Chapter 604 Zhai Lin (12)

Zhai Lin looked around and locked onto the tables and chairs next to the basketball court. It was originally the scoreboard prepared for the afternoon basketball game.

He rolled up his sleeves and walked over, picked up the stool and followed Fang Tao.

Someone behind realized something was wrong and immediately shouted to remind Fang Tao. The moment he turned his head, the wooden stool without a backrest hit his head directly.

There was a banging sound.

Fang Tao staggered two steps, his vision instantly fell into darkness, and he felt dizzy like blindness. He fell backwards and fell to the ground. The pain hit him a second later, and he screamed.

The stool was stained with his blood. Zhai Lin didn't have any mood swings at all, and his eyes were fixed on another person.

The other party was frightened by his unusually ferocious eyes. He reacted and wanted to help. Zhai Lin pushed him directly to the ground. He straddled the other party, pinched the other party's neck, and was stuck. The hand that only wore a few art rings was clenched into a fist. It was too tight and the joints protruded. It hit the opponent's face and abdomen. The ring instantly caused bleeding and knocked him unconscious.

When Zhai Lin lost control, he couldn't think like a normal person. He just wanted to kill them and smash their mouths.

His fist hit the opponent's mouth three or four times in a row. While several teeth were knocked out, the back of his hand was also scratched and bled a lot.

"This mouth can't speak, so just sew it shut."

His low voice, ferocious wolf-like eyes, and killing moves that left no room for error all made the people next to him feel like a madman.

After finally recovering, Fang Tao's face was covered in blood. He pushed away the support of the person next to him, grabbed Zhai Lin's shoulders, and punched him in the face, "Fuck you! Madman!"

It suddenly turned into a melee between three people. Zhai Lin was so fierce that he didn't care that he was injured. It lasted for an unknown number of minutes. The three of them were finally separated by several classmates. Jiang Nuannuan also arrived with the security guard and saw this scene. The scene made my heart lift.

She didn't understand why there was a fight. She only saw Zhai Lin pushing everyone away, choking with blood from his lips, and saying with disgust on his face that he didn't want to help, "Don't touch me."

"Go away!"

His behavior made those students who were kind enough to help walk away.

With such a look that completely isolated everyone, Jiang Nuannuan couldn't sit back and ignore it, and walked over quickly, "Zhai Lin, why are you crazy!"

She knelt down in front of him and held up his drooping face. Her cheekbones and corners of her lips were covered with blood, and she looked so embarrassed.

Jiang Nuannuan was worried and angry, "Why are you fighting!"

The boy's eyelashes trembled and he gasped. After seeing her face clearly, he lowered himself and put himself on her neck, and said neatly: "I was wrong."

His hand fell on her back, holding her gently, and the muscles in his arms were trembling.

He was in pain, it must have hurt like hell.

Jiang Nuannuan lost her voice immediately and knelt on the ground holding his head, at a loss.

The blood oozing from his face quickly soaked into her collar. She inserted her fingers into his hair, touched it, and softened her tone: "Shall we go to the infirmary first?"

Zhai Lin's panting chest calmed down, and a car came from the infirmary and transported the three people directly to Linggang Hospital for treatment.

After receiving the news, Jiang Nuannuan's head teacher notified the three family members and rushed over.

She followed Zhai Lin into the car, and now her clothes were stained with blood and she was waiting at the door.In comparison, Zhai Lin only had some superficial injuries on his body, while the other two who were hit on the head and lost a row of teeth were a little serious and ended up in the emergency room.

After the doctor checked and bandaged Zhai Lin and confirmed that there was no major problem, Jiang Nuannuan walked into the ward.

There was a square medical patch on his face, his hands were wrapped in gauze, and there were several bloody rings on the bedside table next to him.

The whole person looks sickly and has a beautiful and broken beauty.

Zhai Lin watched her approach, her lips moved, but she was pressed against a lollipop handed by Jiang Nuannuan. She said unhappily: "You just admitted your mistake so actively, do you want to beat someone to death in a fight?" .”

She had already peeled off the outer candy wrapper. Zhai Lin opened his lips, bit off the candy, licked it with the tip of his tongue, and stared at her quietly.

The two of them faced each other in a stalemate for a while. Jiang Nuannuan's shoulders slumped, and she sat on the edge of the bed with complex eyes and said, "You hate other people's touch. It doesn't matter if you are a man or a woman."

Zhai Lin lowered his eyes, took her hand on his thigh, and slipped his fingers between hers. However, he could not completely interlock with hers because of the gauze, but the meaning was expressed very well.

Jiang Nuannuan's breath stagnated, "It's just me?"

Although it was incredible, Zhai Lin's serious expression showed no trace of lying at all.

She didn't understand. She retracted her hand to prevent him from spreading the gauze and squeezed it into her fingers. "I don't understand. Is it because of your illness? It's easy to have feelings for the first friend in a strange place. Dependence? But it doesn’t seem like it should be like this. That kind of thing has happened to you before.”

It is understandable that a person who has been treated like that has a natural hostility towards everyone, but no matter what, she will not have such a heavy emotional dependence on someone she has only known for a little while. It is strange that she must be the one. Feel.
"My past?" Zhai Lin put the lollipop to the side of his lips. The smell of blood in his mouth had been suppressed. He didn't understand: "What happened to me before?"

Jiang Nuannuan couldn't say anything. She was debating whether to say it would hurt someone's self-esteem if she exposed it in person. The door to the ward was suddenly pushed open, and curses could be heard.

It was Fang Tao and another boy's parents who arrived first. After seeing the miserable condition of their children, they came to find someone aggressively. Fortunately, the head teacher stopped him in front and did not pick up Zhai Lin from the bed and beat him.

"Do you have any quality anymore! You have read all the books for so many years and gone into the dog's belly! Do you know how you beat the only child of our two families to what extent! One was disfigured and the other was concussed! "

"I'm telling you to call your parents right away! Don't think this matter will go away with a simple punishment! If you don't understand clearly, you are intentionally hurting people! I will go to court and sue you to death!"

The head teacher was really tired, taking on such a hot potato that she didn't dare to offend, but the two parents didn't know the situation yet. She was very lucky that Zhai Lin didn't cause any big problems in her hands. Fortunately, it was the two parents who didn't know the situation. A serious one.

She was also really afraid of offending the Zhai family. The two parents didn't even know who was going to cause trouble!

The head teacher tried to persuade her, "Father Fang Tao and mother Hu Yan, let's discuss it carefully. We'll wait until all the parents are here to find out who's responsible. We'll pay the compensation and deal with it as we should. Now this child is also suffering." If you're injured, you're still in the hospital, so don't make too much noise."

The two men didn't want to restrain themselves at all. They used the most unpleasant words in their lives. They just stood in Zhai Lin's ward and refused to leave until his family members came.

The words were so ugly that Jiang Nuannuan felt uncomfortable after hearing them. Zhai Lin still had an indifferent expression, his eyes looking straight away from her.

She couldn't help but leaned forward and asked softly: "Can you tell me first, why are you fighting with them? I don't think you would hit people without reason."

Even if you don't know him well, you also know that Zhai Lin has a gloomy personality that doesn't like to deal with others. If you don't touch his line, he will not take the initiative to cause trouble easily.

Zhai Lin bit the candy and said something else.

"I have removed those people at the school gate. No one will come to trouble you."

(Zhai Lin has memories of his previous life, so even if he avoids a broken leg, he will retain his extreme personality after the trauma. In his home court, his character flaws will be even greater and there will be no bottom line. If you don’t mind, stop it.)
(End of this chapter)

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