Chapter 602 Zhai Lin (10)

At this moment, Jiang Meng appeared in his field of vision and walked over. He wiped his unshaven mouth, started the car, waited until there were no more people around, put the gear in gear, stepped on the accelerator, and rushed straight towards Jiang Meng.

At this time, Jiang Meng had no idea that she was being targeted. She was walking on the side of the road, and a tall and sturdy pedestrian passed by. His foot suddenly sprained and he staggered into her.

Before Jiang Meng went to see Jiang Nuannuan, she got out of the car and put on a pair of luxury red-soled shoes that were seven centimeters high and difficult to walk on. Immediately, her feet swayed and she fell off the roadside and fell on the road.

There was a heartbreaking pain in his ankle, and before Jiang Meng could scream, a louder cry rang out from beside him.

"Oh my God! Car! Car! Get out of the way!"

A van rushed toward her without slowing down at all. By the time Jiang Meng noticed it, her heart was overwhelmed by huge fear. She knelt on the ground in a panic and was about to move to the roadside.

The driver kept his employer's instructions in mind, pinpointed Jiang Meng's left leg, stepped on the accelerator and ran him over.


Heart-rending screams reached Jiang Nuannuan's ears through a corner of the street, and there was also a loud noise from the wheels rubbing and impacting.

She stopped and turned to look.

Everyone around me was talking about a car accident nearby.

When she stopped, she didn't notice Zhai Lin, who came straight to her side with a milk tea bag.

"Jiang Nuannuan." His voice suddenly appeared next to him.

Jiang Nuannuan shrank her shoulders, looked back, and came to her senses: "Zhai Lin, are you out shopping."

The beautiful and gloomy boy raised the milk tea bag in his hand and said, "Would you like to drink it?"

She was attracted by the brand of milk tea. It was the same type of milk tea that the dormitory aunt had delivered directly to the door of her dormitory that day. It was only sold in the city center.

Jiang Nuannuan was surprised and blurted out: "You really bought it that day. How did you convince Auntie to give you something?"

Usually when I meet a boy, he asks his aunt to give him a gift, and it's considered good if he doesn't get scolded by her.

Zhai Lin didn't understand what was so persuasive, "Give me money."

Jiang Nuannuan: "How much did you give?"

Zhai Lin: "Five thousand."

Jiang Nuannuan: "."

She was really curious about what kind of family background he had, how he could afford a bodyguard, and 5000 yuan was as casual as fifty cents.

Zhai Lin lowered his eyes and looked at the bag she was holding in both hands, stretched out his hand to hold it, "I'll help you."

The money was very heavy, and Jiang Nuannuan really struggled to carry it. After handing it to him, she held the milk tea he sent in her hands. It was quite comfortable to have hot milk tea to warm her hands in the autumn.

She said thanks.

Zhai Lin: "What's inside?"

Jiang Nuannuan: "Money will cover tuition fees and rent for a period of time in the future."

She doesn't plan to continue living in the dormitory. The place is too small, and the Internet is cut off after 12 o'clock at night. Her roommate has to turn off the lights before [-] o'clock and go to bed without disturbing her. It is really not suitable for her who needs to earn design fees and stay up late to support her life. people live.

Zhai Lin: "Where are you going to live?"

Jiang Nuannuan didn't plan to tell him this, and said vaguely, "I haven't thought about it, I should probably find a cheaper place."

"Do you still need more money?" Zhai Lin tilted his head.She was stunned, "Huh?"

Zhai Lin said straightforwardly: "I'll give you money."

Jiang Nuannuan was stunned and stopped in place. People were coming and going around her. She hesitated and said, "Do you want to chase me?"

Zhai Lin nodded, "I love you."

Jiang Nuannuan was shocked again.

But she was so funny after being almost cuckolded by a man, and now she has no intention of falling in love other than making money.

Considering his mental state, blurting out "I love you" is a high level of disbelief and outrageous.
Jiang Nuannuan still said cautiously: "This is too hasty. We have only known each other for a few days? And I don't consider this kind of thing at this stage."

Zhai Lin lowered his head, darkness shrouded his face, and his sticky eyes stuck on her resisting face, "Are you hasty? How do you believe that I love you?"

"Ah, I don't know, let's talk about it later."

Jiang Nuannuan really didn't know how to answer. She strode forward with her eyes straight ahead, taking a sip of milk tea from time to time to calm down her shock. She really didn't dare to face that perfect face that made people shiver inexplicably.

She thought it was outrageous, but she didn't think that he was also a person prone to love. He had a slight emotional disorder, and she knew in her heart that it might be a neurological cognitive error at work.

Zhai Lin followed her, thoughtfully.

The school was going to visit and study, but it was postponed because of a typhoon in the place where the incident occurred.

In the next week, after Zhai Lin's sudden confession, Jiang Nuannuan inexplicably had a tail behind him.

Zhai Lin had to sit next to her during class. He also had to eat with her in the cafeteria at noon. Even the food he ate had to be exactly the same. On the way back to the dormitory after class in the afternoon, he would follow her, regardless of the strange roommates around her. The look in his eyes led everyone to think that they were in love.

Jiang Nuannuan has firmly denied it several times, and although the two often appear in the same scene, Zhai Lin has not done any substantial cross-border behavior except being a taciturn little tail.

Just when everyone was about to believe her words, by chance in a drawing class, the teacher reviewed everyone's design drawings. When it was Zhai Lin's turn, his painting style suddenly changed.

For a whole week, all he drew on all the handmade drawing papers was Jiang Nuannuan.

His painting skills were astonishingly good, not inferior to the masters at all, which caused the teacher to scold him for not completing his homework properly, but also had to add a few words of praise for the painting.

Now the rumors could no longer stop.

Their relationship was also named one of the most eye-catching couples on campus forums.

Today, as usual, Jiang Nuannuan ate face to face with him, but without the company of her roommate. She put down her spoon and said patiently: "You are troubling me."

Zhai Lin paused with his fingers and raised his head, "Is there any?"

"I really have no plans to fall in love, and I still have a lot of things to do in the future, and I won't accept your financial support. Let's keep a proper distance. Don't always revolve around me. There are so many things at school, so go Do your own thing."

After Jiang Nuannuan finished speaking, she picked up the plate and left.

Zhai Lin sat there for a long time, and a girl wanted to come up and talk to him. He didn't even give them a chance to speak, and threw away the rice plate with his bare hands. His expressionless face was full of evil, which directly scared the girls away.

What's going on? Why does he look so scary!
Jiang Nuannuan started packing her luggage after returning to the dormitory. She had checked out the house online in the past two days. The location and environment were good, and the landlord was also very friendly. She planned to pack up and move there today.

Except for mentioning it to Zhai Lin, she never mentioned it to anyone. Even her roommate only found out about it when she was about to move out.

The next day, when Zhai Lin came downstairs to wait for someone, he didn't see Jiang Nuannuan. Several roommates who were passing by saw him standing alone under the tree with an umbrella and waiting. The weather was quite cold, so they walked up to him and said: "Are you guys at odds? Jiang Nuannuan moved out last night. She should go directly to the teaching building to attend classes from now on."

(End of this chapter)

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