will welcome you back."

Jiang Nuannuan looked at her thoughtfully. There were no secrets in that computer. At most, they were just design drawings that she had drawn out of boredom in high school. However, those manuscripts were all put on her plate and copied away.

"You want my blueprints?"

Jiang Meng's eyes flickered, "I didn't. It's your parents who are always thinking about you. I'm here to persuade you to go home."

Jiang Nuannuan held her chin and raised a smile at the corner of her lips, "Ah, I remembered it. You also learned jewelry design after you came back. There was a design exhibition in Linggang recently. After winning the award, you will be directly qualified to enter the East China jewelry internship. , you want to plagiarize my original work to gain attention?"

Huadong Jewelry is a relatively well-known brand in Linggang. The founder behind it is a well-known wealthy family in Linggang with a high status. Jiang Meng, a person with no academic qualifications and no love for reading, embarked on this artistic path without relying on time. To stack experience and fame, you can only rely on means.

After her thoughts were revealed to her face, Jiang Meng simply stopped pretending. She leaned back on the sofa and said, "Don't you feel good about being kicked out of the house? I asked my parents to stop all your bank cards. The tuition and miscellaneous fees for a year in college are quite a lot, right? There are also the extra expenses for food, drinks and your major. As the eldest lady who has replaced me for most of my life, why don’t you go home and afford it? You won’t even be able to study by then."

Jiang Nuannuan pursed her lips.

She really couldn't afford it, so she had sold all the design works she drew in high school.

The price is not high, only [-] to [-] yuan per piece, which is only enough to support her for one semester. After all, jewelry design is really expensive, and the annual outings and training camps alone are a lot of money.

Thinking that she was deflated, Jiang Meng raised her chin proudly, "Originally I just hated you and wanted to drive you away, but now if you can give me something, I can let you go and let you go home and make a living." .”

"I'm not going home."

Jiang Nuannuan paused, picked up the cup and took a sip of coffee, "But I can also give you the design draft."

She doesn't want to go home, which is definitely 100% good for Jiang Meng.

"What are your conditions?"

Jiang Nuannuan: "I want cash, 20."

Jiang Meng's eyes narrowed, "That's something you painted in high school, and you offered such a high price?"

"If it's not of high value, why do you want it so much?" Jiang Nuan asked with a smile: "And I only showed this thing to Ji Yansen. In order to help you gain face, he told you all this private matter. .”

Jiang Nuannuan is an out-and-out design genius. Ji Yansen has known this since he was a child. He has seen many of her works winning awards, has seen her composition ability, and knows that her things are very valuable, and she was not involved in high school. It's a work that's considered too mature, just right for a dabbler like Jiang Meng to disguise himself.

Jiang Meng himself also knew that buying those overly mature and self-contained design drafts from outside would easily reveal his secrets in front of the bosses. Not only would he be embarrassed, but the most dangerous thing would be to be rejected by his family.

She has just returned home not long ago and must realize her own value.After hesitating for a while, Jiang Meng said: "Can't you make a bank transfer?"

Jiang Nuannuan smiled and said, "How can it be possible? My bank card has been frozen, and I can't get the money out even if you transfer it in."

Because it is near a university town, there is a bank 200 meters away from the coffee shop.

Jiang Mengmeng thought for a moment, "You wait here."

In order to avoid long nights and many dreams, she must do this now.

Jiang Nuannuan, who was left alone, stared at her blurred reflection in the coffee cup with strange eyes.

After being tricked by her so many times, the face that comes to her door always has to be slapped back hard.

After a while, Jiang Meng came in with a big black handbag struggling to carry it.

Jiang Nuannuan looked at her in full armor and raised her eyebrows, "You still know not to show your face."

Of course, Jiang Meng was afraid that this matter would come out, so she wore sunglasses and went to the ATMs of four banks, withdrawing [-] each, before withdrawing all the money and taking it out to her.

The cash was settled in Jiang Nuannuan's hands at once, and no transfer records would be left in her bank card.

After counting the money, Jiang Nuannuan told her the computer password without hesitation.

Jiang Meng didn't let her go immediately. She called Ji Yansen and asked him to try the computer password. After confirming that it was correct, she felt relieved.

It was obvious that they came to her with sufficient preparations. Jiang Nuannuan smiled. Ji Yansen was really trash that was worse than shit.

The two of them walked out of the coffee shop one after another. Jiang Meng said to Jiang Nuannuan before leaving: "Since you are not interested in my family, please never come back again."

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, "Don't worry."

Jiang Meng said provocatively: "My mother made me a pickle jar and it's still in the trunk of my car. Do you want it?"

The mother she is talking about now is Jiang Nuannuan's biological mother, the couple in the countryside.

But so far, Jiang Nuannuan has only exchanged contact information with them, and has not even received a phone call.

She didn't know what their mentality was. She was also cold-hearted towards both families, so she seemed extraordinarily indifferent, "I don't eat that kind of food. You've been eating it for so many years, so keep it for yourself."

Jiang Meng snorted softly, "I won't eat that food now. Who knows if it will cause cancer, but it's all my parents' wishes. I still have to accept it."

She waved her hands and prepared to cross the street, "I'm leaving."

"Oh, bye."

Jiang Nuannuan struggled to carry a bag of banknotes, turned around and walked towards the school.

She didn't need to cross the street, so she just walked along the edge.

In the dark corner behind, an ordinary black van has been staying here for a long time.

The man's face was red. He had just come down from the dinner table with his friends. He was over the alcohol limit, but his mind was extremely clear. He had been following Jiang Meng for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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