Chapter 605 Zhai Chapter 616: Zhai Lin (13)

He didn't answer her directly, he just talked about the media that would annoy her.

Jiang Nuannuan bit her lower lip, "That's not what I'm talking about. I don't care about the media. I just want to know why you fight."

"So you think this matter is more important." Zhai Lin's fingers lightly scratched the back of her hand, "That means you care about me, right?"

Jiang Nuannuan grabbed his restless fingers and was about to speak when the fire suddenly went out in the mouths of the two middle-aged men standing by the door.

Immediately afterwards, the head teacher's slightly flattering voice sounded, "Old madam, you are here."

The conversation was interrupted, Jiang Nuannuan turned her eyes, and saw an imposing old woman in a black embroidered gold Tang suit coming in from the door. She was holding a string of Buddhist beads in one hand, and her black hair was neatly styled with white silk at her temples.

She had seen this old lady, to be precise, she had seen her on the news.

The Zhai family's largest railway group is a family business that the old lady is completely in control of and is 100% controlled by the Zhai family.

A boy who had returned from abroad, his surname was Zhai, had always been unknown in Linggang. At this moment, Jiang Nuannuan finally came to his senses.

Zhai Lin is a member of the Zhai family.

The two parents obviously recognized the old lady, and their arrogance and anger turned into a wisp of white smoke.

Zhai Lin was dissatisfied that Jiang Nuannuan removed his hand, raised his eyes to the old man beside the bed, and called out, "Grandma."

Mrs. Zhai is just a grandson, and her majestic aura makes him a bit shorter. "How long have you promised me not to cause trouble when you come back?"

Zhai Lin: "One month?"

Mrs. Zhai glanced at Jiang Nuannuan next to him, "There is still progress."

Jiang Nuannuan straightened her back subconsciously when she was watching her, and was shocked inside.

One month, any progress?Why did she hear a sense of relief from the old lady's mouth.

How outrageous was Zhai Lin's previous life?Do you live in a foreign war zone involving organized crime?Is it so frightening every day?

"Is that her?" Mrs. Zhai asked again.

Zhai Lin nodded, "Yeah."

In his early years, he was diagnosed with severe mania and was sent abroad. He always wanted to return to China. However, the current medical technology in China was not as good as outside, so he was forcibly restricted by Mrs. Zhai. All the education he received was one-on-one service from teachers.

She once asked Zhai Lin why he wanted to return to China. When she heard that it was for a woman who had never appeared in his life, she even sent him to be checked for possible mental delusions.

After the doctor came to a negative conclusion, Mrs. Zhai finally relented and made an agreement with Zhai Lin. She would allow him to come back after he had completed all the courses of treatment abroad and after the doctor's assessment that he could independently adapt to campus life.

From the beginning to the end, Mrs. Zhai never let go of any possibility that could restrain Zhai Lin and let him live a normal life. From medical treatment to human intervention, she chose to accept it.

She looked at Jiang Nuannuan's still confused face, turned down the Buddhist beads on her wrist and handed them to her, "I heard that you are a good boy who is responsible for taking care of Zhai Lin at school. You were in a hurry and failed to bring a gift when we first met. This You accept it.”

This string of jade beads was stuffed into her hand. Jiang Nuannuan knew it was a priceless treasure just by looking at it and touching it. It was not a big problem for classmates to help each other, but this thing took away what she intuitively felt she was carrying. It's not just a simple friendship between classmates. "No, I should do it."

She resolutely refused to accept it, "You keep it, I will definitely take care of Zhai Lin at school in the future."

Mrs. Zhai finally took back the prayer beads. She didn't want this string of things that could directly symbolize her identity and background. Looking at Zhai Lin's expression again, she had a sullen face. She was unhappy but could only endure it.

The old woman fiddled with her prayer beads twice and realized that he was being suppressed, so her eyes softened a lot.

The fate given by the Buddha cannot be blocked when it comes, but you must seize it.

She turned back to the two parents standing at the door and said, "I'll bring a lawyer to talk with us. If we get to the bottom of the matter, we won't lose any compensation we deserve."

After the fight happened, the police went to the school to adjust the surveillance. They brought the video tapes, and the parents of the three parties gathered in a specially vacated conference room in the hospital.

Jiang Nuannuan is also among them.

People often come and go at the north gate of their school in the early hours of the morning, so the school installed a lot of high-end cameras on the trees. The video is played through a projection screen, and the recording function is processed to make it very clear.

She saw Zhai Lin coming back from outside when class was about to end that morning when he didn't go to school. He passed by the basketball team's game venue and seemed to be going back to the dormitory building.

The area was very empty, and the recorded voices were basically unbearable to the ears of the two boys, who wantonly slandered her conversation.

Zhai Lin stopped and listened for a while. When the bell rang and the two men stood up to leave, he rushed up to them like a madman, picking up the bench and beating them hard.

Jiang Nuannuan's heart ached for a moment when she saw him on the screen being hit back and vomiting blood.

Mrs. Zhai didn't say a word, her expression was extremely pale, and her aura was much colder.

Chen Guoqing, the lawyer beside him, said: "The two parents can find a lawyer as soon as possible. We can pay the medical expenses and related compensation according to your reasonable requirements. The boy's dirty words can be classified as rumors and defamation. We will Issue an indictment as soon as possible.”

He turned to Jiang Nuannuan and asked, "Ms. Jiang, do you have any other opinions?"

She shook her head, "No."

The Zhai family has a professional legal team, led by Chen Guoqing. Fang Tao and the boy's parents already felt something was wrong, and tentatively called to ask for a lawyer, but no one dared to take on this job that was destined to fail. The only one After hesitating, I finally persuaded them with good words and asked them to issue a letter of understanding after receiving the compensation and forget about it.

Speaking of which, although they know that others have great careers, they are not in the railway industry. What are they afraid of?Can a rich person be more powerful than an official?
When this thought was spoken, the lawyer immediately aroused ridicule, "Do you know how much tax these chaebols pay to the country and how much GDP they contribute to Linggang every year? Don't be too naive about things."

Fang Tao's parents were also worried, "Oh, even if we finally get compensation and issue a letter of understanding, there will be another problem. They will sue my son for spreading rumors! This will leave a lifelong stain on my son's file. He I won’t even be able to go to school.”

Lawyer: "Listen to my advice, this is definitely the best outcome."

"What do you mean!? You want us to forcefully swallow this and make him drop out of school!? He is the one who was hurt! Didn't he just say a few words!"

In the end, neither parents found anyone willing to take the job. Facing Mrs. Zhai's team of gold-medal lawyers and the bodyguards standing on both sides, the strong sense of oppression almost crushed away the Buddha nature in the old lady, leaving her They were frightened.

(End of this chapter)

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