Chapter 603 Zhai Lin (11)

The calmness that Zhai Lin had been pretending to be shattered after leaving campus.

He always knew she was looking for a house, but she never told him where she was moving.

Zhai Lin made a phone call, his voice suppressing anger, "Go and find out where Jiang Nuannuan lives now, monitor her, and report back throughout the day."

He couldn't give her that much freedom, he couldn't do it.

Jiang Nuannuan, who came out of the rental house, was scrolling through her mobile phone and nibbling steamed buns, but she didn't think much about the news. After leaving the cafeteria that day, she heard from her roommate that Zhai Lin went crazy and almost made a girl cry.

Logically speaking, this shouldn't happen. He just hates men. How could he take out his temper on an innocent girl?

Thinking about it, if she clearly rejects him, she will be completely disliked. Will she be beaten?

Jiang Nuannuan walked all the way to the door of the class, feeling a little nervous.

She took a deep breath, walked into the classroom, and looked around, but she didn't see that sudden and beautiful face.

The mental construction collapsed immediately. Bai was nervous for a moment. Jiang Nuannuan sat down and asked the people around her: "Class has already started and Zhai Lin hasn't come yet?"

The roommate said: "He was waiting for you at the door of the dormitory in the morning. I told him that I wouldn't come here anymore and you went out to rent a house. Then he left without saying a word. I didn't know."

The other party asked gossiping again: "What's going on? Did you quarrel? "

Jiang Nuannuan sighed, "I just took over a task as the squad leader, and there is one more." She did not say the words "wolf tail".

His dependence made her confused. It was the first time the chick had emotional dependence in a strange place. Did he think it was a misunderstanding caused by love?

"Anyway, don't think too much about it, we are not in that kind of relationship."

The teacher came to class, and the roommate lowered his voice and carefully continued the topic, "So is that gloomy boy who has an unrequited love for you? Last time you brought back the milk tea in the city center, he must have bought it."

Jiang Nuannuan couldn't deny this and nodded, "But I didn't instruct him to do this."

"He voluntarily bought you milk tea, and voluntarily followed you to and from get out of class. He was almost inseparable from you except when you were sleeping. Plus, he was so handsome and looked just like a little wolfdog. I think that's pretty good, not to mention talking about it. Is it normal to break up after a relationship is not suitable?"

Jiang Nuannuan pursed her lips and shook her head.

Of course there is something wrong, he is a mental patient, she cannot do such a thing, and she is also afraid of what will happen if his character becomes more distorted after the breakup.

Another roommate next to him said: "Honestly, I think it's right to reject him. He's a bit scary for no reason, Jiang Jiang. His expression is weird when he stares at you."

To be honest, she felt this way herself.

After finally getting through the morning class, Jiang Nuannuan packed up her backpack and turned on her mobile phone, which was set to silent. Countless calls came in overwhelmingly.

Some are familiar and some are unfamiliar, as if they were bombarded.

She frowned and unlocked it. Even the text message bar was almost 99+.

People passing by were talking to each other, "Have you seen the news? There was a car accident in front of our school not long ago. The injured girl was revealed by the media today to be Jiang Jianxiong's daughter."

Jiang Nuannuan paused.

"Who is it?" Someone saw her and whispered: "That famous shopping building in Linggang belongs to Jiang Jianxiong. It was also the former home of our school beauty. Didn't it later come out that the two children were hugged by mistake and were injured? That one is the real daughter of the Jiang family. Isn’t the school beauty now severing ties with the family because she always bullied the real daughter? Not long ago, Jiang Meng came to our school to look for her. That day, her leg was run over by a van. It is said that one of her legs was broken on the spot. In time, He was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment and he probably became a cripple."

"It's her again. I know. My aunt who works at Linggang Hospital just told me that she was hospitalized due to abrasions from a car accident. The family was nervous because they were afraid that the skin would heal too late."

"Looking at it this way, Jiang Meng is really unlucky, and it must be all because of what happened to our school beauty. He was robbed of his life and became disabled."

"Okay, okay, keep your voice down and go."

Jiang Nuannuan pursed her lips and continued walking forward.

The messages on her phone made her understand what was going on when she arrived at the school gate.

A new group of security guards were added outside the school, and they blocked the entrance tightly, not letting any outsider in.

The little things happening in the wealthy family are now being treated as entertainment gossip, and the media is trying to interview her about what is going on with this vicious fake daughter. Someone leaked her mobile phone number.

I originally wanted to go out during my lunch break to sell the newly released design drafts, but now I don’t have to go back.

Jiang Nuannuan turned around and walked back, planning to go to the cafeteria to have a meal first. As for Jiang Meng, she cleared her phone and text messages. She knew without guessing that there must be resentment from the Jiang family and even her biological parents.

As she walked, the corners of her lips slowly raised.

But what to do?Hearing this news, it was like the depression that had been accumulated in my heart for a long time was relieved, and I felt so happy.

"Security! Come quickly! Someone is going to be beaten to death on the basketball court!"

Several uncles in uniforms hurried past Jiang Nuannuan, blowing up a small breeze. Jiang Nuannuan looked along the anxious voice, and somehow remembered that Zhai Lin had not come in the morning, and felt uneasy in her heart. He raised his feet and followed closely.

In the morning, Zhai Lin left the girls' dormitory and left the school. He went to a kindergarten to meet a child and deal with some matters. It was almost noon when he returned by car. He entered through the north gate and passed by the playground.

There are a group of basketball team students training here who are going to play in the afternoon, and there are also people sitting and chatting during halftime.

"I heard that Jiang Nuannuan and the transfer student in her class are fine. Do you think they are asleep?"

Zhai Lin's forward steps suddenly stopped, and he turned to look at the two men sitting under the tree with their backs to him.

"I heard that the transfer student got together because his family had money. Maybe they had sex in bed."

"Tsk, isn't Jiang Nuannuan as innocent as she appears? Don't we all know the gossip about her? She's just a scheming bitch who only has an appearance."

Zhai Lin recognized this wretched man wearing a sports vest and talking nonsense. His name was Fang Tao. He was in the same class as Jiang Nuannuan and had tried to hold an umbrella for him.

"Then Jiang Nuannuan is definitely no longer a virgin. What a pity. I chased her for a long time but couldn't catch up. I really want to have a taste of her."

"Think about her waist and legs. They are so soft. She is such a cheap transfer student. It will definitely feel good to wear."

"Who makes people rich? Now that Jiang Nuannuan is in a state of despair, the breakup with her family has been on the news. Maybe you can have a good time by throwing away some money in the future."

The bell rang for the end of get out of class at this time, and the two people sitting on the ground stood up and prepared to go to the cafeteria to eat.

(End of this chapter)

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